This a ANSI C99 implementation of the HAT-trie data structure of Askitis and
Sinha, an extremely efficient (space and time) modern variant of tries.
The version implemented here maps arrays of bytes to words (i.e., unsigned
longs), which can be used to store counts, pointers, etc, or not used at all if
you simply want to maintain a set of unique strings.
For details see,
1. Askitis, N., & Sinha, R. (2007). HAT-trie: a cache-conscious trie-based data
structure for strings. Proceedings of the thirtieth Australasian conference on
Computer science-Volume 62 (pp. 97–105). Australian Computer Society, Inc.
2. Askitis, N., & Zobel, J. (2005). Cache-conscious collision resolution in
string hash tables. String Processing and Information Retrieval (pp.
91–102). Springer.
git clone
cd hat-trie
autoreconf -i
make install
To use the library, include `hat-trie.h` and link using `lhat-trie`.