#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail -o errexit ### Dev's guide # # C declarations for lua are (mostly) generated to simplify maintenance. # (Avoid typos, accidental mismatches, etc.) # # To regenerate the C definitions for lua: # - you need to have debugging symbols for knot-dns and knot-resolver; # you get those by compiling with -g; for knot-dns it might be enough # to just install it with debugging symbols included (in your distro way) # - remove file ./kres-gen.lua and run make as usual # - the knot-dns libraries are found via pkg-config # - you also need gdb on $PATH printf -- "local ffi = require('ffi')\n" printf -- "--[[ This file is generated by ./kres-gen.sh ]] ffi.cdef[[\n" ## Various types (mainly), from libknot and libkres printf " typedef struct knot_dump_style knot_dump_style_t; extern const knot_dump_style_t KNOT_DUMP_STYLE_DEFAULT; typedef void knot_db_t; struct kr_cdb_api {}; struct lru {}; " # The generator doesn't work well with typedefs of functions. printf " typedef struct knot_mm { void *ctx, *alloc, *free; } knot_mm_t; typedef void *(*map_alloc_f)(void *, size_t); typedef void (*map_free_f)(void *baton, void *ptr); typedef void (*trace_log_f) (const struct kr_query *, const char *, const char *); typedef void (*trace_callback_f)(struct kr_request *); " ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libkres types <<-EOF knot_section_t knot_rrinfo_t knot_dname_t knot_rdata_t knot_rdataset_t EOF genResType() { echo "$1" | ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libkres types } # No simple way to fixup this rename in ./kres.lua AFAIK. genResType "knot_rrset_t" | sed 's/\<owner\>/_owner/; s/\<ttl\>/_ttl/' ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libkres types <<-EOF knot_pkt_t knot_edns_options_t knot_pktsection_t struct knot_compr knot_compr_t struct knot_pkt # generics map_t # libkres struct kr_qflags rr_array_t struct ranked_rr_array_entry ranked_rr_array_entry_t ranked_rr_array_t trie_t struct kr_zonecut kr_qarray_t struct kr_rplan struct kr_request_qsource_flags struct kr_request enum kr_rank struct kr_cdb_stats struct kr_cache EOF printf " typedef int32_t (*kr_stale_cb)(int32_t ttl, const knot_dname_t *owner, uint16_t type, const struct kr_query *qry); void kr_rrset_init(knot_rrset_t *rrset, knot_dname_t *owner, uint16_t type, uint16_t rclass, uint32_t ttl); " ## Some definitions would need too many deps, so shorten them. genResType "struct kr_nsrep" | sed '/union/,$ d' printf "\t/* beware: hidden stub, to avoid hardcoding sockaddr lengths */\n};\n" genResType "struct kr_query" genResType "struct kr_context" | sed '/kr_nsrep_rtt_lru_t/,$ d' printf "\tchar _stub[];\n};\n" ## libknot API ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libknot functions <<-EOF # Utils knot_strerror # Domain names knot_dname_copy knot_dname_from_str knot_dname_in_bailiwick knot_dname_is_equal knot_dname_labels knot_dname_size knot_dname_to_lower knot_dname_to_str # Resource records knot_rdataset_at knot_rdataset_merge knot_rrset_add_rdata knot_rrset_txt_dump knot_rrset_txt_dump_data knot_rrset_size # Packet knot_pkt_begin knot_pkt_put_question knot_pkt_put_rotate knot_pkt_new knot_pkt_free knot_pkt_parse EOF ## libkres API ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libkres functions <<-EOF # Resolution request kr_resolve_plan kr_resolve_pool # Resolution plan kr_rplan_push kr_rplan_pop kr_rplan_resolved kr_rplan_last # Nameservers kr_nsrep_set # Utils kr_make_query kr_pkt_make_auth_header kr_pkt_put kr_pkt_recycle kr_pkt_clear_payload kr_pkt_qclass kr_pkt_qtype kr_pkt_text kr_rnd_buffered kr_rrsig_sig_inception kr_rrsig_sig_expiration kr_rrsig_type_covered kr_inaddr kr_inaddr_family kr_inaddr_len kr_inaddr_str kr_sockaddr_len kr_inaddr_port kr_straddr_family kr_straddr_subnet kr_bitcmp kr_family_len kr_straddr_socket kr_straddr_split kr_ranked_rrarray_add kr_qflags_set kr_qflags_clear kr_zonecut_add kr_zonecut_is_empty kr_zonecut_set kr_now kr_strptime_diff lru_free_items_impl lru_create_impl lru_get_impl mm_realloc # Trust anchors kr_ta_get kr_ta_add kr_ta_del kr_ta_clear # DNSSEC kr_dnssec_key_ksk kr_dnssec_key_revoked kr_dnssec_key_tag kr_dnssec_key_match # Cache kr_cache_closest_apex kr_cache_insert_rr kr_cache_remove kr_cache_remove_subtree kr_cache_commit EOF ## libzscanner API for ./zonefile.lua ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libzscanner types <<-EOF zs_win_t zs_apl_t zs_loc_t zs_state_t zs_scanner_t struct zs_scanner EOF ./scripts/gen-cdefs.sh libzscanner functions <<-EOF zs_deinit zs_init zs_parse_record zs_set_input_file zs_set_input_string zs_strerror EOF printf "]]\n" exit 0