diff --git a/patches/openwrt/to-upstream/0003-build-Use-LINUX_DIR-for-Kernel-Patch.patch b/patches/openwrt/to-upstream/0003-build-Use-LINUX_DIR-for-Kernel-Patch.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da0d3a99e0583c7524d1462c4842e9a2b536043..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/patches/openwrt/to-upstream/0003-build-Use-LINUX_DIR-for-Kernel-Patch.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-From b997f4dca00c239e891e70427c70e8b94e9a1389 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Build system automate <auto-build@example.com>
-Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 18:23:19 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] build: Use LINUX_DIR for Kernel/Patch
-Use LINUX_DIR as a path when patching kernel. Doesn't break the current usage,
-but allows to create packages that will contain variation of a kernel with
-kernel being build in some subdirectory of PKG_BUILD_DIR.
-Signed-off-by: Michal Hrusecky <michal.hrusecky@nic.cz>
- include/quilt.mk | 12 ++++++------
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/include/quilt.mk b/include/quilt.mk
-index 61dcc79..8268e55 100644
---- a/include/quilt.mk
-+++ b/include/quilt.mk
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ define PatchDir/Default
- 			$(call filter_series,$(2)/series) | xargs -n1 \
- 				$(KPATCH) "$(1)" "$(2)"; \
- 		else \
--			$(KPATCH) "$(1)" "$(2)"; \
-+			 $(KPATCH) "$(1)" "$(2)"; \
- 		fi; \
- 	fi
- endef
-@@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ endef
- kernel_files=$(foreach fdir,$(GENERIC_FILES_DIR) $(FILES_DIR),$(fdir)/.)
- define Kernel/Patch/Default
--	$(if $(QUILT),rm -rf $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/patches; mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/patches)
-+	$(if $(QUILT),rm -rf $(LINUX_DIR)/patches; mkdir -p $(LINUX_DIR)/patches)
- 	$(if $(kernel_files),$(CP) $(kernel_files) $(LINUX_DIR)/)
- 	find $(LINUX_DIR)/ -name \*.rej -or -name \*.orig | $(XARGS) rm -f
- 	if [ -d $(GENERIC_PLATFORM_DIR)/patches$(if $(wildcard $(GENERIC_PLATFORM_DIR)/patches-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)),-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)) ]; then \
- 		echo "generic patches directory is present. please move your patches to the pending directory" ; \
- 		exit 1; \
- 	fi
--	$(call PatchDir,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR),$(GENERIC_BACKPORT_DIR),generic-backport/)
--	$(call PatchDir,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR),$(GENERIC_PATCH_DIR),generic/)
--	$(call PatchDir,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR),$(GENERIC_HACK_DIR),generic-hack/)
--	$(call PatchDir,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR),$(PATCH_DIR),platform/)
-+	$(call PatchDir,$(LINUX_DIR),$(GENERIC_BACKPORT_DIR),generic-backport/)
-+	$(call PatchDir,$(LINUX_DIR),$(GENERIC_PATCH_DIR),generic/)
-+	$(call PatchDir,$(LINUX_DIR),$(GENERIC_HACK_DIR),generic-hack/)
-+	$(call PatchDir,$(LINUX_DIR),$(PATCH_DIR),platform/)
- endef
- define Quilt/RefreshDir