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Abort if the number of discarded packets exceeds limit

Open Nicki Křížek requested to merge 44-abort-on-discarded into 32-crash-on-nonresponding-server
  1. Mar 05, 2024
    • Nicki Křížek's avatar
      Remove warnings about discarded packets in postproc tools · 8f1d9896
      Nicki Křížek authored
      Now the situation with discarded packets is prevented in the first
      place, let's remove these warnings in postprocessing tools.
    • Nicki Křížek's avatar
      Abort if the number of discarded packets exceeds limit · 1149131f
      Nicki Křížek authored
      Discarded packets indicate either invalid packets in the input, or a
      runtime issue during replay. To avoid processing tainted data, abort the
      traffic replay with an error if that happens.
      The threshold of discarded packets is set at 0.1 % of the total packets.
      Each traffic sender thread does its own accounting of this limit. The
      threshold is only checked once 100 discarded packets are detected to
      provide some leeway when the packet numbers are low.