GitLab now enforces expiry dates on tokens that originally had no set expiration date. Those tokens were given an expiration date of one year later. Please review your personal access tokens, project access tokens, and group access tokens to ensure you are aware of upcoming expirations. Administrators of GitLab can find more information on how to identify and mitigate interruption in our documentation.
Admin message
Self sign-up has been disabled due to increased spam activity. If you want to get access, please send an email to a project owner (preferred) or at gitlab(at)nic(dot)cz. We apologize for the inconvenience.
SELECT strftime('%d.%m.%Y', played.start_time) as Datum, strftime('%H:%M:%S', played.start_time) as Zacatek, CASE WHEN (strftime('%s', played.end_time) - strftime('%s', played.start_time) < 0) THEN 'nedohrano' ELSE cast(strftime('%s', played.end_time) - strftime('%s', played.start_time) as TEXT) || 's' END as Doba, as Hra, played.difficulty as Obtiznost, played.counter as Counter, played.extra_int_1 as extra_int_1, played.extra_int_2 as extra_int_2, played.extra_int_3 as extra_int_3, played.extra_int_4 as extra_int_4, played.stars_number as stars_number, played.game_pauses as Pauzy, user.nick_name as Nick, CASE WHEN user.is_male = 1 THEN 'Muž' ELSE 'Žena' END as Pohlavi, user.age as Vek, user.device_id as device_id, user.remote_id as user_id FROM stats_gameplayed played JOIN stats_upload upload ON = played.upload_id JOIN stats_game game ON played.game_id = JOIN stats_user user ON = played.user_id;
pro omezeni na konkretni zarizeni pridame:
WHERE upload.device_id IN ('D7OKCT001129', 'D7OKCT001130','D7OKCT001197','D7OKCT001151','D7OKCT001153')
omezeni na urcity interval
WHERE played.start_time > '2013-11-26 10:00:00' AND played.start_time < '2013-11-26 13:00:00'