• Karel Koci's avatar
    Release version 0.9.0 · 84f34719
    Karel Koci authored
    * `convert` argument for `EUci.get`. It provides a way to convert values
      to any type with custom function.
    * `list` argument for `EUci.get` is now required to be set to `True` for
      lists otherwise only first value is returned. This is removal of
      auto-detection of lists. The get of list has to be now always
      explictly stated.
    * `dtype` argument for `EUci.get` can now be any type that can be
      initialized with string as a single argument (such as `int("42")`.
    * `default` argument for `EUci.get` now uses object instance `NoDefault`
      to detect that there is no default instead of presence of keyword
    * obsolete "get" methods in `EUci`
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