local kres = require('kres') -- Counter of unique rules local nextid = 0 local function getruleid() local newid = nextid nextid = nextid + 1 return newid end -- Support for client sockets from inside policy actions local socket_client = function () return error("missing luasocket, can't create socket client") end local has_socket, socket = pcall(require, 'socket') if has_socket then socket_client = function (host, port) local s, err, status if host:find(':') then s, err = socket.udp6() else s, err = socket.udp() end if not s then return nil, err end status, err = s:setpeername(host, port) if not status then return nil, err end return s end end local has_ffi, ffi = pcall(require, 'ffi') if not has_ffi then socket_client = function () return error("missing ffi library, required for this policy") end end -- Mirror request elsewhere, and continue solving local function mirror(target) local addr, port = target:match '([^@]*)@?(.*)' if not port or #port == 0 then port = 53 end local sink, err = socket_client(addr, port) if not sink then panic('MIRROR target %s is not a valid: %s', target, err) end return function(state, req) if state == kres.FAIL then return state end req = kres.request_t(req) local query = req.qsource.packet if query ~= nil then sink:send(ffi.string(query.wire, query.size)) end return -- Chain action to next end end -- Forward request, and solve as stub query local function forward(target) local dst_ip = kres.str2ip(target) if dst_ip == nil then error("FORWARD target '"..target..'" is not a valid IP address') end return function(state, req) req = kres.request_t(req) local qry = req:current() qry.flags = qry.flags + kres.query.STUB qry:nslist(dst_ip) return state end end -- Rewrite records in packet local function reroute(tbl, names) -- Import renumbering rules local ren = require('renumber') local prefixes = {} for from, to in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(prefixes, names and ren.name(from, to) or ren.prefix(from, to)) end -- Return rule closure tbl = nil return ren.rule(prefixes) end local policy = { -- Policies PASS = 1, DENY = 2, DROP = 3, TC = 4, FORWARD = forward, REROUTE = reroute, MIRROR = mirror, -- Special values ANY = 0, } -- All requests function policy.all(action) return function(req, query) return action end end -- Requests which QNAME matches given zone list (i.e. suffix match) function policy.suffix(action, zone_list) local AC = require('aho-corasick') local tree = AC.build(zone_list) return function(req, query) local match = AC.match(tree, query:name(), false) if match[1] ~= nil then return action end return nil end end -- Check for common suffix first, then suffix match (specialized version of suffix match) function policy.suffix_common(action, suffix_list, common_suffix) local common_len = string.len(common_suffix) local suffix_count = #suffix_list return function(req, query) -- Preliminary check local qname = query:name() if not string.find(qname, common_suffix, -common_len, true) then return nil end -- String match for i = 1, suffix_count do local zone = suffix_list[i] if string.find(qname, zone, -string.len(zone), true) then return action end end return nil end end -- Filter QNAME pattern function policy.pattern(action, pattern) return function(req, query) if string.find(query:name(), pattern) then return action end return nil end end local function rpz_parse(action, path) local rules = {} local ffi = require('ffi') local action_map = { -- RPZ Policy Actions ['\0'] = action, ['\1*\0'] = action, -- deviates from RPZ spec ['\012rpz-passthru\0'] = policy.PASS, -- the grammar... ['\008rpz-drop\0'] = policy.DROP, ['\012rpz-tcp-only\0'] = policy.TC, -- Policy triggers @NYI@ } local parser = require('zonefile').new() if not parser:open(path) then error(string.format('failed to parse "%s"', path)) end while parser:parse() do local name = ffi.string(parser.r_owner, parser.r_owner_length) local action = ffi.string(parser.r_data, parser.r_data_length) rules[name] = action_map[action] -- Warn when NYI if #name > 1 and not action_map[action] then print(string.format('[ rpz ] %s:%d: unsupported policy action', path, tonumber(parser.line_counter))) end end return rules end -- Create RPZ from zone file local function rpz_zonefile(action, path) local rules = rpz_parse(action, path) collectgarbage() return function(req, query) local label = query:name() local action = rules[label] while action == nil and string.len(label) > 0 do label = string.sub(label, string.byte(label) + 2) action = rules['\1*'..label] end return action end end -- RPZ policy set function policy.rpz(action, path, format) if format == 'lmdb' then error('lmdb zone format is NYI') else return rpz_zonefile(action, path) end end -- Evaluate packet in given rules to determine policy action function policy.evaluate(rules, req, query, state) for i = 1, #rules do local rule = rules[i] if not rule.suspended then local action = rule.cb(req, query) if action ~= nil then rule.count = rule.count + 1 local next_state = policy.enforce(state, req, action) if next_state then -- Not a chain rule, return next_state -- stop on first match end end end end return state end -- Enforce policy action function policy.enforce(state, req, action) if action == policy.DENY then -- Write authority information local answer = req.answer answer:rcode(kres.rcode.NXDOMAIN) answer:begin(kres.section.AUTHORITY) answer:put('\7blocked', 900, answer:qclass(), kres.type.SOA, '\7blocked\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\14\16\0\0\3\132\0\9\58\128\0\0\3\132') return kres.DONE elseif action == policy.DROP then return kres.FAIL elseif action == policy.TC then local answer = req.answer if answer.max_size ~= 65535 then answer:tc(1) -- ^ Only UDP queries return kres.DONE end elseif type(action) == 'function' then return action(state, req) end return state end -- Top-down policy list walk until we hit a match -- the caller is responsible for reordering policy list -- from most specific to least specific. -- Some rules may be chained, in this case they are evaluated -- as a dependency chain, e.g. r1,r2,r3 -> r3(r2(r1(state))) policy.layer = { begin = function(state, req) req = kres.request_t(req) return policy.evaluate(policy.rules, req, req:current(), state) end, finish = function(state, req) req = kres.request_t(req) return policy.evaluate(policy.postrules, req, req:current(), state) end } -- Add rule to policy list function policy.add(rule, postrule) local desc = {id=getruleid(), cb=rule, count=0} table.insert(postrule and policy.postrules or policy.rules, desc) return desc end -- Remove rule from a list local function delrule(rules, id) for i, r in ipairs(rules) do if r.id == id then table.remove(rules, i) return true end end return false end -- Delete rule from policy list function policy.del(id) if not delrule(policy.rules, id) then if not delrule(policy.postrules, id) then return false end end return true end -- Convert list of string names to domain names function policy.todnames(names) for i, v in ipairs(names) do names[i] = kres.str2dname(v) end return names end -- RFC1918 Private, local, broadcast, test and special zones local private_zones = { '10.in-addr.arpa.', '16.172.in-addr.arpa.', '17.172.in-addr.arpa.', '18.172.in-addr.arpa.', '19.172.in-addr.arpa.', '20.172.in-addr.arpa.', '21.172.in-addr.arpa.', '22.172.in-addr.arpa.', '23.172.in-addr.arpa.', '24.172.in-addr.arpa.', '25.172.in-addr.arpa.', '26.172.in-addr.arpa.', '27.172.in-addr.arpa.', '28.172.in-addr.arpa.', '29.172.in-addr.arpa.', '30.172.in-addr.arpa.', '31.172.in-addr.arpa.', '168.192.in-addr.arpa.', -- RFC5735, RFC5737 '0.in-addr.arpa.', '127.in-addr.arpa.', '254.169.in-addr.arpa.', '2.0.192.in-addr.arpa.', '100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.', '113.0.203.in-addr.arpa.', '', -- IPv6 local, example '', '', 'd.f.ip6.arpa.', '8.e.f.ip6.arpa.', '9.e.f.ip6.arpa.', 'a.e.f.ip6.arpa.', 'b.e.f.ip6.arpa.', '8.b.d.', } policy.todnames(private_zones) -- @var Default rules policy.rules = {} policy.postrules = {} policy.add(policy.suffix_common(policy.DENY, private_zones, '\4arpa\0')) return policy