Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.8.0 protected
    dd4a2f77 · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    * Add dnstap as another input format (read from unix sockets)
    * Add optional filling of ASN and Country Code fields in exported data
      based on client's IP address using MaxMind's GeoIP databases.
    * Use new implementation specific fields from C-DNS 0.5.0 library (asn,
      country-code, round-trip-time)
    * Improve TCP RTT millisecond estimates by rounding up values >= .5
    * Add fstrm, Protocol Buffers and libmaxminddb as dependencies
    * Add Dockerfile
  • 0.7.1 protected
    95303cbc · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    Bugfix: Fix calculation of TCP RTT
  • 0.7.0 protected
    * Replace Sysrepo with configuration via local YAML file
    * Export RTT value for DNS over TCP records
    * Change pattern of exported files' names
    * Bugfix: Fix default value for concurrent connections in TCP table
  • 0.6.1 protected
    * Fix: Export domainname field in lowercase
    * CI: Use pre-built docker image to speed up and simplify CI
  • 0.6.0 protected
    * Secure data export directly to remote location via TLS
    * Filtering incoming traffic by IP address filters
    * Optional prefix-preserving anonymization of source IP addresses
      using cryptopANT library
    * Create configuration items in YANG module for probe's command line
      parameters to manage them with Sysrepo
    * Run DNS Probe without command line parameters in systemd service
    * Make support for Parquet, C-DNS and IP anonymization optional
      in CMake build
    * Drop runtime dependency on Boost library
  • 0.5.0 protected
    cb85322a · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    * Remove ddp-bind script and move its functionality inside probe's binary
    * Rewrite dp-runner wrapper script from Python to shell
    * Modify probe's systemd unit file to no longer require a config file
    * Add user documentation generated by Sphinx
    * Generate manual pages with Sphinx
    * New default value for max concurrent TCP connections in YANG module
    * Add return values for success and failure to the test script
    * CI: Auto generate user documentation to GitLab pages
    * Update README
    * Bugfix: Fix probe's return codes
    * Bugfix: Fix missing header include in DynamicMempool.cpp
    * Bugfix: Fix potential segfault in Statistics initialization
    * Bugfix: Fix calculation of IPv4 header size
  • 0.4.4 protected
    458862e5 · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    * Bugfix: Fix release of blocks in ring buffer back to kernel in AfPacketPort
    * Rename GPL license file to COPYING
  • 0.4.3 protected
    3ff89644 · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    * Flush logs to output immediately
    * Add default configuration file for probe's systemd service
    * Update README
    * Bugfix: Parse EDNS record before buffering any new data to Parquet
    * Bugfix: Fix calculation of mempool boundary in DynamicMemmpool
    * Bugfix: Get dp-runner script to gracefully shutdown on  KeyboardInterrupt
  • 0.4.0 protected
    041a2297 · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    * Optimize CPU usage of probe with AF_PACKET backend
    * Add optional logging to file instead of standard output with "-l" command line parameter
    * Make logs more verbose in Release build
    * Bugfix: Make output rotation timer dynamically changeable
  • 0.3.0 protected
    9f76505f · Merge branch 'devel' ·
    * Codebase rewritten to C++14 standard
    * CMake scripts rewritten to be compatible with CMake >= 3.5
    * DPDK code rewritten to be compatible with DPDK >= 16.11
    * systemd service modified to accept EnvironmentFile as parameter
    * Fixed memory leak in AfPacket object
    * Fixed some descriptions in YANG module
  • 0.2.0 protected
    * Added optional GZIP compression of exported files
    * Currently opened output files now have the ".part" sufix
    * Don't export valid non-DNS packets as invalid
    * Added systemd service for both DPDK and AF packet backends of DNS probe
    * Added manual pages for DNS probe's installed binaries
    * Added target directory for exported files option to the YANG module
    * Reorganized layout of the YANG module
    * Changed install location of the YANG module
    * Minor CMake improvements
    * Minor Doxygen fixes
    * Bugfix: Don't parse frame padding as packet data
  • 0.1.0 protected
    1c48e3f1 · DNS probe v0.1.0 ·