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Knot DNS 2.0 includes two fuzzing tests in tests-fuzz/: a) a simple test harness that exercises the packet parsing logic in packet.c and more through test that replaces UDP handler with reads from stdin in knotd_stdio.c. This compiles into a test harness that is designed to be used with lcamtuf's American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) fuzzer. We will use knotd_stdio in the following examples.

How it works

AFL 1.83b includes an experimental feature called "persistent mode" that can be used to control AFL's fork server to fuzz inputs and exercise the program without restarting it. You can use this new feature along with the included Knot DNS test harness.

Using the AFL persistent harness

Gathering seed inputs

Gathering DNS packets for use in fuzzing is left to the tester, but note that the fuzzing shim includes an environment variable to support test cases minimization with afl-cmin:

$ cat > knot-afl.conf << EOF

    - target: stderr
      any: error

    listen: /tmp/knot.sock
$ afl-cmin -i ~/knot-seeds -o ~/knot-seeds-cmin -m 1000000 -t 400000 -- tests-fuzz/knotd_stdio -c knot-afl.conf

You might want to configure some sample zones and have a test set of fuzzing data that would end up querying those zones.

Compiling the test harness.

See the AFL blog post and README for details on how to use LLVM mode and compile binaries for use with persistent mode. For reference, you can use these commands to build Knot with the fuzzing harness:

$ CC=afl-clang-fast ./configure --disable-shared
$ make check


A basic AFL run can then be kicked off as follows:

AFL_PERSISTENT=1 afl-fuzz -i my_seeds -o my_output_dir -t 10000 -m 100000 -- tests-fuzz/knotd_stdio -c knot-afl.conf

Note that AFL can be scaled up by supplying the -M flag and starting multiple instances of the fuzzer.