diff --git a/daemon/io.c b/daemon/io.c
index 7bda8142fd9d2d1bb91cf3d99cdd3bb479f2fe18..296804ac2dddd023eed73061a15e4b18ffe1e5ae 100644
--- a/daemon/io.c
+++ b/daemon/io.c
@@ -104,40 +104,48 @@ void udp_recv(uv_udp_t *handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf,
-static int udp_bind_finalize(uv_handle_t *handle)
+int io_bind(const struct sockaddr *addr, int type)
-	check_bufsize(handle);
-	/* Handle is already created, just create context. */
-	struct session *s = session_new(handle, false);
-	assert(s);
-	session_flags(s)->outgoing = false;
-	return io_start_read(handle);
+	const int fd = socket(addr->sa_family, type, 0);
+	if (fd < 0) return kr_error(errno);
+	int yes = 1;
+	if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(yes)))
+		return kr_error(errno);
+	if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &yes, sizeof(yes)))
+		return kr_error(errno);
+#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
+	if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6
+	    && setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &yes, sizeof(yes)))
+		return kr_error(errno);
-int udp_bind(uv_udp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr)
-	unsigned flags = UV_UDP_REUSEADDR;
-	if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
-		flags |= UV_UDP_IPV6ONLY;
-	}
-	int ret = uv_udp_bind(handle, addr, flags);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return ret;
-	}
-	return udp_bind_finalize((uv_handle_t *)handle);
+	if (bind(fd, addr, kr_sockaddr_len(addr)))
+		return kr_error(errno);
+	return fd;
-int udp_bindfd(uv_udp_t *handle, int fd)
+int io_listen_udp(uv_loop_t *loop, uv_udp_t *handle, int fd)
 	if (!handle) {
 		return kr_error(EINVAL);
+	int ret = uv_udp_init(loop, handle);
+	if (ret) return ret;
-	int ret = uv_udp_open(handle, (uv_os_sock_t) fd);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return ret;
-	}
-	return udp_bind_finalize((uv_handle_t *)handle);
+	ret = uv_udp_open(handle, fd);
+	if (ret) return ret;
+	uv_handle_t *h = (uv_handle_t *)handle;
+	check_bufsize(h);
+	/* Handle is already created, just create context. */
+	struct session *s = session_new(h, false);
+	assert(s);
+	session_flags(s)->outgoing = false;
+	return io_start_read(h);
 void tcp_timeout_trigger(uv_timer_t *timer)
@@ -348,47 +356,24 @@ static void tls_accept(uv_stream_t *master, int status)
 	_tcp_accept(master, status, true);
-static int set_tcp_option(uv_handle_t *handle, int option, int val)
+int io_listen_tcp(uv_loop_t *loop, uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, int tcp_backlog, bool has_tls)
-	uv_os_fd_t fd = 0;
-	if (uv_fileno(handle, &fd) == 0) {
-		return setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, option, &val, sizeof(val));
+	const uv_connection_cb connection = has_tls ? tls_accept : tcp_accept;
+	if (!handle) {
+		return kr_error(EINVAL);
-	return 0; /* N/A */
+	int ret = uv_tcp_init(loop, handle);
+	if (ret) return ret;
-static int tcp_bind_finalize(uv_handle_t *handle)
-	/* TCP_FASTOPEN enables 1 RTT connection resumptions. */
-# ifdef __linux__
-	(void) set_tcp_option(handle, TCP_FASTOPEN, 16); /* Accepts queue length hint */
-# else
-	(void) set_tcp_option(handle, TCP_FASTOPEN, 1);  /* Accepts on/off */
-# endif
-	handle->data = NULL;
-	return 0;
-static int _tcp_bind(uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr,
-			uv_connection_cb connection, int tcp_backlog)
-	unsigned flags = 0;
-	if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
-		flags |= UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY;
-	}
-	int ret = uv_tcp_bind(handle, addr, flags);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return ret;
-	}
+	ret = uv_tcp_open(handle, (uv_os_sock_t) fd);
+	if (ret) return ret;
+	int val; (void)val;
 	/* TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT delays accepting connections until there is readable data. */
-	if (set_tcp_option((uv_handle_t *)handle, TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, KR_CONN_RTT_MAX/1000) != 0) {
-		kr_log_info("[ io ] tcp_bind (defer_accept): %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	val = KR_CONN_RTT_MAX/1000;
+	if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, &val, sizeof(val))) {
+		kr_log_error("[ io ] tcp_bind (defer_accept): %s\n", strerror(errno));
@@ -397,45 +382,20 @@ static int _tcp_bind(uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr,
 		return ret;
-	return tcp_bind_finalize((uv_handle_t *)handle);
-int tcp_bind(uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, int tcp_backlog)
-	return _tcp_bind(handle, addr, tcp_accept, tcp_backlog);
-int tcp_bind_tls(uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, int tcp_backlog)
-	return _tcp_bind(handle, addr, tls_accept, tcp_backlog);
-static int _tcp_bindfd(uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, uv_connection_cb connection, int tcp_backlog)
-	if (!handle) {
-		return kr_error(EINVAL);
-	}
-	int ret = uv_tcp_open(handle, (uv_os_sock_t) fd);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return ret;
-	}
-	ret = uv_listen((uv_stream_t *)handle, tcp_backlog, connection);
-	if (ret != 0) {
-		return ret;
+	/* TCP_FASTOPEN enables 1 RTT connection resumptions. */
+	#ifdef __linux__
+	val = 16; /* Accepts queue length hint */
+	#else
+	val = 1; /* Accepts on/off */
+	#endif
+	if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_FASTOPEN, &val, sizeof(val))) {
+		kr_log_error("[ io ] tcp_bind (fastopen): %s\n", strerror(errno));
-	return tcp_bind_finalize((uv_handle_t *)handle);
-int tcp_bindfd(uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, int tcp_backlog)
-	return _tcp_bindfd(handle, fd, tcp_accept, tcp_backlog);
-int tcp_bindfd_tls(uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, int tcp_backlog)
-	return _tcp_bindfd(handle, fd, tls_accept, tcp_backlog);
+	handle->data = NULL;
+	return 0;
 int io_create(uv_loop_t *loop, uv_handle_t *handle, int type, unsigned family, bool has_tls)
diff --git a/daemon/io.h b/daemon/io.h
index 8262a3096133354cceeb2d421da11330b40545e0..711194fb1c4f5291e363af19f9c137dbfe310cf6 100644
--- a/daemon/io.h
+++ b/daemon/io.h
@@ -25,12 +25,13 @@
 struct tls_ctx_t;
 struct tls_client_ctx_t;
-int udp_bind(uv_udp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr);
-int udp_bindfd(uv_udp_t *handle, int fd);
-int tcp_bind(uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, int tcp_backlog);
-int tcp_bind_tls(uv_tcp_t *handle, const struct sockaddr *addr, int tcp_backlog);
-int tcp_bindfd(uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, int tcp_backlog);
-int tcp_bindfd_tls(uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, int tcp_backlog);
+/** Bind address into a file-descriptor (only, no libuv).  type is e.g. SOCK_DGRAM */
+int io_bind(const struct sockaddr *addr, int type);
+/** Initialize a UDP handle and start listening. */
+int io_listen_udp(uv_loop_t *loop, uv_udp_t *handle, int fd);
+/** Initialize a TCP handle and start listening. */
+int io_listen_tcp(uv_loop_t *loop, uv_tcp_t *handle, int fd, int tcp_backlog, bool has_tls);
 void tcp_timeout_trigger(uv_timer_t *timer);
 /** Initialize the handle, incl. ->data = struct session * instance.
diff --git a/daemon/main.c b/daemon/main.c
index aee9d378ffe62bc65e0fcaef5b95942482aa755c..2c3bd3a4330a555b3d533c1ce717a9981ffcc888 100644
--- a/daemon/main.c
+++ b/daemon/main.c
@@ -38,17 +38,13 @@
 #include "lib/defines.h"
 #include "lib/resolve.h"
 #include "lib/dnssec.h"
+#include "daemon/io.h"
 #include "daemon/network.h"
 #include "daemon/worker.h"
 #include "daemon/engine.h"
 #include "daemon/tls.h"
 #include "lib/dnssec/ta.h"
-/* We can fork early on Linux 3.9+ and do SO_REUSEPORT for better performance. */
-#if defined(UV_VERSION_HEX) && defined(SO_REUSEPORT) && defined(__linux__)
- #define CAN_FORK_EARLY 1
 /* @internal Array of ip address shorthand. */
 typedef array_t(char*) addr_array_t;
@@ -564,52 +560,68 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, struct args *args)
 	return -1;
-static int bind_fds(struct network *net, fd_array_t *fd_set, bool tls) {
-	int ret = 0;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < fd_set->len; ++i) {
-		ret = network_listen_fd(net, fd_set->at[i], tls);
-		if (ret != 0) {
-			kr_log_error("[system] %slisten on fd=%d %s\n",
-				 tls ? "TLS " : "", fd_set->at[i], kr_strerror(ret));
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
-static int bind_sockets(struct network *net, addr_array_t *addr_set, bool tls) {
-	endpoint_flags_t flags = { .tls = tls };
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < addr_set->len; ++i) {
+/** Just convert addresses to file-descriptors.
+ * @return zero or exit code for main()
+ */
+static int bind_sockets(addr_array_t *addrs, bool tls, fd_array_t *fds)
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < addrs->len; ++i) {
 		uint16_t port = tls ? KR_DNS_TLS_PORT : KR_DNS_PORT;
 		char addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
-		int ret = kr_straddr_split(addr_set->at[i], addr_str, &port);
+		int ret = kr_straddr_split(addrs->at[i], addr_str, &port);
+		struct sockaddr *sa = NULL;
+		if (ret == 0) {
+			sa = kr_straddr_socket(addr_str, port, NULL);
+			if (!sa) ret = kr_error(EINVAL); /* could be ENOMEM but unlikely */
+		}
 		if (ret == 0 && !tls) {
-			flags.sock_type = SOCK_DGRAM;
-			ret = network_listen(net, addr_str, port, flags);
+			const int fd = io_bind(sa, SOCK_DGRAM);
+			if (fd < 0)
+				ret = fd;
+			else if (array_push(*fds, fd) < 0)
+				ret = kr_error(ENOMEM);
 		if (ret == 0) { /* common for TCP and TLS */
-			flags.sock_type = SOCK_STREAM;
-			ret = network_listen(net, addr_str, port, flags);
+			const int fd = io_bind(sa, SOCK_STREAM);
+			if (fd < 0)
+				ret = fd;
+			else if (array_push(*fds, fd) < 0)
+				ret = kr_error(ENOMEM);
+		free(sa);
 		if (ret != 0) {
 			kr_log_error("[system] bind to '%s' %s%s\n",
-				addr_set->at[i], tls ? "(TLS) " : "", kr_strerror(ret));
-			return ret;
+				addrs->at[i], tls ? "(TLS) " : "", kr_strerror(ret));
+			return EXIT_FAILURE;
 	return kr_ok();
+static int bind_fds(struct network *net, fd_array_t *fd_set, bool tls) {
+	int ret = 0;
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < fd_set->len; ++i) {
+		ret = network_listen_fd(net, fd_set->at[i], tls);
+		if (ret != 0) {
+			kr_log_error("[system] %slisten on fd=%d %s\n",
+				 tls ? "TLS " : "", fd_set->at[i], kr_strerror(ret));
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	int ret = 0;
 	struct args args;
-	if ((ret = parse_args(argc, argv, &args)) >= 0) {
-		return ret;
-	}
+	int ret = parse_args(argc, argv, &args);
+	if (ret >= 0) goto cleanup_args;
+	ret = bind_sockets(&args.addr_set, false, &args.fd_set);
+	if (ret) goto cleanup_args;
+	ret = bind_sockets(&args.tls_set, true, &args.tls_fd_set);
+	if (ret) goto cleanup_args;
 	/* Accept passed sockets from systemd supervisor. */
@@ -658,17 +670,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		args.config = "config";
-	/* Forking is currently broken with libuv. We need libuv to bind to
-	 * sockets etc. before forking, but at the same time can't touch it before
-	 * forking otherwise it crashes, so it's a chicken and egg problem.
-	 * Disabling until https://github.com/libuv/libuv/pull/846 is done. */
-	 if (args.forks > 1 && args.fd_set.len == 0 && args.tls_fd_set.len == 0) {
-	 	kr_log_error("[system] forking >1 workers supported only on Linux 3.9+ or with supervisor\n");
-	 	return EXIT_FAILURE;
-	 }
 	/* Connect forks with local socket */
 	fd_array_t ipc_set;
@@ -730,9 +731,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	/* Bind to passed fds and sockets*/
 	if (bind_fds(&engine.net, &args.fd_set, false) != 0 ||
-	    bind_fds(&engine.net, &args.tls_fd_set, true) != 0 ||
-	    bind_sockets(&engine.net, &args.addr_set, false) != 0 ||
-	    bind_sockets(&engine.net, &args.tls_set, true) != 0
+	    bind_fds(&engine.net, &args.tls_fd_set, true) != 0
 	) {
 		ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
 		goto cleanup;
@@ -771,8 +770,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	array_clear(args.fd_set);
+	array_clear(args.tls_fd_set);
 	return ret;
diff --git a/daemon/network.c b/daemon/network.c
index a523a18041a8fe96fefd9c04c0c6df5ef0237e6a..3e431d272f1e647c0797d34a6578b2249d84214b 100644
--- a/daemon/network.c
+++ b/daemon/network.c
@@ -21,31 +21,6 @@
 #include "daemon/io.h"
 #include "daemon/tls.h"
-/* libuv 1.7.0+ is able to support SO_REUSEPORT for loadbalancing */
-#if defined(UV_VERSION_HEX)
-#if (__linux__ && SO_REUSEPORT)
-  #define handle_init(type, loop, handle, family) do { \
-	uv_ ## type ## _init_ex((loop), (uv_ ## type ## _t *)(handle), (family)); \
-	uv_os_fd_t hi_fd = 0; \
-	if (uv_fileno((handle), &hi_fd) == 0) { \
-		int hi_on = 1; \
-		int hi_ret = setsockopt(hi_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &hi_on, sizeof(hi_on)); \
-		if (hi_ret) { \
-			return kr_error(errno); \
-		} \
-	} \
-  } while (0)
-/* libuv 1.7.0+ is able to assign fd immediately */
-  #define handle_init(type, loop, handle, family) do { \
-	uv_ ## type ## _init_ex((loop), (uv_ ## type ## _t *)(handle), (family)); \
-  } while (0)
-  #define handle_init(type, loop, handle, family) \
-	uv_ ## type ## _init((loop), (uv_ ## type ## _t *)(handle))
 void network_init(struct network *net, uv_loop_t *loop, int tcp_backlog)
 	if (net != NULL) {
@@ -143,52 +118,31 @@ static int open_endpoint(struct network *net, struct endpoint *ep,
 		return kr_error(EEXIST);
+	if (sa) {
+		fd = io_bind(sa, ep->flags.sock_type);
+		if (fd < 0) return fd;
+	}
 	if (ep->flags.sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM) {
 		if (ep->flags.tls) {
 			return kr_error(EINVAL);
-		uv_udp_t *ep_handle = calloc(1, sizeof(uv_udp_t));
+		uv_udp_t *ep_handle = malloc(sizeof(uv_udp_t));
 		ep->handle = (uv_handle_t *)ep_handle;
 		if (!ep->handle) {
 			return kr_error(ENOMEM);
-		if (sa) {
-			handle_init(udp, net->loop, ep->handle, sa->sa_family);
-				/*^^ can return! */
-			return udp_bind(ep_handle, sa);
-		} else {
-			int ret = uv_udp_init(net->loop, ep_handle);
-			if (ret == 0) {
-				ret = udp_bindfd(ep_handle, fd);
-			}
-			return ret;
-		}
+		return io_listen_udp(net->loop, ep_handle, fd);
 	} /* else */
 	if (ep->flags.sock_type == SOCK_STREAM) {
-		uv_tcp_t *ep_handle = calloc(1, sizeof(uv_tcp_t));
+		uv_tcp_t *ep_handle = malloc(sizeof(uv_tcp_t));
 		ep->handle = (uv_handle_t *)ep_handle;
 		if (!ep->handle) {
 			return kr_error(ENOMEM);
-		if (sa) {
-			handle_init(tcp, net->loop, ep->handle, sa->sa_family); /* can return! */
-		} else {
-			int ret = uv_tcp_init(net->loop, ep_handle);
-			if (ret) {
-				return ret;
-			}
-		}
-		if (ep->flags.tls) {
-			return sa
-				? tcp_bind_tls  (ep_handle, sa, net->tcp_backlog)
-				: tcp_bindfd_tls(ep_handle, fd, net->tcp_backlog);
-		} else {
-			return sa
-				? tcp_bind  (ep_handle, sa, net->tcp_backlog)
-				: tcp_bindfd(ep_handle, fd, net->tcp_backlog);
-		}
+		return io_listen_tcp(net->loop, ep_handle, fd, net->tcp_backlog, ep->flags.tls);
 	} /* else */
diff --git a/lib/utils.c b/lib/utils.c
index ee13a4a85603fad3673d1e8e2b3ee4451fa338f7..603758e9dbf73e9ed2f4f44dac392ead50bba88b 100644
--- a/lib/utils.c
+++ b/lib/utils.c
@@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ struct sockaddr * kr_straddr_socket(const char *addr, int port, knot_mm_t *pool)
+		assert(!EINVAL);
 		return NULL;