/*! \defgroup server Server control module. \defgroup threading Threading API. \defgroup network Socket API. \defgroup config Server configuration. \defgroup query_processing DNS query processing. \defgroup utils Utilities, constants and macros. \defgroup debugging Server debugging API. \defgroup logging Server logging API. \defgroup statistics Statistics module (optional). \defgroup libknot libknot - library of DNS-related functions \defgroup hashing Hash table and functions. \defgroup common_lib Common library. \defgroup alloc Memory allocation. \defgroup tests Unit tests. \defgroup zoneparser Zone compiler utility \defgroup ctl Control utility \defgroup zone-load-dump Zone loading and dumping \defgroup xfr Zone transfers \defgroup zone_scanner Zone scanner (core) \defgroup zone_scanner_test Zone scanner testing environment \defgroup knot_utils DNS utilities like host, dig and nsupdate \mainpage Knot API documentation. Knot is an open-source, high-performace, purely authoritative DNS server. <h2>Features</h2> Knot DNS supports the following DNS features: - TCP/UDP protocols - AXFR - master, slave - IXFR - master (primary master experimental), slave - TSIG - EDNS0 - DNSSEC, including NSEC3 - NSID - Unknown RR types Server features: - Adding/removing zones on-the-fly - Reconfiguring server instance on-the-fly - IPv4 / IPv6 support - Semantic checks of zones <h2>Compiling and running the server</h2> See the User manual - links to current version are provided in the <a href="https://git.nic.cz/redmine/projects/knot-dns/wiki">Knot DNS Wiki</a>. Alternatively you can generate the manual from the sources in Info format: \code $ make doc \endcode or in PDF: \code $ make pdf \endcode <h2>Server modules</h2> - \ref server - \ref threading - \ref network - \ref config - \ref query_processing - \ref utils - \ref debugging - \ref logging - \ref statistics <h2>DNS library</h2> - \ref libknot - \ref hashing - \ref xfr <h2>Zone processing</h2> - \ref zoneparser - \ref zone-load-dump - \ref zone_scanner - \ref zone_scanner_test <h2>Common library</h2> - \ref common_lib - \ref alloc <h2>Other modules</h2> - \ref tests - \ref ctl */