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Commit c7bdc30e authored by Mark Karpilovskij's avatar Mark Karpilovskij Committed by Libor Peltan
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doc: update doc on offline KSK feature

parent c0bca800
1 merge request!931Offline ksk
......@@ -634,48 +634,70 @@ zone, e.g. turning off DNSSEC, removing all the keys and signatures as desired.
Knot DNS allows a special mode of operation where the private part of Key Signing Key is
not available to the daemon, rather stored securely in an offline storage. This requires
obviously that KSK/ZSK signing scheme is used. Zone Signing Key is always fully available
to Knot in order to sign common changes to zone contents.
Knot DNS allows a special mode of operation where the private part of the Key Signing Key is
not available to the daemon, but it is rather stored securely in an offline storage. This requires
that the KSK/ZSK signing scheme is used (i.e. :ref:`policy_single-type-signing` is off).
The Zone Signing Key is always fully available to the daemon in order to sign common changes to the zone contents.
The server (called "ZSK side") only uses ZSK to sign zone contents and its changes. Before
The server (or the "ZSK side") only uses ZSK to sign zone contents and its changes. Before
performing a ZSK rollover, the DNSKEY records will be pre-generated and signed by the
"KSK side". Both sides exchange keys in the form of human-readable messages with the help
signer (the "KSK side"). Both sides exchange keys in the form of human-readable messages with the help
of :doc:`keymgr <man_keymgr>` utility.
For the "ZSK side" (i.e. the operator of the DNS server), the pre-requirements are:
proper DNSSEC policy configuration of e.g. :ref:`zsk-lifetime <policy_zsk-lifetime>`,
but :ref:`manual <policy_manual>` set to "on", and a complete KASP db with just ZSKs. Also
:ref:`offline-ksk <policy_offline-ksk>` must be enabled.
For the "KSK side" (i.e. the operator of the KSK signer), the pre-requirements are
equal Knot configuration (at least the :ref:`Policy section` must be identical) and a KASP db
with the KSK(s).
The first step for the "ZSK side" is the :doc:`keymgr <man_keymgr>` command
``keymgr pregenerate`` to prepare the ZSKs for a specified period ahead.
For example, if he chooses *2 x zsk_lifetime + 4 x propagation_delay*, it will
probably prepare two complete future key rollovers. The newly-generated
ZSKs remain in non-published state until their rollover start, i.e. the time
they would otherwise be generated in case of automatic key management.
the operator shall export the public parts of the future ZSKs (in facts in the form of
future DNSKEY records) by calling ``keymgr generate-ksr``. The output
(called Key Signing Request; perhaps redirected to a file) shall be then sent to the
"KSK side" e.g. via e-mail.
The third step is done by "KSK side" by using the command ``keymgr sign-ksr`` with
the KSR file as the parameter. This completes and signs all the future forms of DNSKEY record,
creating the future RRSIGs (adding also CDNSKEYs and CDSs), which are again printed on output
(and called Signed Key Response). This shall be sent back to "ZSK side".
The last step is importing the signatures from SKR to the KASP db for later use,
this is done by ``keymgr import-skr``, followed by (as previously) ``knotc zone-resign``
command, so that the future zone re-signs are properly planned
in the event subsystem. Then the future ZSKs and DNSKEY record signatures are ready in KASP db for
later usage.
For the ZSK side (i.e. the operator of the DNS server), the pre-requisites are:
- properly configured :ref:`DNSSEC policy <Policy section>` (e.g. :ref:`zsk-lifetime <policy_zsk-lifetime>`),
- :ref:`manual <policy_manual>` set to `on`
- :ref:`offline-ksk <policy_offline-ksk>` set to `on`
- a complete KASP db with just ZSK(s)
For the KSK side (i.e. the operator of the KSK signer), the pre-requisites are:
- Knot configuration equal to the ZSK side (at least the :ref:`Policy section` must be identical)
- a KASP db with the KSK(s)
Generating and signing future ZSKs
1. Use the ``keymgr pregenerate`` command on the ZSK side to prepare the ZSKs for a specified period of time in the future. The following example
generates ZSKs for the ** zone for 6 months ahead starting from now::
$ keymgr -c /path/to/ZSK/side.conf pregenerate +6mo
If the time period is selected as e.g. *2 x* :ref:`policy_zsk-lifetime` *+ 4 x* :ref:`policy_propagation-delay`, it will
prepare roughly two complete future key rollovers. The newly-generated
ZSKs remain in non-published state until their rollover starts, i.e. the time
they would be generated in case of automatic key management.
2. Use the ``keymgr generate-ksr`` command on the ZSK side to export the public parts of the future ZSKs in a form
similar to DNSKEY records. Use the same time period as in the first step::
$ keymgr -c /path/to/ZSK/side.conf generate-ksr +6mo
Save the output of the command (called the Key Signing Request or KSR) to a file and transfer it to the KSK side e.g. via e-mail.
3. Use the ``keymgr sign-ksr`` command on the KSK side with the KSR file from the previous step as a parameter::
$ keymgr -c /path/to/KSK/side.conf sign-ksr /path/to/ksr/file
This creates all the future forms of the DNSKEY, CDNSKEY and CSK records and all the respective RRSIGs and prints them on output. Save
the output of the command (called the Signed Key Response or SKR) to a file and transfer it back to the ZSK side.
4. Use the ``keymgr import-skr`` command to import the records and signatures from the SKR file generated in the last step
into the KASP db on the ZSK side::
$ keymgr -c /path/to/ZSK/side.conf import-skr /path/to/skr/file
5. Use the ``knotc zone-sign`` command to trigger a zone re-sign on the ZSK-side and set up the future re-signing events correctly.::
$ knotc -c /path/to/ZSK/side.conf zone-sign
6. Now the future ZSKs and DNSKEY records with signatures are ready in KASP db for later usage.
Knot automatically uses them in correct time intervals.
The entire procedure must to be repeated before the time period selected at the beginning passes.
.. _Controlling running daemon:
......@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ Possible values:
Specifies if Offline KSK feature is enabled.
Specifies if :ref:`Offline KSK <DNSSEC Offline KSK>` feature is enabled.
*Default:* off
0% or .
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