.. highlight:: console knotc – Knot DNS control utility ================================ Synopsis -------- :program:`knotc` [*parameters*] *action* [*action_args*] Description ----------- If no *action* is specified, the program is executed in interactive mode. Parameters .......... **-c**, **--config** *file* Use a textual configuration file (default is :file:`@config_dir@/knot.conf`). **-C**, **--confdb** *directory* Use a binary configuration database directory (default is :file:`@storage_dir@/confdb`). The default configuration database, if exists, has a preference to the default configuration file. **-s**, **--socket** *path* Use a control UNIX socket path (default is :file:`@run_dir@/knot.sock`). **-t**, **--timeout** *seconds* Use a control timeout in seconds. Set 0 for infinity (default is 5). **-f**, **--force** Forced operation. Overrides some checks. **-v**, **--verbose** Enable debug output. **-h**, **--help** Print the program help. **-V**, **--version** Print the program version. Actions ....... **status** Check if the server is running. **stop** Stop the server if running. **reload** Reload the server configuration and modified zone files. All open zone transactions will be aborted! **stats** [*module*\ [\ **.**\ *counter*\ ]] Show global statistics counter(s). To print also counters with value 0, use force option. **zone-check** [*zone*...] Test if the server can load the zone. Semantic checks are executed if enabled in the configuration. (*) **zone-memstats** [*zone*...] Estimate memory use for the zone. (*) **zone-status** [*zone*...] Show the zone status. (*) **zone-reload** [*zone*...] Trigger a zone reload from a disk without checking its modification time. For slave zone, the refresh from a master server is scheduled; for master zone, the notification of slave servers is scheduled. An open zone transaction will be aborted! **zone-refresh** [*zone*...] Trigger a check for the zone serial on the zone's master. If the master has a newer zone, a transfer is scheduled. This command is valid for slave zones. **zone-retransfer** [*zone*...] Trigger a zone transfer from the zone's master. The server doesn't check the serial of the master's zone. This command is valid for slave zones. **zone-flush** [*zone*...] Trigger a zone journal flush into the zone file. **zone-sign** [*zone*...] Trigger a DNSSEC re-sign of the zone. Existing signatures will be dropped. This command is valid for zones with automatic DNSSEC signing. **zone-read** *zone* [*owner* [*type*]] Get zone data that are currently being presented. **zone-begin** *zone*... Begin a zone transaction. **zone-commit** *zone*... Commit the zone transaction. All changes are applied to the zone. **zone-abort** *zone*... Abort the zone transaction. All changes are discarded. **zone-diff** *zone* Get zone changes within the transaction. **zone-get** *zone* [*owner* [*type*]] Get zone data within the transaction. **zone-set** *zone* *owner* [*ttl*] *type* *rdata* Add zone record within the transaction. The first record in a rrset requires a ttl value specified. **zone-unset** *zone* *owner* [*type* [*rdata*]] Remove zone data within the transaction. **zone-purge** *zone*... Purge zone data, file, journal, and timers. **zone-stats** *zone* [*module*\ [\ **.**\ *counter*\ ]] Show zone statistics counter(s). To print also counters with value 0, use force option. **zone-freeze** [*zone*...] Temporarily postpone zone-changing events (load, refresh, update, flush, and DNSSEC signing). **zone-thaw** [*zone*...] Dismiss zone freeze. **conf-init** Initialize the configuration database. (*) **conf-check** Check the server configuration. (*) **conf-import** *filename* Import a configuration file into the configuration database. Ensure the server is not using the configuration database! (*) **conf-export** *filename* Export the configuration database into a config file. (*) **conf-list** [*item*] List the configuration database sections or section items. **conf-read** [*item*] Read the item from the active configuration database. **conf-begin** Begin a writing configuration database transaction. Only one transaction can be opened at a time. **conf-commit** Commit the configuration database transaction. **conf-abort** Rollback the configuration database transaction. **conf-diff** [*item*] Get the item difference in the transaction. **conf-get** [*item*] Get the item data from the transaction. **conf-set** *item* [*data*...] Set the item data in the transaction. **conf-unset** [*item*] [*data*...] Unset the item data in the transaction. Note .... Empty or **--** *zone* parameter means all zones or all zones with a transaction. Use **@** *owner* to denote the zone name. Type *item* parameter in the form of *section*\ [**[**\ *id*\ **]**\ ][**.**\ *name*]. (*) indicates a local operation which requires a configuration. Interactive mode ................ The utility provides interactive mode with basic line editing functionality, command completion, and command history. Interactive mode behavior can be customized in `~/.editrc`. Refer to :manpage:`editrc(5)` for details. Command history is saved in `~/.knotc_history`. Examples -------- Reload the whole server configuration ..................................... :: $ knotc reload Flush the example.com and example.org zones ........................................... :: $ knotc zone-flush example.com example.org Get the current server configuration .................................... :: $ knotc conf-read server Get the list of the current zones ................................. :: $ knotc conf-read zone.domain Get the master remotes for the example.com zone ............................................... :: $ knotc conf-read 'zone[example.com].master' Add example.org zone with a zonefile location ............................................. :: $ knotc conf-begin $ knotc conf-set 'zone[example.org]' $ knotc conf-set 'zone[example.org].file' '/var/zones/example.org.zone' $ knotc conf-commit Get the SOA record for each configured zone ........................................... :: $ knotc zone-read -- @ SOA See Also -------- :manpage:`knotd(8)`, :manpage:`knot.conf(5)`, :manpage:`editrc(5)`.