• Martin Mareš's avatar
    I rewrote the interface handling code, so that it supports multiple · 9a158361
    Martin Mareš authored
    addresses per interface (needed for example for IPv6 support).
    Visible changes:
    o  struct iface now contains a list of all interface addresses (represented
       by struct ifa), iface->addr points to the primary address (if any).
    o  Interface has IF_UP set iff it's up and it has a primary address.
    o  IF_UP is now independent on IF_IGNORED (i.e., you need to test IF_IGNORED
       in the protocols; I've added this, but please check).
    o  The if_notify_change hook has been simplified (only one interface pointer
    o  Introduced a ifa_notify_change hook. (For now, only the Direct protocol
       does use it -- it's wise to just listen to device routes in all other
    o  Removed IF_CHANGE_FLAGS notifier flag (it was meaningless anyway).
    o  Updated all the code except netlink (I'll look at it tomorrow) to match
       the new semantics (please look at your code to ensure I did it right).
    Things to fix:
    o  Netlink.
    o  Make krt-iface interpret "eth0:1"-type aliases as secondary addresses.