• Karel Koci's avatar
    opkg-wrapper: allow ignoring custom feeds · 51224abd
    Karel Koci authored
    This adds ignore list for opkg-wrapper. It is implemented using Lua
    pattern matching function. If one of provided patters is matching given
    line in customfeeds.conf then feed from such line is ignored. Source for
    used patterns are files in a directory '/etc/updater/opkg-ignore'.
    Every line is a patterns with exception of those starting with '#',
    those are intended for commenting.
    There is a situation where custom feed is added and to allow it to be
    easily used it is added not only to opkg but also to updater. In such
    case such feed is pulled twice because of opkg-wrapper. This would not
    be huge problem unless there are some additional settings and both
    downloads are not in fact same. This can decrease security by going
    around of more secure updater's configuration and less secure URL from
    Unfortunately we can't do this automatically because there is no access
    to already known repositories. And even if such access would existed we
    couldn't be sure that repository we are adding is not going to be added
    later then opkg-wrapper is executed. Because of that much more better
    solution is to have some sort of ignore list for opkg-wrapper.