diff --git a/Doxy.page.h b/Doxy.page.h
index 6823ef05afa29c17b12642955940b663d24877db..f4bb5771967ec10d8f5d4641b34557402e1539b5 100644
--- a/Doxy.page.h
+++ b/Doxy.page.h
@@ -1,49 +1,57 @@
-\defgroup data_structures   Data structures.
-\defgroup debugging         Project debugging API.
-\defgroup hashing           Hashing functions.
-\defgroup logging           Logging API.
-\defgroup server            Server API.
-\defgroup network           Networking.
+\defgroup server            Server control module.
+\defgroup threading         Threading API.
+\defgroup network           Socket API.
 \defgroup query_processing  DNS query processing.
-\defgroup zonedb            Zone database.
-\defgroup statistics        Statistics module (optional).
+\defgroup dnslib            dnslib - Generic DNS library.
+\defgroup hashing           Hash table and functions.
+\defgroup data_structures   Other data structures.
 \defgroup utils             Utilities, constants and macros.
+\defgroup alloc             Memory allocation.
+\defgroup statistics        Statistics module (optional).
+\defgroup debugging         Project debugging API.
+\defgroup logging           Logging API.
 \defgroup tests             Unit tests.
 \mainpage CuteDNS API documentation.
 CuteDNS is an open-source, high-performace, purely authoritative DNS server.
-- Multi-threaded architecture
-- Supports all important DNS protocols
-  - Full and incremental zone transfers
-  - Dynamic zone updates
-  - EDNS0 and DNSSEC compliant (including NSEC3)
 - ldns (at least 1.6.4): http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/projects/ldns/
 - liburcu (at least 0.4.5): http://lttng.org/urcu
+- Compile the server.
-bin/cutedns samples/example.com.zone
+- Parse and pre-process zones (output is stored in ***.dump file, where *** is
+  the file name of the original zone file).
+bin/zoneparser example.com. samples/example.com.zone
+- Run the server.
+bin/cutedns samples/example.com.zone.dump
 <h2>API modules</h2>
-- \ref data_structures
-- \ref debugging
-- \ref hashing
-- \ref logging
 - \ref server
+- \ref threading
 - \ref network
 - \ref query_processing
-- \ref zonedb
-- \ref statistics
+- \ref dnslib
+- \ref hashing
+- \ref data_structures
 - \ref utils
+- \ref alloc
+- \ref statistics
+- \ref debugging
+- \ref logging
 - \ref tests
diff --git a/src/server/dthreads.h b/src/server/dthreads.h
index cfd221432b8192b2b71c1b8da5658bd18a157d75..ffbe7c0493636d0b8a492aeaf4fb54f88410c467 100644
--- a/src/server/dthreads.h
+++ b/src/server/dthreads.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * Incoherent function is when at least one thread executes
  * a different runnable than the others.
- * \addtogroup server
+ * \addtogroup threading
  * @{