# Platform-specific stuff # Don't touch this unless you're changing the way targets are compiled # You have been warned # Platform-dependent stuff checks CCLD := $(CC) CGO := go tool cgo GO := go CAT := cat SED := sed LIBEXT := .so MODEXT := $(LIBEXT) AREXT := .a LIBTYPE := shared MODTYPE := shared ARTYPE := static BINEXT := PLATFORM = Linux ARCH := $(word 1, $(subst -, ,$(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine))) # Library versioning flags (platform-specific) comma := , SOVER = $(if $(1),-Wl$(comma)-soname$(comma)$(3)$(call SOVER_EXT,$(1))) # Library versioned extension (platform-specific) SOVER_EXT = $(LIBEXT).$(1) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) PLATFORM := Windows RM := del LN := link LIBEXT := .lib BINEXT := .exe else UNAME := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) PLATFORM := Darwin LIBEXT := .dylib MODTYPE := dynamiclib # OS X specific hardening since -pie doesn't work ifneq ($(HARDENING),no) BINFLAGS += -Wl,-pie endif # Version is prepended to dylib SOVER_EXT = .$(1)$(LIBEXT) SOVER = $(if $(1), -compatibility_version $(2) -current_version $(1),) else PLATFORM := POSIX LDFLAGS += -pthread -lm -Wl,-E # ELF hardening options ifneq ($(HARDENING),no) BINFLAGS += -pie LDFLAGS += -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now endif ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) LDFLAGS += -ldl endif endif endif # Silent compilation ifeq ($(V),1) quiet = $($1) else quiet = @echo " $1 $2"; $($1) endif # Make objects and depends (name) define make_objs $(1)_OBJ := $$($(1)_SOURCES:.c=.o) $(1)_DEP := $$($(1)_SOURCES:.c=.d) -include $$($(1)_DEP) endef define make_objrule $(1): $(1:.o=.c) $$(call quiet,CC,$$<) $(2) -MMD -MP -c $$< -o $$@ endef # Make target (name,path,ext,ldflags,dst,amalgable) define make_target ifeq ($(AMALG)|$(6), yes|yes) $(1).amalg.c: $$($(1)_SOURCES) $(call quiet,CAT,$$@) $$($(1)_SOURCES) > $$@ # AR requires .o compiled $(1)_OBJ := $(1).amalg.c ifeq ($(4),-$(ARTYPE)) $(1)_OBJ := $(1).amalg.o endif else $$(eval $$(call make_objs,$(1))) endif # Rules to generate objects with custom CFLAGS and binary/library $$(foreach obj,$$($(1)_OBJ),$$(eval $$(call make_objrule,$$(obj),$$(BUILD_CFLAGS) $$($(1)_CFLAGS)))) $(1) := $(2)/$(1)$(3) $(2)/$(1)$(3): $$($(1)_OBJ) $$($(1)_DEPEND) ifeq ($(4),-$(ARTYPE)) $(call quiet,AR,$$@) rcs $$@ $$($(1)_OBJ) else $(call quiet,CCLD,$$@) $$($(1)_CFLAGS) $(BUILD_CFLAGS) $$($(1)_OBJ) $(call SOVER,$(7),$(7),$(1)) -o $$@ $(4) $$($(1)_LIBS) $(BUILD_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS) endif # Additional rules $(1)-clean: $(RM) $$($(1)_OBJ) $$($(1)_DEP) $(2)/$(1)$(3) ifeq ($(6), yes) $(RM) $(1).amalg.c $(1).amalg.o endif $(1)-install: $(2)/$(1)$(3) # Modules install to special path ifneq ($(5),$(MODULEDIR)) $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(5) endif # Versioned library install ifneq ($(strip $(7)),) $(INSTALL) $(2)/$(1)$(3) $(DESTDIR)$(5)/$(1)$(call SOVER_EXT,$(7)) $(LN) -f $(1)$(call SOVER_EXT,$(7)) $(DESTDIR)$(5)/$(1)$(3) else $(INSTALL) $(2)/$(1)$(3) $(DESTDIR)$(5) endif ifneq ($$(strip $$($(1)_HEADERS)),) $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/$(1) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$($(1)_HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/$(1) endif .PHONY: $(1)-clean $(1)-install endef # Make targets (name,path,amalgable yes|no,abiver) make_bin = $(call make_target,$(1),$(2),$(BINEXT),$(BINFLAGS),$(BINDIR),$(3)) make_sbin = $(call make_target,$(1),$(2),$(BINEXT),$(BINFLAGS),$(SBINDIR),$(3)) make_lib = $(call make_target,$(1),$(2),$(LIBEXT),-$(LIBTYPE),$(LIBDIR),$(3),$(4)) make_module = $(call make_target,$(1),$(2),$(LIBEXT),-$(LIBTYPE),$(MODULEDIR),$(3)) make_shared = $(call make_target,$(1),$(2),$(MODEXT),-$(MODTYPE),$(LIBDIR),$(3)) make_static = $(call make_target,$(1),$(2),$(AREXT),-$(ARTYPE),$(LIBDIR),$(3)) # Find library (pkg-config) define find_lib $(call find_alt,$(1),$(1),$(2)) endef # Find library alternative (pkg-config) define find_alt ifeq ($$(strip $$($(1)_LIBS)),) ifneq ($(strip $(3)),) $(1)_VER := $(shell pkg-config --atleast-version=$(3) $(2) && echo $(3)) endif ifeq ($(strip $(3)),$$($(1)_VER)) $(1)_CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(2) --silence-errors) $(1)_LIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs $(2) --silence-errors) endif endif ifeq ($$(strip $$($(1)_LIBS)),) HAS_$(1) := no else HAS_$(1) := yes endif endef # Find binary define find_bin ifeq ($$(strip $$($(1)_BIN)),) $(1)_BIN := $(shell which $(1)) endif ifeq ($$(strip $$($(1)_BIN)),) HAS_$(1) := no else HAS_$(1) := yes $(1) := $$($(1)_BIN) endif endef # Find version define find_ver ifeq ($(shell test $(2) -ge $(3); echo $$?),0) HAS_$(1) := yes else HAS_$(1) := no endif endef # Find Go package define find_gopkg HAS_$(1) := $(shell go list $(2) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes || echo no) endef define find_soname # N/A on Windows ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Windows) $(1)_SONAME = $(1).dll endif # Use otool -D on OS X ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Darwin) $(1)_SONAME = $$(shell otool -D $$$$(pkg-config --variable=libdir $(1))/$(1)$(LIBEXT) | sed -ne 's,.*/\($(1)\.[0-9]*.$(LIBEXT)\),\1,p') endif # Use objdump -p on Linux and BSDs ifeq ($(PLATFORM),POSIX) ifeq ($(UNAME),OpenBSD) $(1)_SONAME = $$(shell basename $$$$(readlink -f $$$$(pkg-config --variable=libdir $(1))/$(1)$(LIBEXT)) | cut -f 1-3 -d .) else $(1)_SONAME = $$(shell objdump -p $$$$(pkg-config --variable=libdir $(1))/$(1)$(LIBEXT) | sed -ne 's/[[:space:]]*SONAME[[:space:]]*\($(1)\.so\.[0-4]*\)/\1/p') endif endif endef # find_soname # Use this on OpenBSD #