• Jakub Ružička's avatar
    build-dep: support templates, srcpkgs, archives · 278069e2
    Jakub Ružička authored
    A comprehensive refactor of build-dep and related pkgstyle functionality
    to install or list (-l/--list) build deps from templates as well as
    from source packages.
    The new default approach of parsing build deps from templates has
    following advantages:
    * works directly on project source without archive/srcpkg build
    * requires less tools to work
    * is faster
    Alternatively, -s/--srcpkg makes apkg parse build deps from source
    package which is slower but more robust in some cases.
    Build deps can also be extracted from archive containing proper distro/
    files with -a/--archive option in both template and --srcpkg mode.
    -u/--upstream option uses upstream archive (get-archive) to get build
    deps for maximum convenience.
    Fixes: #34