diff --git a/lists/migrate3x.lua b/lists/migrate3x.lua
index dadd29e55f179d2740e5439bffc1b34216615cf1..ec20c3f7cd14c752e261f56b9fcea63ce20881fa 100644
--- a/lists/migrate3x.lua
+++ b/lists/migrate3x.lua
@@ -80,294 +80,3 @@ Package("tos3to4", { replan = "finished" })
 We are potentially migrating from uClibc so reinstall everything depending on it.
 Package("libc", { abi_change_deep = true })
-To make migration little bit smooth we set some packages to be provided and to be
-virtual just to minimize change of being stuck with request for missing package.
-These happen primarily because users installed some package with opkg. In most
-cases if this package was renamed in 4.0+ the provides for old names were dropped.
-This does not solve problem ultimately. It instead moves problem for user to
-solver later when migration is completed. User have to modify its requests.
-if features and features.provides then
--- Updater
-Package("updater-ng", { provides = {"updater", "opkg-trans"} })
-Package("localrepo", { provides = "updater-ng-localrepo" })
-Package("updater-opkg-wrapper", { provides = "updater-ng-opkg" })
-Package("updater-supervisor", { provides = "updater-ng-supervisor" })
-Package("updater-ng-migration-helper", { virtual = true })
--- Userlits to package lists
-Package("pkglists", { provides = "userlists" })
-for _, l10n in pairs({"cs", "de", "fr", "hu", "ng", "pl", "ru", "sk"}) do
-	Package("pkglists-l10n-" .. l10n, { provides = "userlists-l10n-" .. l10n })
--- System tools
-Package("syslog-ng", { provides = "syslog-ng3" })
-Package("dnsmasq-full", { provides = "dnsmasq" })
-Package("cython", { provides = "cython3" })
-Package("libuhttpd-openssl", { provides = "uhttpd-mod-tls" })
-Package("procd", { provides = {"procd-nand", "procd-nand-firstboot"} })
-Package("mariadb-server", { provides = "mysql-server" })
-Package("ntfs-3g", { provides = "ntfsprogs_ntfs-3g" })
-Package("blockd", { provides = "mountd" })
-Package("dosfstools", { provides = {"mkdosfs", "dosfsck", "dosfslabel"} })
-Package("mdnsd", { provides = "mdns" })
-Package("conntrack", { provides = "conntrack-tools" })
-Package("gettext-tools", { provides = "gettext" })
-Package("findutils-find", { provides = "findutils" })
-Package("emailrelay", { provides = "emailrelay-nossl" })
--- Foris
-Package("foris-client", { provides = {"foris-client-bin", "foris-client-python3"} })
-Package("foris-schema", { provides = "foris-schema-python3" })
-Package("foris-client-python2", { virtual = true })
-Package("foris-common", { virtual = true })
-Package("foris-config", { virtual = true })
-Package("foris-plugin-ups-pfc8591", { virtual = true })
--- Various replacements (these are not ideal replacements but something at least)
-Packages("domoticz", { provides = "domoticz-turris-gadgets" })
-Package("snmpd", { provides = "snmpd-static" })
-Package("iperf", { provides = "iperf-mt" })
-Package("shairport-sync-openssl", { provides = "shairport" })
-Package("shadowsocks-libev-config", { provides = "shadowsocks-libev" })
-Package("lxc-copy", { provides = "lxc-clone" })
-Package("gst1-mod-camerabin", { provides = "gst1-mod-camerabin2" })
-Package("gst1-mod-oss4", { provides = "gst1-mod-oss4audio" })
-Package("canutils-log-conversion", {
-	virtual = true, depends = {"canutils-log2asc", "canutils-log2long"} })
-Package("netopeer2-keystored", { provides = "netopeer2-cli" })
-Package("knxd", { provides = "knxd-tools" })
-Package("luci-app-cshark", { provides = "cshark" })
--- Missing collectd modules (just ignore them)
-local collectd_mods = {
-	"dbi", "madwifi", "nut"
-for _, mod in pairs(collectd_mods) do
-	Package("collectd-mod-" .. mod, { virtual = true })
-Package("nikola", { virtual = true })
-Package("ssbackups", { virtual = true })
--- freeradius2 (just ignore it as we no longer provide it
-local freeradius = {
-	"", "-common", "-democerts", "-mod-always", "-mod-attr-filter",
-	"-mod-attr-rewrite", "-mod-chap", "-mod-detail", "-mod-eap", "-mod-eap-gtc",
-	"-mod-eap-md5", "-mod-eap-mschapv2", "-mod-eap-peap", "-mod-eap-tls",
-	"-mod-eap-ttls", "-mod-exec", "-mod-expiration", "-mod-expr", "-mod-files",
-	"-mod-ldap", "-mod-logintime", "-mod-mschap", "-mod-pap", "-mod-passwd",
-	"-mod-preprocess", "-mod-radutmp", "-mod-realm", "-mod-sql", "-mod-sql-mysql",
-	"-mod-sql-pgsql", "-mod-sql-sqlite", "-mod-sqlcounter", "-mod-sqllog",
-	"-utils"
-for _, pkg in pairs(freeradius) do
-	Package("freeradius2" .. pkg, { virtual = true })
--- Kernel modules (no longer provided)
-local kmods = {
-	"8021q", "appletalk", "ata-ahci-platform", "ata-mvebu-ahci", "bridge",
-	"crypto-marvell-cesa", "crypto-mv-cesa", "fs-9p", "fs-afs",
-	"fs-nfs-common-v4", "hostap", "hostap-pci", "hostap-plx", "hwmon-gsc",
-	"i2c-mv64xxx", "ide-aec62xx", "ide-core", "ide-generic", "ide-generic-old",
-	"ide-it821x", "ide-pdc202xx", "ipvti", "leds-tlc59116", "ledtrig-morse",
-	"ledtrig-netfilter", "ledtrig-usbdev", "lib-oid-registry", "lib-zlib", "llc",
-	"mvsdio", "net-airo", "net-rtl8188eu", "nfnetlink-nfacct",
-	"rotary-gpio-custom", "rtc-armada38x", "rtc-marvell", "rxrpc", "sched-esfq",
-	"spi-gpio-old", "stp", "thermal", "thermal-armada", "usb-net-smsc75xx",
-	"usb-serial-motorola-phone", "usb-udl", "video-gspca-sq930x", "video-sn9c102",
-	"wdt-orion"
-for _, kmod in pairs(kmods) do
-	Package("kmod-" .. kmod, { virtual = true })
--- MTD utils (not available and as it seems not replaced)
-local mtd_utils = {
-	"", "-doc-loadbios", "-docfdisk", "-flash-erase", "-flash-eraseall",
-	"-flash-lock", "-flash-otp-dump", "-flash-otp-lock", "-flash-otp-write",
-	"-flash-unlock", "-flashcp", "-ftl-check", "-ftl-format", "-jffs2dump",
-	"-jffs2reader", "-mkfs.jffs2", "-mkfs.ubifs", "-mtd-debug", "-mtdinfo",
-	"-nanddump", "-nandtest", "-nandwrite", "-nftl-format", "-nftldump",
-	"-recv-image", "-rfddump", "-rfdformat", "-serve-image", "-sumtool", "-tests",
-	"-ubiattach", "-ubicrc32", "-ubidetach", "-ubiformat", "-ubimkvol", "-ubinfo",
-	"-ubinize", "-ubirename", "-ubirmvol", "-ubirsvol", "-ubiupdatevol"
-for _, mtd in pairs(mtd_utils) do
-	Package("mtd-utils" .. mtd, { virtual = true })
--- uCollect (no longer avaialable)
-local ucollect = {
-	"badconf", "bandwidth", "config", "count", "diffstore", "fake", "flow",
-	"fwup", "lib", "meta", "prog", "refused", "sniff", "spoof"
-for _, ext in pairs(ucollect) do
-	Package("ucollect-" .. ext, { virtual = true })
-Package("server-uplink", { virtual = true })
--- NUCI (no longer available)
-local nuci = {
-	"", "-ca-gen", "-diagnostics", "-nethist", "-openvpn-client", "-smrt", "-tls"
-for _, ext in pairs(nuci) do
-	Package("nuci" .. ext, { virtual = true })
--- PHP5 not available so replace with PHP7
-local php5 = {
-	"", "-cgi", "-cli", "-fastcgi", "-fpm", "-mod-calendar", "-mod-ctype",
-	"-mod-curl", "-mod-dom", "-mod-exif", "-mod-fileinfo", "-mod-ftp", "-mod-gd",
-	"-mod-gettext", "-mod-gmp", "-mod-hash", "-mod-iconv", "-mod-intl",
-	"-mod-json", "-mod-ldap", "-mod-mbstring", "-mod-mysqli", "-mod-opcache",
-	"-mod-openssl", "-mod-pcntl", "-mod-pdo", "-mod-pdo-mysql", "-mod-pdo-pgsql",
-	"-mod-pdo-sqlite", "-mod-pgsql", "-mod-session", "-mod-shmop",
-	"-mod-simplexml", "-mod-soap", "-mod-sockets", "-mod-sqlite3", "-mod-sysvmsg",
-	"-mod-sysvsem", "-mod-sysvshm", "-mod-tokenizer", "-mod-xml",
-	"-mod-xmlreader", "-mod-xmlwriter", "-mod-zip", "-pecl-dio", "-pecl-libevent",
-	"-pecl-propro", "-pecl-raphf"
-for _, ext in pairs(php5) do
-	Package("php7" .. ext, { provides = "php5" .. ext })
-Package("php5-mod-mysql", { virtual = true })
-Package("php5-mod-mcrypt", { virtual = true })
-Package("php7-mod-mcrypt", { virtual = true })
--- Python 2 (no longer available, migrate to Python3)
-local python2 = {
-	"-bottle", "-bottle-i18n", "-cachetools", "-functools32", "-gmpy", "-jinja2",
-	"-jsonschema", "-markupsafe", "-mysql", "-paho-mqtt", "-spidev",
-	"-turris-gpio", "-uci", "2-turrishw"
-for _, ext in pairs(python2) do
-	Package("python" .. ext, { virtual = true })
-Package("python-simplejson" , { provides = "simplejson" })
--- Python3
-local python3 = {
-	"astral", "augeas", "dns", "flasklogin", "maxminddb", "netdisco",
-	"netifaces", "pytest", "turrisgpio", "zeroconf"
-for _, ext in pairs(python3) do
-	Package("python3-" .. ext, { virtual = true })
-Package("python3-yaml", { provides = "python3-pyyaml" })
-Package("turrishw", { provides = "python3-turrishw" })
--- Cups (removed as unmaintainable)
-local cups = {
-	"cups", "cups-bjnp", "cups-bsd", "cups-client", "cups-ppdc", "libcups",
-	"libcupscgi", "libcupsimage", "libcupsmime", "libcupsppdc", "gutenprint-cups",
-	"luci-app-cups", "openprinting-cups-filters", "hplip",
-for _, pkg in pairs(cups) do
-	Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
--- WiFi
-Package("iw-full", { provides = "iw" })
-Package("wpa-supplicant-mesh-openssl", { provides = "wpa-supplicant-mesh" })
-Package("wpad-mesh-openssl", { provides = "wpad-mesh" })
-Package("wpad", { provides = "wpad-mini" })
--- Hardware
-Package("u-boot-omnia", { provides = "uboot-turris-omnia" })
--- Luci App for Asterisk (no longer available)
-Package("luci-app-asterisk", { virtual = true })
-local asterisk_langs = {
-	"ca", "cs", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fr", "he", "hu", "it", "ja", "ms", "no",
-	"pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-cn",
-	"zh-tw"
-for _, lang in pairs(asterisk_langs) do
-	Package("luci-i18n-asterisk-" .. lang, { virtual = true })
--- nginx
-Package("nginx-mod-luci", { virtual = true })
-Package("nginx-mod-luci-ssl", { virtual = true })
-Package("nginx", { provides = {"nginx-ssl", "nginx-all-module"} })
--- These pacakge do not compile so we mark them as virtual
-local nobuild = {
-	"alpine", "alpine-nossl", "gnunet-dv", "gnunet-flat", "gnunet-social",
-	"yate-mod-sip_cnam_lnp", "yate-mod-speexcodec", "ppp-mod-pppoa"
-for _, pkg in pairs(nobuild) do
-	Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
--- Various libraries (should not harm to ignore them)
-local libraries = {
-	"libcyassl", "liberation-fonts", "libevent", "libevhtp", "libfreecwmp",
-	"libijs", "libjbigkit", "libmaxminddb", "libmicroxml", "libmysqlclient",
-	"libmysqlclient-r", "libncursesw", "libnetconf", "libnetconf2", "libnfc",
-	"libnfsidmap", "libortp", "libpolarssl", "libresample", "libssh", "libtoxav",
-	"libtoxcore", "libtoxdns", "libtoxencryptsave", "libwebsockets-cyassl",
-for _, pkg in pairs(libraries) do
-	Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
--- General removed packages
-local dropped = {
-	"btrfs-convert", "ctorrent", "ctorrent-nossl", "ctorrent-svn",
-	"ctorrent-svn-nossl", "ups-pfc8591", "userspace_time_sync", "w_scan", "wol",
-	"wshaper", "ubuntu-fonts", "udev", "thermometer", "tig", "tox-bootstrapd",
-	"suricata-monitor", "suricata-rules", "qemu", "oneshot", "sfpswitch",
-	"luci-app-majordomo", "luci-app-nut", "luci-app-shairport",
-	"luci-i18n-shadowsocks-libev-sv", "luci-i18n-shadowsocks-libev-zh-cn",
-	"luci-i18n-wireguard-zh-tw", "lxc-lua", "ghostscript",
-	"ghostscript-fonts-std", "ghostscript-gnu-gs-fonts-other",
-	"gst1-mod-dataurisrc", "gst1-mod-liveadder", "gst1-mod-mad",
-	"gst1-mod-rawparse", "gst1-mod-souphttpsrc", "aiccu", "aiccu-gnutls",
-	"lua-cqueues", "lcollect", "lcollect-majordomo", "mac-to-devinfo", "mcutool",
-	"meek", "netdiscover-to-devinfo", "nethist", "nfc-utils", "ntox", "oor",
-	"oprofile", "oprofile-utils", "pimbd", "poppler", "pynrf24", "qpdf",
-	"quagga-babeld", "robocfg", "shflags", "shtool", "siproxd-mod-fix_bogus_via",
-	"smap-to-devinfo", "l7-protocols", "l7-protocols-testing", "augeas",
-	"authsae", "classpath", "classpath-tools", "dansguardian", "dmapd",
-	"engine_pkcs11", "freecwmp", "freenetconfd", "freenetconfd-plugin-examples",
-	"freesub", "home-assistant", "home-assistant-turris-gadgets", "hostap-utils",
-	"iotivity-things-manager", "iotivity-things-manager-lib",
-	"iptables-mod-nfacct", "lcms2",
-for _, pkg in pairs(dropped) do
-	Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
--- Samba4 is not available (in TOS 4.x)
-local samba4 = {
-	"admin", "client", "libs", "server", "utils"
-for _, ext in pairs(samba4) do
-	Package("samba4-" .. ext, { virtual = true })
-Package("luci-app-samba4", { virtual = true })
-local samba4_langs = {
-	"ca", "cs", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fr", "he", "hu", "it", "ja", "ms", "no",
-	"pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-cn",
-	"zh-tw"
-for _, lang in pairs(samba4_langs) do
-	Package("luci-i18n-samba4-" .. lang, { virtual = true })
--- Packages from Turris not available in TOS 4.0+ (yet)
-local notyet = {
-	"ltemetr-core", "ssdeep", "suricata-emergingthreats-rules-ludus", "ludus",
-	"ludus-gui", "atlas-probe atlas-sw-probe",
-for _, pkg in pairs(notyet) do
-	Package(pkg, { virtual = true })