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Commit 225afc63 authored by Marek Vavruša's avatar Marek Vavruša
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doc/modules: updated modules documentation

extracted part about writing layers to lib documentation
parent a8154367
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.. include:: ../modules/README.rst
.. _modules-implemented:
Implemented modules
.. contents::
:depth: 1
.. include:: ../modules/hints/README.rst
.. include:: ../modules/cachectl/README.rst
.. include:: ../modules/cachectl/README.rst
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......@@ -2,90 +2,27 @@
Knot DNS Resolver extensions
The resolver :ref:`library <lib_index>` leverages the `processing API`_ from the libknot to separate packet processing code
into layers. In order to keep the core library sane and coverable, there are only two built-in layers:
the :c:func:`iterate_layer`, and the :c:func:`itercache_layer`. The resolver context however can
load shared libraries on runtime, which allows us to build and register external modules as well.
Writing extensions
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Supported languages
Currently modules written in C are supported.
There is also a rudimentary support for writing modules in Go |---| ⑴ the library has no native Go bindings, library is accessible using CGO_, ⑵ gc doesn't support building shared libraries, GCCGO_ is required, ⑶ no coroutines and no garbage collecting thread, as the Go code is called from C threads.
There is a plan for Lua scriptables, but it's not implemented yet.
Available services
*Note* |---| This is only crash-course in the library internals, see the resolver :ref:`library <lib_index>` documentation for the complete overview of the services.
The library offers following services:
- :ref:`Cache <lib_cache>` - MVCC cache interface for retrieving/storing resource records.
- :ref:`Resolution plan <lib_rplan>` - Query resolution plan, a list of partial queries (with hierarchy) sent in order to satisfy original query. This contains information about the queries, nameserver choice, timing information, answer and its class.
- :ref:`Nameservers <lib_nameservers>` - Reputation database of nameservers, this serves as an aid for nameserver choice.
If you're going to publish a layer in your module, it's going to be called by the query resolution driver for each query,
so you're going to work with :ref:`struct kr_layer_param <lib_api_rplan>` as your per-query context. This structure contains pointers to
resolution context, resolution plan and also the final answer. You're likely to retrieve currently solved query from the query plan:
.. code-block:: c
int consume(knot_layer_t *ctx, knot_pkt_t *pkt)
struct kr_layer_param *param = ctx->data;
struct kr_query *query = kr_rplan_current(param->rplan);
There is also a rudimentary support for writing modules in Go |---| |(1)| the library has no native Go bindings, library is accessible using CGO_, |(2)| gc doesn't support building shared libraries, GCCGO_ is required, |(3)| no coroutines and no garbage collecting thread, as the Go code is called from C threads.
This is only passive processing of the incoming answer. If you want to change the course of resolution, say satisfy a query from a local cache before the library issues a query to the nameserver, you can use states (see the `Static hints`_ for example).
.. code-block:: c
int produce(knot_layer_t *ctx, knot_pkt_t *pkt)
struct kr_layer_param *param = ctx->data;
struct kr_query *cur = kr_rplan_current(param->rplan);
/* Query can be satisfied locally. */
if (can_satisfy(cur)) {
/* This flag makes the resolver move the query
* to the "resolved" list. */
query->resolved = true;
/* Pass-through. */
return ctx->state;
It is possible to not only act during the query resolution, but also to view the complete resolution plan afterwards.
This is useful for analysis-type tasks, or *"on-resolution"* hooks.
.. code-block:: c
int finish(knot_layer_t *ctx)
struct kr_layer_param *param = ctx->data;
struct kr_rplan *rplan = param->rplan;
/* Print the query sequence with start time. */
char qname_str[KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN];
struct kr_query *qry = NULL
WALK_LIST(qry, rplan->resolved) {
knot_dname_to_str(qname_str, qry->sname, sizeof(qname_str));
printf("%s at %u\n", qname_str, qry->timestamp);
return ctx->state;
.. note:: There is a plan for Lua scriptables, but it's not implemented yet.
The anatomy of an extension
A module is a shared library defining specific functions, here's an overview of the functions.
*Note* |---| the :ref:`Modules <lib_modules>` header documents the module loading and API.
*Note* |---| the :ref:`Modules <lib_api_modules>` header documents the module loading and API.
.. csv-table::
:header: "C", "Go", "Params", "Comment"
......@@ -94,7 +31,7 @@ A module is a shared library defining specific functions, here's an overview of
"``X_init()``", "``Init()``", "``module``", "Constructor"
"``X_deinit()``", "``Deinit()``", "``module, key``", "Destructor"
"``X_config()``", "``Config()``", "``module``", "Configuration"
"``X_layer()``", "``Layer()``", "", "Module layer"
"``X_layer()``", "``Layer()``", "", ":ref:`Module layer <lib-layers>`"
"``X_props()``", "``Props()``", "", "NULL-terminated list of properties"
.. [#] Mandatory symbol.
......@@ -102,12 +39,10 @@ A module is a shared library defining specific functions, here's an overview of
The ``X_`` corresponds to the module name, if the module name is ``hints``, then the prefix for constructor would be ``hints_init()``.
This doesn't apply for Go, as it for now always implements `main` and requires capitalized first letter in order to export its symbol.
How does the module get loaded
The resolution context :c:type:`struct kr_context` holds loaded modules for current context. A module can be registered with :c:func:`kr_context_register`, which triggers module constructor *immediately* after the load. Module destructor is automatically called when the resolution context closes.
If the module exports a layer implementation, it is automatically discovered by :c:func:`kr_resolver` on resolution init and plugged in. The order in which the modules are registered corresponds to the call order of layers.
.. note::
The resolution context :c:type:`struct kr_context` holds loaded modules for current context. A module can be registered with :c:func:`kr_context_register`, which triggers module constructor *immediately* after the load. Module destructor is automatically called when the resolution context closes.
If the module exports a layer implementation, it is automatically discovered by :c:func:`kr_resolver` on resolution init and plugged in. The order in which the modules are registered corresponds to the call order of layers.
Writing a module in C
......@@ -123,7 +58,7 @@ As almost all the functions are optional, the minimal module looks like this:
Let's define an observer thread for the module as well. It's going to be stub for the sake of brevity,
but you can for example create a condition, and notify the thread from query processing by declaring
module layer (see the `Available services`_).
module layer (see the :ref:`Writing layers <lib-layers>`).
.. code-block:: c
......@@ -244,6 +179,8 @@ Configuring modules
There is a callback ``X_config()`` but it's NOOP for now, as the configuration is not yet implemented.
.. _mod-properties:
Exposing module properties
......@@ -286,7 +223,7 @@ Here's an example how a module can expose its property:
static struct kr_prop prop_list[] = {
/* Callback, Name, Description */
{&get_size, "size", "Return number of records."},
{&get_size, "get_size", "Return number of records."},
return prop_list;
......@@ -302,14 +239,16 @@ Once you load the module, you can call the module property from the interactive
[system] started in interactive mode, type 'help()'
> modules.load('cached')
> return cached.size()
> cached.get_size()
{ "size": 53 }
*Note* |---| this relies on function pointers, so the same ``static inline`` trick as for the ``Layer()`` is required for C/Go.
.. _`processing API`:
.. _`not present in Go`:
.. _CGO:
.. _GCCGO:
.. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash
.. |(1)| unicode:: U+2474 .. (1)
.. |(2)| unicode:: U+2475 .. (2)
.. |(3)| unicode:: U+2476 .. (3)
.. _mod-hints:
Static hints
This is a module providing static hints from ``/etc/hosts``, document me.
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