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Knot DNS Configuration Reference

This reference describes every configuration option in Knot DNS server.

system Statement

The system statement contains general options related to the operating system and other general options which do not fit anywhere else.

system Syntax

system {
  [ identity ( on | "string" ); ]
  [ version ( on | "string" ); ]
  [ nsid ( on | "string" | hex_string ); ]
  [ rundir "string"; ]
  [ pidfile "string"; ]
  [ workers integer; ]
  [ background-workers integer; ]
  [ asynchronous-start ( on | off ); ]
  [ user string[.string]; ]
  [ max-conn-idle ( integer | integer(s | m | h | d); ) ]
  [ max-conn-handshake ( integer | integer(s | m | h | d); ) ]
  [ max-conn-reply ( integer | integer(s | m | h | d); ) ]
  [ transfers integer; ]
  [ rate-limit integer; ]
  [ rate-limit-size integer; ]
  [ rate-limit-slip integer; ]
  [ max-udp-payload integer; ]

system Statement Definition and Usage


Identity of the server returned in a response for the query for TXT record id.server. or hostname.bind. in the CHAOS class (see RFC4892).

If not specified or empty, the server returns REFUSED status code. If a boolean value of on is used, FQDN hostname is used as a default.

system {
  identity "";
  identity on;


Version of the server software returned in a response for the query for TXT record version.server. or version.bind. in the CHAOS class (see RFC4892).

Option allows a boolean value on|off, if on, automatic version string is set as a default. If not specified or empty, the server returns REFUSED status code.

system {
  version "Knot DNS 1.3.0";
  version on; # Reports current version


DNS Name Server Identifier (see RFC5001).

Use a string format "text" or a hexstring (e.g. 0x01ab00) If a boolean value of on is used, FQDN hostname is used as a default.

system {
  nsid 0x00cafe;
  nsid "cafe";
  nsid on;


Path for storing run-time data, for example PID file and unix sockets. Default value: ${localstatedir}/run/knot, configured with --with-rundir=path

system {
  rundir "/var/run/knot";


Specifies a custom PID file location.

Default value: in rundir directory.

system {
  pidfile "/var/run/knot/";


Number of workers (threads) per server interface. This option is used to force number of threads used per interface.

Default value: unset (auto-estimates optimal value from the number of online CPUs)

system {
  workers 16;


This option is used to set number of threads used to execute background operations (e.g., zone loading, zone signing, XFR zone updates, ...).

Default value: unset (auto-estimates optimal value for the number of online CPUs)

system {
  background-workers 4;


When asynchronous startup is enabled, server doesn't wait for the zones to be loaded, and starts responding immediately with SERVFAIL answers until the zone loads. This may be useful in some scenarios, but it is disabled by default.

Default value: off (wait for zones to be loaded before answering)

system {
  asynchronous-start off;


System user or user.``group`` under which the Knot DNS is run after starting and binding to interfaces. Linux capabilities (:ref:`Required libraries`) are employed if supported and this configuration option is set.

Default value: root.root

system {
  user knot.knot;


Maximum idle time between requests on a TCP connection. This also limits receiving of a single query, each query must be received in this time limit.


Maximum time between newly accepted TCP connection and first query. This is useful to disconnect inactive connections faster, than connection that already made at least 1 meaningful query.


Maximum time to wait for a reply to an issued SOA query.


Maximum parallel transfers, including pending SOA queries. Lowest possible number is the number of CPUs. Default is 10.


Rate limiting is based on a token bucket scheme, rate basically represents number of tokens available each second. Each response is processed and classified (based on a several discriminators, f.e. source netblock, qtype, name, rcode, etc.). Classified responses are then hashed and assigned to a bucket containing number of available tokens, timestamp and metadata. When available tokens are exhausted, response is rejected or enters SLIP (server responds with a truncated response). Number of available tokens is recalculated each second.

Default value: 0 (disabled)


Option controls the size of a hashtable of buckets. The larger the hashtable, the lesser probability of a hash collision, but at the expense of additional memory costs. Each bucket is estimated roughly to 32B. Size should be selected as a reasonably large prime due to the better hash function distribution properties. Hash table is internally chained and works well up to a fill rate of 90%, general rule of thumb is to select a prime near 1.2 * maximum_qps.

Default value: 393241


As attacks using DNS/UDP are usually based on a forged source address, an attacker could deny services to the victim netblock if all responses would be completely blocked. The idea behind SLIP mechanism is to send each Nth response as truncated, thus allowing client to reconnect via TCP for at least some degree of service. It is worth noting, that some responses can't be truncated (f.e. SERVFAIL).

Default value: 1


Maximum EDNS0 UDP payload size.

Default value: 4096

system Example

system {
  identity "Knot DNS |version|";
  version "|version|";
  nsid    "amaterasu";
  rundir "/var/run/knot";
  workers 16;
  user knot.knot;
  max-udp-payload 4096;

keys Statement

The keys statement sets up the TSIG keys used to authenticate zone transfers.

keys Syntax

keys {
  key_id algorithm "string";
  [ key_id algorithm "string"; ... ]

Statement Definition and Usage

key_id Statement

The key_id statement defines a secret shared key for use with TSIG. It consists of its name, algorithm and key contents.

Supported algoritms:

  • hmac-md5
  • hmac-sha1
  • hmac-sha224
  • hmac-sha256
  • hmac-sha384
  • hmac-sha512

You need to use bind or ldns utils to generate TSIG keys. Unfortunately, Knot DNS does not have any own generation utilities yet.

$ dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-SHA256 -b 256 -n HOST
$ cat  ( IN KEY 512 3 163
                      rqv2WRyDgIUaHcJi03Zssor9jtG1kOpb3dPywxZfTeo= )

Key generated in previous paragraph would be written as:

keys {  hmac-sha256

keys Example

keys {
  key0.server0 hmac-md5 "Wg==";  hmac-sha256 "RQ==";

interfaces Statement

The interfaces statement contains IP interfaces where Knot DNS listens for incoming queries.

interfaces Syntax

interfaces {
    ( ip_address[@port_number] |
      { address ip_address; [ port port_number; ] @} )
  [ interface_id ...; ...; ]

interfaces Statement Definition and Usage


The interface_id is a textual identifier of an IP interface, which consists of an IP address and a port.

The definition of an interface can be written in long or a short form and it always contains IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address.

interfaces Example

Long form:

interfaces {
  my_ip {
    port 53;

Short form:

interfaces {
  my_second_ip { address; }

Short form without port (defaults to 53):

interfaces {
  my_third_ip { address; }

remotes Statement

The remotes statement sets up all remote servers for zone transfers. Knot DNS does not distinguish between client or server in this section. Role of the server is determined at the time of its usage in the zones section. One server may act as a client for one zone (e.g. downloading the updates) and as a master server for a different zone.

remotes Syntax

remotes {
    ( ip_address[@port_number] |
      {   address ip_address;
         [ port port_number; ]
         [ key key_id; ]
         [ via [ interface_id | ip_address ]; ]
  [ remote_id ...; ...; ]

remotes Statement Definition and Grammar


remote_id contains a symbolic name for a remote server.


address sets an IPv4 or an IPv6 address for this particular remote.


port section contains a port number for the current remote. This section is optional with default port set to 53.


key section contains a key associated with this remote. This section is optional.


via section specifies which interface will be used to communicate with this remote. This section is optional.

remotes Example

remotes {
  # Long form:
  server0 {
    port 53531;
    key key0.server0;
    via ipv4;             # reference to interface named ipv4
    # via;    # direct IPv4
    # via [::cafe];       # direct IPv6

  # Short form:
  server1 {

groups Statement

The groups statement is used to create groups of remote machines defined in :ref:`remotes` statement. The group can substitute multiple machines specification anywhere in the configuration where the list of remotes is allowed to be used (namely allow in :ref:`control` section and ACLs in :ref:`zones` section).

The remotes definitions must exist prior to using them in group definitions. One remote can be a member of multiple groups.

groups Syntax

groups {
  group_id { remote_id [ , ... ] }
  [ ... ]

groups Statement Definition and Grammar


group_id contains a symbolic name for a group of remotes.


remote_id contains a symbolic name for a remote server as specified in :ref:`remotes` section.

groups Example

remotes {
  ctl {
    # ...
  alice {
    # ...
  bob {
    # ...

groups {
  admins { alice, bob }

# example usage:
control {
  # ...
  allow ctl, admins;

control Statement

The control statement specifies on which interface to listen for remote control commands. Caution: The control protocol is not encrypted, and susceptible to replay attack in a short timeframe until message digest expires, for that reason, it is recommended to use default UNIX sockets.

control Syntax

control {
  [ listen-on {
    ( address ip_address[@port_number] |
      { address ip_address; [ port port_number; ] } )
  } ]
  [ allow remote_id [, remote_id, ... ]; ]

control Statement Definition and Grammar

Control interface listen-on either defines a UNIX socket or an IPv4/IPv6 interface definition as in :ref:`interfaces`. Default port for IPv4/v6 control interface is 5533, however UNIX socket is preferred. UNIX socket address is relative to rundir if not specified as an absolute path. Without any configuration, the socket will be created in rundir/knot.sock.

control Examples

UNIX socket example:

control {
        listen-on "/var/run/knot/knot.sock";

IPv4 socket example:

keys {
        knotc-key hmac-md5 "Wg==";
remotes {
        ctl { address; key knotc-key; }
control {
        listen-on { address; }
        allow ctl;

zones Statement

The zones statement contains definition of zones served by Knot DNS.

zones Syntax

zones {
  [ zone_options ]
  zone_id {
    file "string";
    [ xfr-in remote_id [, remote_id, ... ]; ]
    [ xfr-out remote_id [, remote_id, ... ]; ]
    [ notify-in remote_id [, remote_id, ... ]; ]
    [ notify-out remote_id [, remote_id, ... ]; ]
    [ update-in remote_id [, remote_id, ... ]; ]
    [ zone_options ]

zone_options :=
  [ storage "string"; ]
  [ semantic-checks boolean; ]
  [ ixfr-from-differences boolean; ]
  [ disable-any boolean; ]
  [ notify-timeout integer; ]
  [ notify-retries integer; ]
  [ zonefile-sync ( integer | integer(s | m | h | d); ) ]
  [ ixfr-fslimit ( integer | integer(k | M | G) ); ]
  [ ixfr-from-differences boolean; ]
  [ dnssec-keydir "string"; ]
  [ dnssec-enable ( on | off ); ]
  [ signature-lifetime ( integer | integer(s | m | h | d); ) ]
  [ serial-policy ( increment | unixtime ); ]
  [ query_module { module_name "string"; [ module_name "string"; ... ] } ]

zones Statement Definition and Grammar


zone_id is a zone origin, and as such is a domain name that may or may not end with a ".". If no $ORIGIN directive is found inside actual zone file, this domain name will be used in place of "@". SOA record in the zone must have this name as its owner.


The file statement defines a path to the zone file. You can either use an absolute path or a relative path. In that case, the zone file path will be relative to the storage directory (:ref:`storage`).


In xfr-in statement user specifies which remotes will be permitted to perform a zone transfer to update the zone. Remotes are defined in remotes section of configuration file (:ref:`remotes`).


In xfr-out statement user specifies which remotes will be permitted to obtain zone's contents via zone transfer. Remotes are defined in remotes section of configuration file (:ref:`remotes`).


notify-in defines which remotes will be permitted to send NOTIFY for this particular zone. Remotes are defined in remotes section of configuration file (:ref:`remotes`).


notify-out defines to which remotes will your server send NOTIFYs about this particular zone. Remotes are defined in remotes section of configuration file (:ref:`remotes`).


In update-in statement user specifies which remotes will be permitted to perform a DNS UPDATE. Remotes are defined in remotes section of configuration file (:ref:`remotes`).


Statement query_module takes a list of module_name "config_string" query modules separated by semicolon.


Data directory for zones. It is used to store zone files and journal files. If compiled with LMDB support, a database storing persistent zone

event timers will also be created in the timers subdirectory.

Value of storage set in zone section is relative to storage in zones section.

Default value (in zones section): ${localstatedir}/lib/knot, configured with --with-storage=path

Default value (in zone config): inherited from zones section

zones {
  storage "/var/lib/knot"; {
    storage "com";
    file ""; # /var/lib/knot/com/


semantic-checks statement turns on optional semantic checks for this particular zone. See :ref:`zones List of zone semantic checks` for more information.

Possible values are on and off. Most checks are disabled by default.


Option ixfr-from-differences is only relevant if you are running Knot DNS as a master for this zone. By turning the feature on you tell Knot to create differences from changes you made to a zone file upon server reload. See :ref:`Controlling running daemon` for more information.

Possible values are on and off. Disabled by default.


If you enable disable-any, all authoritative ANY queries sent over UDP will be answered with an empty response and with the TC bit set. Use to minimize the risk of DNS reflection attack. Disabled by default.


notify-timeout in seconds specifies how long will server wait for NOTIFY response. Possible values are 1 to INT_MAX. By default, this value is set to 60 seconds.


notify-retries tells the server how many times it can retry to send a NOTIFY. Possible values are 1 to INT_MAX and default value is 5.


zonefile-sync specifies a time in seconds after which current zone in memory will be synced to zone file on the disk (as set in :ref:`file`). Knot DNS will serve the latest zone even after restart, but zone file on a disk will only be synced after zonefile-sync time has expired (or synced manually via knotc flush - see :ref:`Running Knot DNS`). This is applicable when the zone is updated via IXFR, DDNS or automatic DNSSEC signing. Possible values are 0 to INT_MAX, optionally suffixed by unit size (s/m/h/d) - 1s is one second, 1m one minute, 1h one hour and 1d one day with default value set to 0s.

Important note: If you are serving large zones with frequent updates where the immediate sync to zone file is not desirable, set this value in the configuration file to other value.


ixfr-fslimit sets a maximum file size for zone's journal in bytes. Possible values are 1 to INT_MAX, with optional suffixes k, m and G. I.e. 1k, 1m and 1G with default value not being set, meaning that journal file can grow without limitations.


Location of DNSSEC signing keys, relative to storage.

Default value: not set


PREVIEW: Enable automatic DNSSEC signing for the zone.

Default value (in zones section): off

Default value (in zone config): inherited from zones section


Specifies how long should the automatically generated DNSSEC signatures be valid. Expiration will thus be set as current time (in the moment of signing) + signature-lifetime. Possible values are from 10801 to INT_MAX. The signatures are refreshed one tenth of the signature lifetime before the signature expiration (i.e., 3 days before the expiration with the default value). For information about zone expiration date, invoke the knotc zonestatus command.

Default value: 30d (2592000)


Specifies how the zone serial is updated after DDNS (dynamic update) and automatic DNSSEC signing. If the serial is changed by the dynamic update, no change is made.

  • increment - After update or signing, the serial is automatically incremented (according to serial number arithmetic).
  • unixtime - After update or signing, serial is set to the current unix time.

Warning: If your serial was in other than unix time format, be careful with transition to unix time. It may happen that the new serial will be 'lower' than the old one. If this is the case, the transition should be done by hand (see RFC1982).

Default value: increment

zones Example

zones {

  # Shared options for all listed zones
  storage "/var/lib/knot";
  ixfr-from-differences off;
  semantic-checks off;
  disable-any off;
  notify-timeout 60;
  notify-retries 5;
  zonefile-sync 0;
  ixfr-fslimit 1G;
  dnssec-enable on;
  dnssec-keydir "keys";
  signature-lifetime 60d;
  serial-policy increment; {
    storage "samples";
    file "";
    ixfr-from-differences off;
    disable-any off;
    semantic-checks on;
    notify-timeout 60;
    notify-retries 5;
    zonefile-sync 0;
    dnssec-keydir "keys";
    dnssec-enable off;
    signature-lifetime 30d;
    serial-policy increment;
    xfr-in server0;
    xfr-out server0, server1;
    notify-in server0;
    notify-out server0, server1;

zones List of zone semantic checks

The semantic-checks statement turns on extra zone file semantic checks. Several checks are enabled by default and cannot be turned off. If an error is found using these mandatory checks, the zone file will not be loaded. Upon loading a zone file, occurred errors and counts of their occurrence will be logged to stderr. These checks are the following:

  • An extra record together with CNAME record (except for RRSIG and DS)
  • CNAME link chain length greater than 10 (including infinite cycles)
  • DNAME and CNAME records under the same owner (RFC 2672)
  • CNAME and DNAME wildcards pointing to themselves
  • SOA record missing in the zone (RFC 1034)
  • DNAME records having records under it (DNAME children) (RFC 2672)

Following checks have to be turned on using semantic-checks and a zone containing following errors will be loaded even upon discovering an error:

  • Missing NS record at the zone apex
  • Missing glue A or AAAA records
  • Broken or non-cyclic NSEC(3) chain
  • Wrong NSEC(3) type bitmap
  • Multiple NSEC records at the same node
  • Missing NSEC records at authoritative nodes
  • Extra record types under same name as NSEC3 record (this is RFC-valid, but Knot will not serve such a zone correctly)
  • NSEC3-unsecured delegation that is not part of Opt-out span
  • Wrong original TTL value in NSEC3 records
  • Wrong RDATA TTL value in RRSIG record
  • Signer name in RRSIG RR not the same as in DNSKEY
  • Signed RRSIG
  • Not all RRs in node are signed
  • Wrong key flags or wrong key in RRSIG record (not the same as ZSK)

log Statement

log Syntax

log {
  [ log_name {
    [ category severity; ]
  } ]
  [ log_file filename {
    [ category severity; ]
  } ]

log Statement Definition and Grammar

The log statement configures logging output of Knot DNS. You can configure Knot DNS to log into file or system log. There are several logging categories to choose from. Each log message has its severity and user can configure severities for each log destination.

In case of missing log section, severities from warning and more serious will be logged to both stderr and syslog. The info and notice severities will be logged to the stdout.


log_name should be replaced with one of 3 symbolic log names:

  • stdout - logging to standard output
  • stderr - logging to standard error output
  • syslog - logging to syslog


Knot DNS allows user to choose from these logging categories:

  • server - Messages related to general operation of the server.
  • zone - Messages related to zones, zone parsing and loading.
  • any - All categories.


Knot DNS has the following logging severities:

  • debug - Debug messages, must be turned on at compile time (:ref:`Enabling debug messages in server`).
  • info - Informational message.
  • notice - Server notices and hints.
  • warning - Warnings that might require user action.
  • error - Recoverable error. Action should be taken.
  • critical - Non-recoverable error resulting in server shutdown.

Each severity level includes all more serious levels, i.e. warning severity also includes error and critical severities.


log_file is either absolute or relative path to file user wants to log to. See following example for clarification.