Unset records from zone failed
I can create a new zone, set all records via knotc
, read them back, but I cannot remove them.
KnotDNS: 2.9.1 (on Debian Stretch)
Steps to reproduce:
- create empty zone, for example
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc conf-begin
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc conf-set zone.domain test.cz
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc conf-set "zone[test.cz].template" default
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc conf-diff
+zone.domain = test.cz.
+zone[test.cz.].template = default
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc conf-commit
- set some records
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-begin test.cz
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-set test.cz @ 3600 SOA ns.test.cz. hostmaster.test.cz. 1 14400 3600 1814400 3600
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-set test.cz 200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4 3600 NSEC3 1 0 10 73656D616973656D61692E637A2E3432783836 88icqn5umdojdql2v8sserrn4n6cdgqo TXT RRSIG
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-set test.cz 200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4 3600 RRSIG NSEC3 13 3 3600 20191027051854 20191010051854 18885 test.cz. BVtUCKRY3FhzS0YZbACVbnVJauYAIVoI5MBriaQxRtAJ7YDx1reOcAij9pRjjMwCB+/qigwvMILcUyqPSfXOmQ==
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-diff test.cz
[test.cz.] +test.cz. 3600 SOA ns.test.cz. hostmaster.test.cz. 1 14400 3600 1814400 3600
[test.cz.] +200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4.test.cz. 3600 NSEC3 1 0 10 73656D616973656D61692E637A2E3432783836 88icqn5umdojdql2v8sserrn4n6cdgqo TXT RRSIG
[test.cz.] +200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4.test.cz. 3600 RRSIG NSEC3 13 3 3600 20191027051854 20191010051854 18885 test.cz. BVtUCKRY3FhzS0YZbACVbnVJauYAIVoI5MBriaQxRtAJ7YDx1reOcAij9pRjjMwCB+/qigwvMILcUyqPSfXOmQ==
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-commit test.cz
- read the zone
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-read test.cz
[test.cz.] test.cz. 3600 SOA ns.test.cz. hostmaster.test.cz. 1 14400 3600 1814400 3600
[test.cz.] 200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4.test.cz. 3600 NSEC3 1 0 10 73656D616973656D61692E637A2E3432783836 88icqn5umdojdql2v8sserrn4n6cdgqo TXT RRSIG
[test.cz.] 200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4.test.cz. 3600 RRSIG NSEC3 13 3 3600 20191027051854 20191010051854 18885 test.cz. BVtUCKRY3FhzS0YZbACVbnVJauYAIVoI5MBriaQxRtAJ7YDx1reOcAij9pRjjMwCB+/qigwvMILcUyqPSfXOmQ==
- unset records
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-begin test.cz
debian@semai:~% sudo knotc zone-unset test.cz 200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4
error: (no such node in zone found) [test.cz] 200iqb5pkho9u2f6qc3u3l49oqpei6f4
I manage my KnotDNS server with python wrapper using the C library. I get all zone records from third-party project and I need to unset the old records and set the new ones. AXFR or similar ways are not possible for me at the moment. I had a problem with old NSEC3
signatures in the server, because they were not listed in zone-read
output. This was fixed in KnotDNS 2.9.0, but now the problem is I cannot delete that records.
Thank you for fixing this.