diff --git a/modules/policy/policy.lua b/modules/policy/policy.lua
index 2279a73451d8b25854d89dedec26c79022e36abb..c65642429bdd3e202acbacd9ae7d0c54232f4d02 100644
--- a/modules/policy/policy.lua
+++ b/modules/policy/policy.lua
@@ -444,6 +444,69 @@ function policy.rpz(action, path, watch)
+-- Apply an action when query belongs to a slice (determined by slice_func())
+function policy.slice(slice_func, ...)
+	local actions = {...}
+	if #actions <= 0 then
+		error('[poli] at least one action must be provided to policy.slice()')
+	end
+	return function(_, query)
+		local index = slice_func(query, #actions)
+		return actions[index]
+	end
+-- Initializes slicing function that randomly assigns queries to a slice based on their registrable domain
+function policy.slice_randomize_psl(seed)
+	local has_psl, psl_lib = pcall(require, 'psl')
+	if not has_psl then
+		error('[poli] lua-psl is required for policy.slice_randomize_psl()')
+	end
+	-- load psl
+	local has_latest, psl = pcall(psl_lib.latest)
+	if not has_latest then -- compatiblity with lua-psl < 0.15
+		psl = psl_lib.builtin()
+	end
+	if seed == nil then
+		seed = os.time() / (3600 * 24 * 7)
+	end
+	seed = math.floor(seed)  -- convert to int
+	return function(query, length)
+		assert(length > 0)
+		local domain = kres.dname2str(query:name())
+		if domain == nil then -- invalid data: auto-select first action
+			return 1
+		end
+		if domain:len() > 1 then  --remove trailing dot
+			domain = domain:sub(0, -2)
+		end
+		-- do psl lookup for registrable domain
+		local reg_domain = psl:registrable_domain(domain)
+		if reg_domain == nil then  -- fallback to unreg. domain
+			reg_domain = psl:unregistrable_domain(domain)
+			if reg_domain == nil then  -- shouldn't happen: safe fallback
+				return 1
+			end
+		end
+		local rand_seed = seed
+		-- create deterministic seed for pseudo-random slice assignment
+		for i = 1, #reg_domain do
+			rand_seed = rand_seed + reg_domain:byte(i)
+		end
+		-- use lineral congruential generator with values from ANSI C
+		rand_seed = rand_seed % 0x80000000  -- ensure seed is positive 32b int
+		local rand = (1103515245 * rand_seed + 12345) % 0x10000
+		return 1 + rand % length
+	end
 function policy.DENY_MSG(msg)
 	if msg and (type(msg) ~= 'string' or #msg >= 255) then
 		error('DENY_MSG: optional msg must be string shorter than 256 characters')