diff --git a/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.js b/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.js
index 3a62c1de04e54893c7abede290bf7815e02ebf9e..66f219c0bc0aa4804177c0a1a8a72372c487535e 100644
--- a/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.js
+++ b/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ window.onload = function() {
 	var now = Date.now();
 	for (i = 0; i < statsLabels.length; ++i) {
 		statsHistory.push({ label: 'Layer ' + statsLabels[i], values: [{time: now, y:0}] });
-		$('.legend').append('<li class="l-' + statsLabels[i] + '">' + statsLabels[i]);
+		$('.stats-legend').append('<li class="l-' + statsLabels[i] + '">' + statsLabels[i]);
 	var statsChart = $('#stats').epoch({
 		type: 'time.area',
@@ -29,10 +29,44 @@ window.onload = function() {
 		data: statsHistory
 	var statsPrev = null;
+	/* Map colour brackets. */
+	var colours = [
+		'#F5F5F5',
+		'rgb(198,219,239)',
+		'rgb(158,202,225)',
+		'rgb(107,174,214)',
+		'rgb(66,146,198)',
+		'rgb(33,113,181)',
+		'rgb(8,81,156)',
+		'rgb(8,48,107)',
+	];
+	var fills = { defaultFill: '#F5F5F5' };
+	for (var i in colours) {
+		fills['q' + i] = colours[i];
+	}
 	var map = new Datamap({
 		element: document.getElementById('map'),
-		fills: { defaultFill: '#F5F5F5' },
+		fills: fills,
+		data: {},
+		geographyConfig: {
+			popupTemplate: function(geo, data) {
+				return ['<div class="hoverinfo">',
+					'<strong>', geo.properties.name, '</strong>',
+					'<br>Queries: <strong>', data ? data.queries : '0', '</strong>',
+					'</div>'].join('');
+			}
+		}
+	/* Draw map legend */
+	var legendBarWidth = 30, legendBarHeight = 10, legendOffset = 150;
+	d3.select('#map svg').append('g').attr('class', 'map-legend');
+	d3.select('.map-legend').selectAll('.map-legend')
+		.data(colours).enter()
+		.append('rect')
+			.attr('y', function(d,i) { return legendOffset + legendBarHeight*i; })
+			.attr('width', legendBarWidth)
+			.attr('height', legendBarHeight)
+			.attr('fill', function(d){ return d; });
 	/* Realtime updates */ 
 	function poller(feed, interval, cb) {
 		var func = function() {
@@ -62,7 +96,7 @@ window.onload = function() {
 		statsPrev = next;
 	poller('feed', 2000, function(resp) {
-		var feed = $('#feed')
+		var feed = $('#feed');
 		for (i = 0; i < resp.length; ++i) {
@@ -81,23 +115,41 @@ window.onload = function() {
 	poller('geo', 2000, function(resp) {
-		var update = {};
-		var max = 0.0;
-		/* Convert country code, calculate maximum. */
+		var min = 0.0, max = 0.0;
+		/* Calculate dataset limits. */
 		for (var key in resp) {
 			if (resp.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+				min = Math.min(min, resp[key]);
 				max = Math.max(max, resp[key]);
+			}
+		}
+		/* Map frequency to palette. */
+		var dataset = {};
+		var quantize = d3.scale.quantize()
+			.domain([min, max])
+			.range(d3.range(colours.length).map(function(i) { return "q" + i; }));
+		for (var key in resp) {
+			if (resp.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
 				var iso3_key = iso2_to_iso3[key];
 				if (iso3_key) {
-					update[iso3_key] = resp[key];
+					var val = resp[key];
+					dataset[iso3_key] = { queries: val, fillColor: quantize(val) };
-		/* Normalize, convert to HSL. */
-		for (var key in update) {
-			var ratio = 1.0 - update[key]/max;
-			update[key] = 'hsl(205,70%,' + Math.round((10.0 + 70.0 * (ratio * ratio)) / 10) * 10 + '%)'
-		}
-		map.updateChoropleth(update);
+		map.updateChoropleth(dataset);
+		/* Update legend */
+		d3.select('.map-legend').selectAll('text').remove();
+		d3.select('.map-legend').selectAll('.map-legend')
+			.data(colours).enter()
+			.append('text')
+				.text(function(d, i) {
+					var quantizedRange = quantize.invertExtent('q' + i);
+					return parseInt(quantizedRange[0]) + ' - ' + parseInt(quantizedRange[1]);
+				})
+				.attr('x', (legendBarWidth*1.25))
+				.attr('y', function(d, i){
+					return legendOffset + (legendBarHeight*0.9) + legendBarHeight*i;
+				})
diff --git a/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.tpl b/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.tpl
index 3dd563e8f8d9d883eb489132499e91bf3597c4e4..8fd00d71a55c77058fba8152dc85562022a31b06 100644
--- a/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.tpl
+++ b/modules/tinyweb/tinyweb/tinyweb.tpl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 	th { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
 	#page { font-weight: 300; }
 	#page { width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; }
-	#stats, #map { height: 300px; }
+	#stats, #map { width: 800px; height: 300px; }
 	#stats .layer-cached .area, .l-cached  { fill: #2CA02C; color: #2CA02C; }
 	#stats .layer-10ms .area  , .l-10ms    { fill: #165683; color: #165683; }
 	#stats .layer-100ms .area , .l-100ms   { fill: #258FDA; color: #258FDA; }
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
 	#stats .layer-slow .area  , .l-slow    { fill: #E1AC51; color: #E1AC51; }
 	#feed { width: 100%; }
 	#feed .secure { color: #74c476; }
-	.legend { text-align: center; }
-	.legend li { display: inline; list-style-type: none; padding-right: 20px; }
+	.stats-legend { text-align: center; }
+	.stats-legend li { display: inline; list-style-type: none; padding-right: 20px; }
+	.map-legend { font-size: 10px; }
 <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="d3.js"></script>
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
 <div id="page">
 	<div class="epoch" id="stats"></div>
-	<ul class="legend"></ul>
+	<ul class="stats-legend"></ul>
 	<h2>Queried servers</h2>
 	<div id="map" style="position: relative;"></div>
 	<h2>Last queries</h2>