Jul 28, 2021–Aug 19, 2021
Turris OS 5.2.5 (formal release)
Milestone ID: 1384
Turris OS follows the latest changes in the related branch. In the case of Turris OS 5.x, we follow openwrt-19.07 for each feed. It means that we include changes in small releases instead of a big releases. This ensures that we have security updates on time instead of waiting for release made by OpenWrt.
This release is just a formal one. It means to let users know that OpenWrt released a new version, and we already have it.
Changelog for OpenWrt 19.07.8:
What's new?
- changes in ubus (libubox)
- updated kernel to version 4.14.241
- updated Knot DNS from version 3.0.4 to 3.0.8