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Lubos Slovak authored
An actual (working) development version should be always in this branch. For subtasks, new branches will be created. For now all the old files are here, although this is actually a subtask. Later, we will remove all the old code from this branch and move it to some other branch. The master branch should be used for working or stable versions. Added .gitignore file. Created basic directory structure for the project and changed Makefile accordingly. Added QtCreator project files (CuteDNS.*).
cuckoo-hash-table.h 2.50 KiB
#include <stdint.h> /* uint32_t */
#include <stdlib.h> /* size_t */
#include <pthread.h>
#include "common.h"
#define hashsize(n) ((uint32_t)1<<(n))
#define hashmask(n) (hashsize(n)-1)
typedef struct {
const char *key;
size_t key_length;
void *value;
uint8_t timestamp; // 000000xy; xy .. generation; may be 01 or 10
} ck_hash_table_item; // size 13 B
typedef struct {
int table_size_exp; // exponent (2^table_size_exp is table size)
// -1 if not initialized
ck_hash_table_item *table1;
ck_hash_table_item *table2;
ck_hash_table_item *buffer;
uint buf_i;
uint8_t generation; /* 00000xyz x==1 .. rehashing in progress
yz .. generation; may be 01 or 10 */
void (*dtor_item)( void *value );
pthread_mutex_t mtx_table;
} ck_hash_table;
ck_hash_table *ck_create_table( uint items, void (*dtor_item)( void *value ) );
void ck_destroy_table( ck_hash_table **table );
* @brief Inserts item into the hash table.
* @note This function does not copy the key. Make sure the key will not be
* deallocated elsewhere as this will be done only in the
* ck_destroy_table() function.
* @retval 0 No error.
* @retval -1 Insertion failed.
int ck_insert_item( ck_hash_table *table, const char *key,
size_t length, void *value, unsigned long *collisions );
int ck_rehash( ck_hash_table *table );
* @brief Finds item in table.
const ck_hash_table_item *ck_find_item(
ck_hash_table *table, const char *key, size_t length );
* @brief Dumps the whole hash table.
void ck_dump_table( ck_hash_table *table );
* @todo Check size of integers, the table size may be larger than unsigned int.
* @todo Generalize to be k-ary cuckoo hashing (not dependent on number of
* tables.