diff --git a/CuteDNS.files b/CuteDNS.files
index 43dc9854bb4ec9bab8de61711da33c7f7873afe7..45b9931b1851f4c17f643f984e16b517c4e1a078 100644
--- a/CuteDNS.files
+++ b/CuteDNS.files
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ src/zone/zone-parser.h
diff --git a/src/tests/tests.c b/src/tests/tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c44bcd12d1c9c2cdfa0050d7eb5968c1da87f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/tests/tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-#include "tests.h"
-//#include "bitset.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "dynamic-array.h"
-#include "skip-list.h"
-#include <urcu.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-static const int THREADS_RCU = 2;
-static const int DA_DEF_SIZE = 1000;
-static const int DA_OPERATIONS = 100;
-//int test_bitset()
-//    bitset_t bitset;
-//    uint n = 1048576, i, c, err = 0;
-//    uint *numbers = malloc(n/2 * sizeof(uint));
-//    BITSET_CREATE(&bitset, n);
-//    BITSET_CLEAR(bitset, n);
-//    printf("New bitset created.\n");
-//    // check if empty
-//    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-//        if (BITSET_GET(bitset, i) != 0) {
-//            printf("Bit %u not clear!\n", i);
-//            err++;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    srand(1);
-//    printf("Setting random bits...\n");
-//    // set random bits, but keep track of them
-//    for (i = 0; i < n/2; i++) {
-//        c = rand() % n;
-//        //printf("Setting bit on position %u..\n", c);
-//        numbers[i] = c;
-//        BITSET_SET(bitset, c);
-//        if (!BITSET_ISSET(bitset, c)) {
-//            printf("Bit %u not set successfully!\n", c);
-//            err++;
-//        }
-//        BITSET_UNSET(bitset, c);
-//    }
-//    printf("Testing borders...\n");
-//    // setting bits on the borders
-//    BITSET_SET(bitset, 0);
-//    if (!BITSET_ISSET(bitset, 0)) {
-//        printf("Error setting bit on position 0.\n");
-//        err++;
-//    }
-//    BITSET_UNSET(bitset, 0);
-//    BITSET_SET(bitset, 31);
-//    if (!BITSET_ISSET(bitset, 31)) {
-//        printf("Error setting bit on position 31.\n");
-//        err++;
-//    }
-//    BITSET_UNSET(bitset, 31);
-//    BITSET_SET(bitset, 32);
-//    if (!BITSET_ISSET(bitset, 32)) {
-//        printf("Error setting bit on position 32.\n");
-//        err++;
-//    }
-//    BITSET_UNSET(bitset, 32);
-//    BITSET_SET(bitset, 33);
-//    if (!BITSET_ISSET(bitset, 33)) {
-//        printf("Error setting bit on position 33.\n");
-//        err++;
-//    }
-//    BITSET_UNSET(bitset, 33);
-//    BITSET_SET(bitset, 1048575);
-//    if (!BITSET_ISSET(bitset, 1048575)) {
-//        printf("Error setting bit on position 1048575.\n");
-//        err++;
-//    }
-//    BITSET_UNSET(bitset, 1048575);
-//    // check if empty
-//    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-//        if (BITSET_GET(bitset, i) != 0) {
-//            printf("Bit %u not clear!\n", i);
-//            err++;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    free(numbers);
-//    BITSET_DESTROY(&bitset);
-//    printf("There were %u errors.\n", err);
-//    return 0;
-void do_some_stuff( int loops )
-		int i;
-		int res = 1;
-		static const int LOOPS = 10000;
-		for (int j = 1; j <= LOOPS; ++j) {
-			for (i = 1; i <= loops; ++i) {
-				res *= i;
-			}
-		}
-void *test_rcu_thread( void *obj )
-	rcu_register_thread();
-	rcu_read_lock();
-	log_debug("Thread %ld entered critical section..\n", pthread_self());
-	do_some_stuff(100000);
-	log_debug("Thread %ld leaving critical section..\n", pthread_self());
-	rcu_read_unlock();
-	rcu_unregister_thread();
-	return NULL;
-int test_rcu()
-	int i;
-	pthread_t *threads = malloc(THREADS_RCU * sizeof(pthread_t));
-	void *(*routine)(void *) = test_rcu_thread;
-	char msg[7] = "blabla\0";
-	void *routine_obj = msg;
-	log_debug("Testing RCU mechanism.\nCreating %i threads with reader critical"
-			  " sections.\nMessage: %s\n\n", THREADS_RCU, msg);
-	for (i = 0; i < THREADS_RCU; ++i)
-	{
-		if (pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, routine, routine_obj)) {
-			log_error("%s: failed to create thread %d", __func__, i);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < THREADS_RCU; ++i)
-	{
-		if (pthread_detach(threads[i])) {
-			log_error("%s: failed to join thread %d", __func__, i);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	log_debug("Main thread after launching threads. Message: %s\n", msg);
-	synchronize_rcu();
-	log_debug("Main thread after synchronizing RCU. Message: %s\n", msg);
-	getchar();
-	return 0;
-void *test_dynamic_array_read( void *obj )
-	rcu_register_thread();
-	rcu_read_lock();
-	da_array *array = (da_array *)obj;
-	int index = rand() % da_get_count(array);
-	log_debug("[Read] Saving pointer to %d. item...\n", index);
-	uint *item = &((uint *)da_get_items(array))[index];
-	log_debug("[Read] Pointer: %p Item: %u\n", item, *item);
-	log_debug("[Read] Waiting...\n");
-	do_some_stuff(100000);
-	log_debug("[Read] Done.\n");
-	log_debug("[Read] Pointer: %p Item: %u\n", item, *item);
-	log_debug("[Read] Unlocking RCU lock.\n");
-	rcu_read_unlock();
-	log_debug("[Read] Pointer: %p Item: %u\n", item, *item);
-	log_debug("[Read] Waiting...\n");
-	do_some_stuff(10000);
-	log_debug("[Read] Done.\n");
-	log_debug("[Read] Now the item should be deallocated...\n");
-	log_debug("[Read] Pointer: %p Item: %u\n", item, *item);
-	rcu_unregister_thread();
-	return NULL;
-int test_dynamic_array()
-	rcu_init();
-	srand(time(NULL));
-	da_array array;
-	log_debug("Testing dynamic array structure.\n\nInitializing array of size"
-			  " %d for type uint.\n", DA_DEF_SIZE);
-	da_initialize(&array, DA_DEF_SIZE, sizeof(uint));
-	uint allocated = DA_DEF_SIZE;
-	uint size = 0;
-	int error = 0;
-	log_debug("Running %d random operations...\n", DA_OPERATIONS);
-	for (int i = 1; i <= DA_OPERATIONS; ++i) {
-		int r = rand() % 3;
-		int count = rand() % 10 + 1;
-		switch (r) {
-			case 0:
-				log_debug("Reserving place for %d items...", count);
-				if (da_reserve(&array, count) >= 0) {
-					log_debug("Successful.\n");
-					assert(size <= allocated);
-					if ((allocated - size) < count) {
-						allocated *= 2;
-					}
-				} else {
-					log_debug("Not successful!\n");
-					error = -1;
-				}
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				log_debug("Occupying place for %d items...", count);
-				if (da_occupy(&array, count) == 0) {
-					((uint *)da_get_items(&array))[da_get_count(&array) - 1]
-							= rand();
-					log_debug("Successful, last inserted %u.\n",
-							  ((uint *)da_get_items(&array))[
-									  da_get_count(&array) - 1]);
-					assert(size <= allocated);
-					assert((allocated - size) >= count);
-					size += count;
-				} else {
-					log_debug("Not successful!\n");
-					error = -1;
-				}
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				while (count > array.count) {
-					count = rand() % 10;
-				}
-				log_debug("Releasing place for %d items...", count);
-				da_release(&array, count);
-				log_debug("Done.\n");
-				assert(size <= allocated);
-				assert(size >= count);
-				size -= count;
-				break;
-		}
-		assert(allocated == array.allocated);
-		assert(size == array.count);
-		if (error != 0) {
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	log_debug("\nDone. Allocated: %d, Items: %d, Result: %d\n\n",
-			  array.allocated, array.count, error);
-	if (error != 0) {
-		da_destroy(&array);
-		return error;
-	}
-	log_debug("Resizing array while holding an item...\n");
-	rcu_register_thread();
-	pthread_t reader;
-	// create thread for reading
-	log_debug("[Main] Creating thread for reading...\n");
-	if (pthread_create(&reader, NULL, test_dynamic_array_read, (void *)&array)) {
-		log_error("%s: failed to create reading thread.", __func__);
-		rcu_unregister_thread();
-		return -1;
-	}
-	log_debug("[Main] Done.\n");
-	// wait some time, so the other thread gets the item for reading
-	log_debug("[Main] Waiting...\n");
-	do_some_stuff(5000);
-	log_debug("[Main] Done.\n");
-	// force resize
-	log_debug("[Main] Forcing array resize...\n");
-	da_reserve(&array, array.allocated - array.count + 1);
-	log_debug("[Main] Done.\n");
-	// wait for the thread
-	printf("[Main] Waiting for the reader thread to finish...\n");
-	void *ret = NULL;
-	if (pthread_join(reader, &ret)) {
-		log_error("%s: failed to join reading thread.", __func__);
-		da_destroy(&array);
-		rcu_unregister_thread();
-		return -1;
-	}
-	printf("[Main] Done.\n");
-	da_destroy(&array);
-	rcu_unregister_thread();
-	return (int)ret;
-int test_skip_compare_keys( void *key1, void *key2 )
-	return ((int)key1 < (int)key2) ? -1 : (((int)key1 > (int)key2) ? 1 : 0);
-int test_skip_merge_values( void **lvalue, void **rvalue )
-	(*lvalue) = (void *)((int)(*lvalue) + (int)(*rvalue));
-	return 0;
-void test_skip_print_item( void *key, void *value )
-	log_debug("Key: %d, value: %d\n", (int)key, (int)value);
-int test_skip_list()
-	static const int LOOPS = 30;
-	int *items = (int *)malloc(LOOPS * sizeof(int));
-	int errors = 0;
-	log_debug("Testing skip list...\n\n");
-	log_debug("Creating new skip list...\n");
-	skip_list *list = skip_create_list(test_skip_compare_keys);
-	// insert items
-	srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
-	int res = 0;
-	int item_i = -1;
-	log_debug("Inserting random items...\n");
-	for (int i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i) {
-		int key = rand() % 100 + 1;
-		int value = rand() % 100 + 1;
-		log_debug("Inserting item with key: %d and value: %d\n", key, value);
-		res = skip_insert(list, (void *)key, (void *)value,
-						  test_skip_merge_values);
-		switch (res) {
-			case -2:
-				log_error("Error: Item already in the list, merging "
-					   "unsuccessful!\n");
-				++errors;
-				break;
-			case -1:
-				log_error("Error: Item was not in the list, insert "
-					   "unsuccessful.\n");
-				++errors;
-				break;
-			case 0:
-				log_debug("Successfully inserted.\n");
-				items[++item_i] = key;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				log_debug("Item was already in the list, new value ignored.\n");
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				log_debug("Item was already in the list, merging successful.\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	log_debug("\n");
-	skip_print_list(list, test_skip_print_item);
-	int not_found = 0;
-	// find items
-	log_debug("\nFinding items...\n");
-	while (item_i >= 0) {
-		log_debug("Searching for item with key %d.\n", items[item_i]);
-		void *found = skip_find(list, (void *)items[item_i]);
-		if (found == NULL) {
-			log_debug("Item not found!\n");
-			++errors;
-			++not_found;
-		} else {
-			log_debug("Found, value: %d\n", (int)found);
-		}
-		--item_i;
-	}
-	log_debug("Items not found: %d\n", not_found);
-	// delete items
-	log_debug("\nDeleting random items...\n");
-	for (int i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i) {
-		int key = rand() % 100;
-		log_debug("Deleting item with key %d.\n", key);
-		res = skip_remove(list, (void *)key, NULL, NULL);
-		switch (res) {
-			case 0:
-				log_debug("Successfuly removed.\n");
-				break;
-			case -1:
-				log_debug("Item not found in the list.\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	log_debug("\n");
-	skip_print_list(list, test_skip_print_item);
-	skip_destroy_list(&list, NULL, NULL);
-	return errors;;
diff --git a/src/tests/tests.h b/src/tests/tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b52f1397627df24949e3de3264302f66120bf78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/tests/tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TESTS
-#define TESTS
-//int test_bitset();
-int test_rcu();
-int test_dynamic_array();
-int test_skip_list();
-#endif /* TESTS */