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Commit b6b3e263 authored by Jan Doskočil's avatar Jan Doskočil Committed by Daniel Salzman
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scripts: for semi-automatic embedded libngtcp2 updates

parent ecc2af13
No related merge requests found
set -ueo pipefail
ROOT_PATH="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")/../src/contrib/libngtcp2/ngtcp2"
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
printf 'expected single arg - git tag name to which to upgrade\n'
exit 1
clonedir="$(mktemp -d)"
trap 'rm -rf "$clonedir"; printf "error encountered - aborting\n"' ERR
cur_version=v"$(sed -En 's/^.*NGTCP2_VERSION[^"]*"([0-9.]+)"/\1/p' "${ROOT_PATH}/version.h")"
git clone --branch="$1" "$NGTCP2_GIT" "${clonedir}/ngtcp2" 2>/dev/null
cd "${clonedir}/ngtcp2"
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=A "$cur_version" "$1" | xargs -r realpath >../added
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=D "$cur_version" "$1" | xargs -r realpath >../deleted
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ad "$cur_version" "$1" | xargs -r realpath >../changed
# generate new version.h
autoreconf -if >/dev/null 2>&1
./configure --enable-lib-only --with-gnutls >/dev/null 2>&1
cp ./lib/includes/ngtcp2/version.h "${ROOT_PATH}"
# delete files deleted in new version
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
find . -type f -name "$(basename "$line")" | xargs -r rm
done <"${clonedir}/deleted"
# update changed files
find . -type f | while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
base="$(basename "$line")"
match="$(grep -m1 "$base" "${clonedir}/changed" || true)"
if [ -n "$match" ]; then
cp "$match" "$line"
# ngtcp2_crypto.h is the only non-unique filename, so we deal with it separately
# ugly - I'm aware ;p
cp "${clonedir}/ngtcp2/lib/ngtcp2_crypto.h" ./lib/ngtcp2_crypto.h
cp "${clonedir}/ngtcp2/crypto/includes/ngtcp2/ngtcp2_crypto.h" ./ngtcp2_crypto.h
newfiles="$(wc -l "${clonedir}/added" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
if [ "$newfiles" -gt 0 ]; then
printf "%s new file(s) were added between %s and %s; add these manually if desired:\n" \
"$newfiles" "$cur_version" "$1"
cut -d'/' -f'5-' "${clonedir}/added" | xargs -r printf "\t%s\n"
rm -rf "$clonedir"
0% or .
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