kdig -E uses "epoch plus a bit" as time stamp
compiled on Debian 7. It appears as though kdig -E
doesn't keep track of "now" in the tap file it creates:
$ date
Sun Sep 10 15:07:27 UTC 2017
$ kdig -V
kdig (Knot DNS), version 2.5.4
$ kdig -E knot-dns.cz.tap www.knot-dns.cz A > /dev/null
$ dnstap-ldns -r knot-dns.cz.tap -q
1970-01-01 04:34:40.252611 TQ UDP 33b "www.knot-dns.cz." IN A
1970-01-01 04:34:41.391141 TR UDP 71b "www.knot-dns.cz." IN A