Coding style
* Indentation: TAB (8 spaces width)
* Braces: K&R, 1TBS
* Max line width: 80 chars
* Pointer asterisk attached to the name of the variable
* Own structures/types: _t suffix (f.e. nameserver_t)
* Header guard format: _KNOTD_HEADER_H_
* Spaces around binary operators
* Space between keyword and bracket (f.e. "if (predicate)")
* No space between variable and typecast (f.e. "return (int)val;")
To sum it up, Linux KNF is used, see [1].
[1] Linux Coding Style:
AStyle command format
astyle --style=1tbs -t8 -w -p -H -U -j --align-pointer=name
* Format: Qt-style
* "\brief", not "@brief"
* "/*!", not "/**"
* Order of sections
* brief description
* long description
* notes
* warnings
* parameters
* return values
* todos
* Always use \brief (no autobrief)
* Indent text (using spaces only) in multiple-line sections
* In multi-line comments, opening line (/*!) should be empty
* One empty line between two consecutive sections
* Struct and union members documented on the same line if the comment fits
* Use \retval (or more of them) instead of \return
if the function returns some distinct values
(such as 0 for no error, -1 for something else, etc.)
* Longer description.
struct some_struct {
* \brief This comment does not fit on the same line as the member
* \brief Brief description of some function.
* Longer description.
* \note This function is deprecated.
* \warning Do not use this function!
* \param param2 Other parameter. This one has rather large comment,
* so its next line is indented for better readability.
* \retval 0 on success.
* \retval -1 if some error occured.