diff --git a/patches/packages/backport/0006-nut-backport-it-from-OpenWrt-master.patch b/patches/packages/backport/0006-nut-backport-it-from-OpenWrt-master.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7009209e885a61006e662778f3761135e853ee05..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/patches/packages/backport/0006-nut-backport-it-from-OpenWrt-master.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,980 +0,0 @@
-From c0693d7255e40a00f3ba43b132ee1150da398e27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Josef Schlehofer <pepe.schlehofer@gmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 17:26:54 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] nut: backport it from OpenWrt master
- net/nut/Config.in                         |   2 +-
- net/nut/Makefile                          |  44 ++++--
- net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.head          |  49 ++++++
- net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.tail          |   5 +
- net/nut/files/nut-cgi.init                |  44 +++++-
- net/nut/files/nut-monitor.init            |  92 ++++++++----
- net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify         |   4 +-
- net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify.default |   2 +-
- net/nut/files/nut-server.init             | 174 +++++++++++++---------
- net/nut/files/nut_cgi                     |   2 +
- net/nut/files/nut_monitor                 |   2 +-
- net/nut/files/nut_serial.hotplug          |  34 +++++
- net/nut/files/nut_server                  |   6 +-
- net/nut/files/nutshutdown                 |  54 ++++---
- 14 files changed, 372 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)
- create mode 100755 net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.head
- create mode 100644 net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.tail
- create mode 100644 net/nut/files/nut_serial.hotplug
-diff --git a/net/nut/Config.in b/net/nut/Config.in
-index b7f403b78..cd2f43ec7 100644
---- a/net/nut/Config.in
-+++ b/net/nut/Config.in
-@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
- 		bool "Build with suport for serial drivers"
- 		help
- 			If you have a UPS connected via serial cable, select this.
--		default n
-+		default y
-diff --git a/net/nut/Makefile b/net/nut/Makefile
-index bd96d27b7..61f15c256 100644
---- a/net/nut/Makefile
-+++ b/net/nut/Makefile
-@@ -9,16 +9,18 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=nut
- PKG_VERSION:=2.7.4
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:=http://www.networkupstools.org/source/2.7/
- PKG_HASH:=980e82918c52d364605c0703a5dcf01f74ad2ef06e3d365949e43b7d406d25a7
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Daniel Dickinson <cshored@thecshore.com>
-+PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0+ GPL-3.0+ GPL-1.0+ Artistic-1.0-Perl
- PKG_FIXUP:=autoreconf
-@@ -73,12 +75,24 @@ define Package/nut-server/install
- 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/nut/cmdvartab $(1)/usr/share/nut/
- 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
- 	$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/nut_server $(1)/etc/config/nut_server
--	ln -sf /var/etc/nut/upsd.users  $(1)/etc/nut/upsd.users
--	ln -sf /var/etc/nut/upsd.conf $(1)/etc/nut/upsd.conf
-+	ln -sf ../../var/etc/nut/upsd.users  $(1)/etc/nut/upsd.users
-+	ln -sf ../../var/etc/nut/upsd.conf $(1)/etc/nut/upsd.conf
- 	# Driver common portion
- 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/upsdrvctl $(1)/usr/sbin
- 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/share/nut/driver.list $(1)/usr/share/nut/
--	ln -sf /var/etc/nut/ups.conf $(1)/etc/nut/ups.conf
-+	ln -sf ../../var/etc/nut/ups.conf $(1)/etc/nut/ups.conf
-+	# Mangle libhid.usermap into a format (hotplug shell script) useful for OpenWrt
-+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/usb
-+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/tty
-+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/nut_serial.hotplug $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/tty/40-nut_serial
-+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/30-libhid-ups.head $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/usb/30-libhid-ups
-+	$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/etc/hotplug/usb/libhid.usermap $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/30-libhid-ups.middle
-+	$(SED) '/^$$$$/d' \
-+		-e '/^#/d' \
-+		-E -e 's:^[^ ][^ ]*  *0x0003  *0x0{0,3}([^ ][^ ]*)  *0x0{0,3}*([^ ][^ ]*).*:\1/\2/* | \\:' \
-+		$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/30-libhid-ups.middle
-+	tail -n+2 $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/30-libhid-ups.middle >>$(1)/etc/hotplug.d/usb/30-libhid-ups
-+	cat ./files/30-libhid-ups.tail >>$(1)/etc/hotplug.d/usb/30-libhid-ups
- endef
- define Package/nut-common
-@@ -87,8 +101,7 @@ define Package/nut-common
- 	DEPENDS:= nut \
- 		+NUT_DRIVER_SNMP:libnetsnmp \
- 		+NUT_DRIVER_USB:libusb-compat \
--		+NUT_SSL:libopenssl \
--		+PACKAGE_libwrap:libwrap
-+		+NUT_SSL:libopenssl
- endef
- define Package/nut-common/description
-@@ -134,7 +147,7 @@ define Package/nut-upsmon
-   $(call Package/nut/Default)
- 	TITLE+= (monitor)
- 	DEPENDS:=nut +nut-common
--	USERID:=nut=113:nut=113
-+	USERID:=nutmon=114:nutmon=114
- endef
- define Package/nut-upsmon/description
-@@ -192,7 +205,7 @@ define Package/nut-upsc/description
- $(call Package/nut/description/Default)
- upsc is provided as a quick way to poll the status of a UPS server. It
- can be used inside shell scripts and other programs that need UPS data
--but don not want to include the full interface.
-+but do not want to include the full interface.
- endef
- define Package/nut-upsc/install
-@@ -318,12 +331,15 @@ define Package/nut-web-cgi/install
- 	$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/add_nut_httpd_conf $(1)/etc/uci-defaults/add_nut_httpd_conf
- 	$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/etc/nut/upsstats.html.sample $(1)/etc/nut/upsstats.html
- 	$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/etc/nut/upsstats-single.html.sample $(1)/etc/nut/upsstats-single.html
--	$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/etc/nut/upsset.conf.sample $(1)/etc/nut/upsset.conf
-+	$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/etc/nut/upsset.conf.sample $(1)/etc/nut/upsset.conf.disable
-+	$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/etc/nut/upsset.conf.sample $(1)/etc/nut/upsset.conf.enable
-+	$(SED) 's/### \?//' $(1)/etc/nut/upsset.conf.enable
- 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
- 	$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/nut_cgi $(1)/etc/config/nut_cgi
- 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
- 	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/nut-cgi.init $(1)/etc/init.d/nut-cgi
- 	ln -sf /var/etc/nut/hosts.conf $(1)/etc/nut/hosts.conf
-+	ln -sf /var/etc/nut/upsset.conf $(1)/etc/nut/upsset.conf
- endef
- define Package/nut-avahi-service
-@@ -362,10 +378,10 @@ define DriverPackage
- 	# new version of nut we will need to provide descriptions for any new
- 	# drivers.
-         define Package/nut-driver-$(2)/description
-         endef
-         define Package/nut-driver-$(2)/install
--        	$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/lib/nut
-+		$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/lib/nut
- 		$(CP) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/nut/$(2) $$(1)/lib/nut/
- 		$(if $(filter $(2),clone),$(CP) $$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/nut/$(2)-outlet $$(1)/lib/nut/)
-         endef
-@@ -512,9 +528,11 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS += \
- 	--without-avahi \
- 	--$(if $(CONFIG_NUT_DRIVER_SNMP),with,without)-snmp \
- 	--$(if $(CONFIG_NUT_DRIVER_SERIAL),with,without)-serial \
-+	--without-doc \
- 	--without-neon \
- 	--without-powerman \
- 	--without-wrap \
-+	--with-hotplug-dir=/etc/hotplug \
- 	--with-cgi \
- 	--without-ipmi \
- 	--without-freeipmi \
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.head b/net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.head
-new file mode 100755
-index 000000000..eebda998c
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.head
-@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-+nut_driver_config() {
-+	local cfg="$1"
-+	local nomatch="$2"
-+	config_get runas "$cfg" runas "nut"
-+	config_get vendorid "$cfg" vendorid
-+	config_get productid "$cfg" productid
-+	[ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ -n "$DEVNAME" ] && {
-+		chmod 0660 /dev/"$DEVNAME"
-+		chown "${runas:-root}":"$(id -gn "${runas:-root}")" /dev/"$DEVNAME"
-+	}
-+	if [ "$nomatch" = "1" ]; then
-+		[ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && {
-+			/etc/init.d/nut-server start "$cfg"
-+		}
-+	elif [ "$(printf "%04x" 0x"$pvendid")" = "$vendorid" ] && \
-+		[ "$(printf "%04x" 0x"$pprodid")" = "$productid" ]; then
-+			[ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && {
-+				/etc/init.d/nut-server start "$cfg"
-+			}
-+			[ "$ACTION" = "remove" ] && {
-+				/etc/init.d/nut-server stop "$cfg"
-+			}
-+			found=1
-+	fi
-+perform_libhid_action() {
-+	. /lib/functions.sh
-+	local vendorid productid runas
-+	local pvendid pprodid found
-+	pvendid=${PRODUCT%/*}
-+	pvendid=${pvendid%/*}
-+	pprodid=${PRODUCT%/*}
-+	pprodid=${pprodid##*/}
-+	config_load nut_server
-+	config_foreach nut_driver_config driver 0
-+	[ "$found" != "1" ] && config_foreach nut_driver_config driver 1
-+	/etc/init.d/nut-server start upsd
-+[ -n "$PRODUCT" ] && case "$PRODUCT" in
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.tail b/net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.tail
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..3846bc3ee
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/net/nut/files/30-libhid-ups.tail
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+	[ -f /var/run/nut/disable-hotplug ] || \
-+		/etc/init.d/nut-server enabled && perform_libhid_action
-+	;;
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut-cgi.init b/net/nut/files/nut-cgi.init
-index 13f1297fe..68d39f668 100755
---- a/net/nut/files/nut-cgi.init
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut-cgi.init
-@@ -4,10 +4,26 @@
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- DEFAULT=/etc/default/nut
- UPSCGI_C=/var/etc/nut/hosts.conf
-+nut_upscgi_upsset() {
-+	local cfg="$1"
-+	local enable
-+	config_get_bool enable "$cfg" enable 0
-+	if [ "$enable" -eq 1 ]; then
-+		ln -sf /etc/nut/upsset.conf.enable "$UPSCGI_S"
-+	else
-+		ln -sf /etc/nut/upsset.conf.disable "$UPSCGI_S"
-+	fi
- nut_upscgi_add() {
- 	local cfg="$1"
-@@ -28,17 +44,33 @@ nut_upscgi_add() {
- 	echo "MONITOR $system \"$displayname\"" >> "$UPSCGI_C"
- }
--start() {
--	rm -f $UPSCGI_C
-+service_reload() {
-+	mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPSCGI_C")"
-+	rm -f "$UPSCGI_C"
-+	rm -f "$UPSCGI_S"
- 	config_load nut_cgi
- 	config_foreach nut_upscgi_add host
-+	config_foreach nut_upscgi_upsset upsset
--	chmod 640 /var/etc/nut/hosts.conf
-+	[ -s "$UPSCGI_C" ] && chmod 640 "$UPSCGI_C"
- }
--stop() {
--	rm -f $UPSCGI_C
-+start_service() {
-+	service_reload
- }
-+reload_service() {
-+	service_reload
-+stop_service() {
-+	rm -f "$UPSCGI_C"
-+	rm -f "$UPSCGI_S"
-+	ln -sf /etc/nut/upsset.conf.disable "$UPSCGI_S"
-+service_triggers() {
-+	procd_add_reload_trigger "nut_cgi"
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut-monitor.init b/net/nut/files/nut-monitor.init
-index 56c12c0ae..bc463d7f5 100755
---- a/net/nut/files/nut-monitor.init
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut-monitor.init
-@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
- #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
- UPSMON_C=/var/etc/nut/upsmon.conf
- nut_upsmon_conf() {
- 	local cfg="$1"
-+	local RUNAS val optval
- 	echo "# Config file automatically generated from UCI config" > "$UPSMON_C"
--	config_get runas "$cfg" runas
--	[ -n "$runas" ] && echo "RUN_AS_USER $runas" >> $UPSMON_C
-+	config_get RUNAS "$cfg" runas "nutmon"
-+	[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && echo "RUN_AS_USER $RUNAS" >> "$UPSMON_C"
-+	runas="$RUNAS"
- 	config_get val "$cfg" minsupplies 1
- 	echo "MINSUPPLIES $val" >> "$UPSMON_C"
-@@ -84,16 +87,18 @@ nut_upsmon_conf() {
- 	val=""
- 	config_list_foreach "$cfg" defaultnotify notifylist
- 	default="$optval"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG ONLINE $(setnotify "$cfg" onlinenotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG ONBATT $(setnotify "$cfg" onbattnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG LOWBATT $(setnotify "$cfg" lowbatnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG FSD $(setnotify "$cfg" fsdnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG COMMOK $(setnotify "$cfg" commoknotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG COMMBAD $(setnotify "$cfg" commbadnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG SHUTDOWN $(setnotify "$cfg" shutdownnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG REPLBATT $(setnotify "$cfg" repolbattnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG NOCOMM $(setnotify "$cfg" nocommnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
--	echo "NOTIFYFLAG NOPARENT $(setnotify "$cfg" noparentnotify)" >> "$UPSMON_C"
-+	{
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG ONLINE $(setnotify "$cfg" onlinenotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG ONBATT $(setnotify "$cfg" onbattnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG LOWBATT $(setnotify "$cfg" lowbatnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG FSD $(setnotify "$cfg" fsdnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG COMMOK $(setnotify "$cfg" commoknotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG COMMBAD $(setnotify "$cfg" commbadnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG SHUTDOWN $(setnotify "$cfg" shutdownnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG REPLBATT $(setnotify "$cfg" repolbattnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG NOCOMM $(setnotify "$cfg" nocommnotify)" ; \
-+		echo "NOTIFYFLAG NOPARENT $(setnotify "$cfg" noparentnotify)" ; \
-+	} >> "$UPSMON_C"
- 	config_get val "$cfg" rbwarntime 43200
- 	echo "RBWARNTIME $val" >> "$UPSMON_C"
-@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ nut_upsmon_add() {
- }
- build_config() {
--	local runas
-+	local runas=nutmon
- 	mkdir -m 0750 -p "$(dirname "$UPSMON_C")"
- 	config_load nut_monitor
-@@ -151,29 +156,66 @@ build_config() {
- 	config_foreach nut_upsmon_add master master
- 	config_foreach nut_upsmon_add slave slave
--	[ ! -s "$(cat /var/etc/nut/nut.conf)" ] && {
-+	[ ! -s /var/etc/nut/nut.conf ] && {
- 		echo "MODE=netclient" >>/var/etc/nut/nut.conf
- 		chmod 640 /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
--		chgrp $(id -gn ${runas:-root}) /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
-+		chgrp "$(id -gn "${runas:-nutmon}")" /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
- 	}
- 	[ -s "$UPSMON_C" ] && chmod 640 "$UPSMON_C"
--	[ -s "$UPSMON_C" ] && chgrp $(id -gn ${runas:-root}) "$UPSMON_C"
-+	[ -s "$UPSMON_C" ] && chgrp "$(id -gn "${runas:-nutmon}")" "$UPSMON_C"
-+interface_triggers() {
-+	local action="$1"
-+	local triggerlist trigger
-+	config_get triggerlist "upsmon" triggerlist
-+	. "${IPKG_INSTROOT}"/lib/functions/network.sh
-+	if [ -n "$triggerlist" ]; then
-+		for trigger in $triggerlist; do
-+			if [ "$action" = "add_trigger" ]; then
-+				procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" "$trigger" /etc/init.d/nut-monitor restart
-+			else
-+				network_is_up "$trigger" && return 0
-+			fi
-+		done
-+	else
-+		if [ "$action" = "add_trigger" ]; then
-+			procd_add_raw_trigger "interface.*.up" 2000 /etc/init.d/nut-monitor restart
-+		else
-+			ubus call network.device status | grep -q '"up": true' && return 0
-+		fi
-+	fi
-+	[ "$action" = "add_trigger" ] || return 1
- }
- start_service() {
- 	local havemon havems
- 	build_config
--	[ "$havemon" != 1 ] && return
--	[ "$havems" != 1 ] && return
-+	[ "$havemon" != 1 ] && return 1
-+	[ "$havems" != 1 ] && return 1
-+	interface_triggers "check_interface_up" || return 0
- 	procd_open_instance "upsmon"
--	procd_set_param respawn
--	procd_set_param stderr 0
--	procd_set_param stdout 1
-+	procd_set_param respawn 10 20 6
-+	procd_set_param stderr 1
-+	procd_set_param stdout 0
- 	procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/upsmon -D
- 	procd_close_instance
-+	return 0
-+restart() {
-+	trap '' TERM
-+	stop "$@"
-+	sleep 2
-+	trap - TERM
-+	start "$@"
- }
- reload_service() {
-@@ -181,12 +223,12 @@ reload_service() {
- 		build_config
- 		/usr/sbin/upsmon -c reload
- 	else
--		stop
--		sleep 2
--		start_service
-+		restart
- 	fi
- }
- service_triggers() {
-+	config_load nut_monitor
-+	interface_triggers "add_trigger"
- 	procd_add_reload_trigger "nut_monitor"
- }
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify b/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify
-index 749aa9bf6..f21e41e89 100755
---- a/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- #!/bin/sh
--/usr/sbin/sendmail root <<EOF
-+exec /usr/sbin/sendmail root <<EOF
- From: root
- To: root
- Subject: UPS $NOTIFYTYPE Notification
-@@ -8,3 +9,4 @@ Subject: UPS $NOTIFYTYPE Notification
- $1
- .
-+} &
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify.default b/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify.default
-index 54ea909f1..2babb7d3c 100644
---- a/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify.default
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut-sendmail-notify.default
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #!/bin/sh
--. /lib/functions.sh
-+. "${IPKG_INSTROOT}"/lib/functions.sh
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut-server.init b/net/nut/files/nut-server.init
-index d878e3641..6f0847973 100755
---- a/net/nut/files/nut-server.init
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut-server.init
-@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
- USERS_C=/var/etc/nut/upsd.users
- UPSD_C=/var/etc/nut/upsd.conf
-@@ -31,20 +32,18 @@ get_write_driver_config() {
- }
- upsd_statepath() {
--	local cfg="$1"
- 	local statepath
--	config_get statepath "$cfg" statepath "/var/run/nut"
-+	config_get statepath upsd statepath /var/run/nut
- 	STATEPATH="$statepath"
- }
- upsd_runas() {
--	local cfg="$1"
- 	local runas
--	[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && return
-+	[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && return 0
--	config_get runas "$cfg" runas
-+	config_get runas upsd runas nut
- 	RUNAS="$runas"
- }
-@@ -62,10 +61,10 @@ upsd_config() {
-     # Note runas support requires you make sure USB device file is readable by
-     # the runas user
--    config_get runas "$cfg" runas
-+    config_get runas "$cfg" runas nut
-     RUNAS="$runas"
--    config_get statepath "$cfg" statepath "/var/run/nut"
-+    config_get statepath "$cfg" statepath /var/run/nut
-     STATEPATH="$statepath"
-     config_get maxage "$cfg" maxage
-@@ -111,7 +110,8 @@ nut_user_add() {
- }
- build_server_config() {
--        mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPSD_C")"
-+        mkdir -p "$(dirname "$UPSD_C")"
-+	chmod 0640 "$UPS_C"
- 	rm -f "$USERS_C"
- 	rm -f "$UPSD_C"
- 	rm -f /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
-@@ -129,13 +129,14 @@ build_server_config() {
- 	chmod 0644 /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
- 	[ -d "${STATEPATH}" ] || {
--		mkdir -m 0750 -p "${STATEPATH}"
-+		mkdir -p "${STATEPATH}"
-+		chmod 0750 "${STATEPATH}"
- 	}
- 	if [ -n "$RUNAS" ]; then
--		chown $RUNAS:$(id -gn $RUNAS) "${STATEPATH}"
--		chgrp $(id -gn $RUNAS) "$USERS_C"
--		chgrp $(id -gn $RUNAS) "$UPSD_C"
-+		chown "$RUNAS":"$(id -gn "$RUNAS")" "${STATEPATH}"
-+		chgrp "$(id -gn "$RUNAS")" "$USERS_C"
-+		chgrp "$(id -gn "$RUNAS")" "$UPSD_C"
- 	fi
- 	haveserver=1
- }
-@@ -145,42 +146,41 @@ build_driver_config() {
- 	echo "[$cfg]" >>"$UPS_C"
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" driver "usbhid-ups"
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" port "auto"
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" sdorder
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" bus
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" community
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" desc
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" nolock 0 1
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" driver "usbhid-ups"
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" ignorelb 0 1
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" interruptonly 0 1
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" interruptsize
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxreport
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxstartdelay
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" mfr
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" model
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" serial
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" sdtime
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" nolock 0 1
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" notransferoids 0 1
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" offdelay
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" ondelay
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" pollfreq
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" vendor
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" port "auto"
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" product
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" bus
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" interruptonly 0 1
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" interruptsize
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxreport
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" vendorid
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" productid
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" community
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" retrydelay
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" sdorder
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" sdtime
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" serial
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" snmp_version
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" snmp_retries
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" snmp_timeout
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" notransferoids 0 1
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxstartdelay
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" retrydelay
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" synchronous
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" other
--	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" otherflag
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" vendor
-+	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" vendorid
- 	defoverride() {
- 		local overvar="$1"
- 		local defover="$2"
- 		local overtype="$(echo "$overvar" | tr '.' '_')"
-+		local overval
- 		config_get overval "${defover}_${overtype}" value
- 		[ -n "$overval" ] && echo "${defover}.${overvar} = $overval" >>"$UPS_C"
-@@ -192,20 +192,19 @@ build_driver_config() {
- 	other() {
- 		local othervar="$1"
- 		local othervarflag="$2"
-+		local otherval
- 		if [ "$othervarflag" = "otherflag" ]; then
--			config_get_bool otherval "${othervarflag}_${overtype}" value
--			[ "$otherval" = "1" ] && echo "${othervarflag}_${othervar}" >>"$UPS_C"
-+			config_get_bool otherval "${othervarflag}_${othervar}" value
-+			[ "$otherval" = "1" ] && echo "${othervar}" >>"$UPS_C"
- 		else
--			config_get otherval "${othervarflag}_${overtype}" value
--			[ -n "$otherval" ] && echo "${othervarflag}_${othervar} = $otherval" >>"$UPS_C"
-+			config_get otherval "${othervarflag}_${othervar}" value
-+			[ -n "$otherval" ] && echo "${othervar} = $otherval" >>"$UPS_C"
- 		fi
- 	}
--	config_list_foreach "$cfg" override defoverride override
--	config_list_foreach "$cfg" default defoverride default
--	config_list_foreach "$cfg" default other other
--	config_list_foreach "$cfg" default other otherflag
-+	config_list_foreach "$cfg" other other
-+	config_list_foreach "$cfg" other otherflag
- 	echo "" >>$UPS_C
- 	havedriver=1
- }
-@@ -221,29 +220,28 @@ build_global_driver_config() {
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" retrydelay
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" pollinterval
- 	get_write_driver_config "$cfg" synchronous
--	config_get runas "$cfg" user
-+	config_get runas "$cfg" user nut
- 	RUNAS="$runas"
--	upsd_runas
--	echo "" >>$UPS_C
-+	echo "" >>"$UPS_C"
- }
- build_config() {
- 	local STATEPATH=/var/run/nut
--        mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPS_C")"
-+        mkdir -p "$(dirname "$UPS_C")"
- 	rm -f "$UPS_C"
- 	echo "# Config file automatically generated from UCI config" > "$UPS_C"
- 	chmod 0640 "$UPS_C"
- 	config_load nut_server
--	config_foreach upsd_statepath upsd
-+	upsd_runas
- 	config_foreach build_global_driver_config driver_global
- 	config_foreach build_driver_config driver
--	[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && chgrp $(id -gn $RUNAS) "$UPS_C"
-+	upsd_statepath
- 	build_server_config
-+	[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && chgrp "$(id -gn "$RUNAS")" "$UPS_C"
- }
- start_driver_instance() {
-@@ -251,27 +249,31 @@ start_driver_instance() {
- 	local requested="$2"
- 	local driver
- 	local STATEPATH=/var/run/nut
--	local RUNAS
-+	local RUNAS=nut
- 	[ "$havedriver" != 1 ] && return
- 	# If wanting a specific instance, only start it
--	[ "$requested" != "$cfg" ] && [ x"$requested" != x ] && return 0
-+	if [ "$requested" != "$cfg" ] && [ "$request" != "" ]; then
-+		return 0
-+	fi
--	mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPS_C")"
-+	mkdir -p "$(dirname "$UPS_C")"
-+	chmod 0755 "$UPS_C"
--	[ ! -s "$UPS_C" ] && build_config
-+	upsd_statepath
-+	build_config
- 	# Avoid hotplug inadvertenly restarting driver during
- 	# forced shutdown
- 	[ -f /var/run/killpower ] && return 0
--	[ -d /var/run/nut ] && [ -f /var/run/nut/disable-hotplug ] && return 0
--	config_foreach upsd_statepath upsd
-+	if [ -d /var/run/nut ] && [ -f /var/run/nut/disable-hotplug ]; then
-+	       return 0
-+	fi
- 	if [ -n "$RUNAS" ]; then
--		chown $RUNAS:$(id -gn $RUNAS) "${STATEPATH}"
-+		chown "$RUNAS":"$(id -gn "$RUNAS")" "${STATEPATH}"
-+		chgrp "$(id -gn "$RUNAS")" "$UPS_C"
- 	fi
- 	config_get driver "$cfg" driver "usbhid-ups"
-@@ -279,49 +281,83 @@ start_driver_instance() {
- 	procd_set_param respawn
- 	procd_set_param stderr 0
- 	procd_set_param stdout 1
--	procd_set_param command /lib/nut/${driver} -D -a "$cfg" ${RUNAS:+-u $RUNAS}
-+	procd_set_param command /lib/nut/"${driver}" -D -a "$cfg" ${RUNAS:+-u "$RUNAS"}
- 	procd_close_instance
- }
-+interface_triggers() {
-+	local action="$1"
-+	local triggerlist trigger
-+	config_get triggerlist upsd triggerlist
-+	. /lib/functions/network.sh
-+	if [ -n "$triggerlist" ]; then
-+		for trigger in $triggerlist; do
-+			if [ "$action" = "add_trigger" ]; then
-+				procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" "$trigger" /etc/init.d/nut-server reload
-+			else
-+				network_is_up "$trigger" && return 0
-+			fi
-+		done
-+	else
-+		if [ "$action" = "add_trigger" ]; then
-+			procd_add_raw_trigger "interface.*.up" 2000 /etc/init.d/nut-server reload
-+		else
-+			ubus call network.device status | grep -q '"up": true' && return 0
-+		fi
-+	fi
-+	[ "$action" = "add_trigger" ] || return 1
- start_server_instance() {
--	local RUNAS
--	build_config
-+	local cfg="$1"
- 	[ "$haveserver" != 1 ] && return
-+	interface_triggers "check_interface_up" || return
--	procd_open_instance "upsd"
-+	procd_open_instance "$cfg"
- 	procd_set_param respawn
- 	procd_set_param stderr 0
- 	procd_set_param stdout 1
--	procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/upsd -D ${RUNAS:+-u $RUNAS}
-+	procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/upsd -D ${RUNAS:+-u "$RUNAS"}
- 	procd_close_instance
- }
- start_service() {
--	local havedriver haveserver
- 	local STATEPATH=/var/run/nut
--	local RUNAS
- 	# Avoid hotplug inadvertenly restarting driver during
- 	# forced shutdown
- 	[ -f /var/run/killpower ] && return 0
--	[ -f /var/run/nut/disable-hotplug ] && return 0
- 	config_load nut_server
- 	build_config
--	config_foreach start_driver_instance driver "$@"
--	start_server_instance "upsd"
-+	case $@ in
-+	"")
-+		config_foreach start_driver_instance driver "$@"
-+		start_server_instance upsd
-+		;;
-+	*upsd*)
-+		start_server_instance upsd
-+		;;
-+	*)
-+		config_foreach start_driver_instance driver "$@"
-+		;;
-+	esac
- }
- reload_service() {
--	stop
-+	stop_service "$@"
- 	sleep 2
--	local havedriver haveserver
--	start
-+	start_service "$@"
- }
- service_triggers() {
-+	config_load nut_server
-+	interface_triggers "add_trigger"
- 	procd_add_reload_trigger "nut_server"
- }
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut_cgi b/net/nut/files/nut_cgi
-index 9f0bed6fc..dca5de07c 100644
---- a/net/nut/files/nut_cgi
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut_cgi
-@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@
- #	option port # optional port number
- #	option displayname "Display Name"
-+config upsset
-+	option enable 0
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut_monitor b/net/nut/files/nut_monitor
-index 0ba37863b..59e0f360d 100644
---- a/net/nut/files/nut_monitor
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut_monitor
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- #config upsmon 'upsmon'
--#	option runas run-as-user
-+#	option runas nutmon
- #	option minsupplies 1
- #	option shutdowncmd '/usr/sbin/nutshutdown'
- #	option notifycmd /path/to/cmd
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut_serial.hotplug b/net/nut/files/nut_serial.hotplug
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..fa3bafeb8
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut_serial.hotplug
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+nut_serial() {
-+	local cfg="$cfg"
-+	local runas enable_usb_serial port
-+	config_get_bool enable_usb_serial "$cfg" enable_usb_serial 0
-+	config_get port "$cfg" port
-+	config_get runas "$cfg" runas "nut"
-+	[ -z "$runas" ] && config_get runas upsd runas "nut"
-+	[ "$enable_usb_serial" -eq 1 ] && {
-+		# If port is specified only change tty's matching port
-+		if [ -n "$port" ] && [ "$port" != /dev/"$DEVNAME" ]; then
-+			return 0
-+		fi
-+		[ -n "$runas" ] && chgrp "$(id -gn "${runas}")" /dev/"$DEVNAME"
-+		chmod g+rw /dev/"$DEVNAME"
-+	}
-+nut_on_hotplug_add() {
-+	. "${IPKG_INSTROOT}"/lib/functions.sh
-+	config load nut_server
-+	config_foreach nut_serial driver
-+[ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ -n "$DEVNAME" ] && {
-+	# On add of a serial port with name ttyUSB*
-+	[ -z "${DEVNAME%ttyUSB*}" ] && nut_on_hutplug_add
-+	# On add of a serial port with name ttyAMA*
-+	[ -z "${DEVNAME%ttyAMA*}" ] && nut_on_hutplug_add
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nut_server b/net/nut/files/nut_server
-index 464d56303..cda92497d 100644
---- a/net/nut/files/nut_server
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nut_server
-@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-+#config driver_global 'driver_global'
-+#	option user nut
- #config driver 'upsname'
- #	option driver usbhid-ups
- #	option port auto
--#	option other other-value
--#	option runas root
-+#	option enable_usb_serial 0
- #config user
- #	option username upsuser
-diff --git a/net/nut/files/nutshutdown b/net/nut/files/nutshutdown
-index e4fd962cd..8400c9a6e 100755
---- a/net/nut/files/nutshutdown
-+++ b/net/nut/files/nutshutdown
-@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@
- # See /LICENSE for more information.
- #
--. /lib/functions.sh
--mount -o remount,ro /overlay /overlay
--mount -o remount,ro / /
- stop_instance() {
- 	/etc/init.d/nut-server stop "$1"
- }
-@@ -16,26 +11,39 @@ stop_instance() {
- shutdown_instance() {
- 	local cfg="$1"
- 	config_get driver "$cfg" driver "usbhid-ups"
--	/lib/nut/${driver} -a "$cfg" -k
-+	# Only FSD if killpower was indicated
-+	if [ -f /var/run/killpower ]; then
-+		/lib/nut/"${driver}" -a "$cfg" -k
-+	fi
- }
--[ -f /var/run/killpower ] && {
--	[ -f /etc/config/nut_server ] && {
--		config_load nut_server
-+do_fsd() {
-+	if [ -f /var/run/killpower ]; then
-+		# Only make FS readonly if we are doing an FSD
-+		mount -o remount,ro /overlay /overlay
-+		mount -o remount,ro / /
--		# Can't FSD unless drivers are stopped
--		config_foreach stop_instance driver
--		# Driver will  wait 'offdelay' before shutting down
--		config_foreach shutdown_instance driver
--		# So this can happen
--		poweroff
--		# And just in case
--		sleep 120
--		# Uh-oh failed to poweroff UPS
--		reboot -f
--	} || {
-+		. ${IPKG_INSTOOT}/lib/functions.sh
-+		if [ -f /etc/config/nut_server ]; then
-+			config_load nut_server
-+			# Can't FSD unless drivers are stopped
-+			config_foreach stop_instance driver
-+			# Driver will  wait 'offdelay' before shutting down
-+			config_foreach shutdown_instance driver
-+			# So this can happen
-+			rm -f /var/run/killpower
-+			poweroff
-+			# And just in case
-+			sleep 120
-+			# Uh-oh failed to poweroff UPS
-+			reboot -f
-+		else
-+			poweroff
-+		fi
-+	else
- 		poweroff
--	}
--} || {
--	poweroff
-+	fi
- }