Fix localrepo and svupdater uninitialized config
Fix updater-supervisor to correctly work with Python3
Fix localrepo to correctly work with Python3
60.4.4: Drop Python 2 usage * All scripts are now explicitly run in Python3
60.4.3: Fix undefined user_path_move * Fix undefined function user_path_move (it was invalidly marked as local) * Drop --model and --board options for opkg-trans
60.4.2: Support "Alternative" field of packages * Added hacky support for "Alternatives" field in packages (this field was added in upstream OpenWRT) * internal:// uri was removed * Default path to entry configuration changed from /etc/updater/entry.lua to /etc/updater/conf.lua * entry.lua/conf.lua is no longer embedded in pkgupdate and is now considered as a standard configuration file.
60.4.1: Fix segfault when no root was provided to pkgupdate * Fix segfault that happened when no -R option was specified to pkgupdate * Try to set content2localrepo script exit code to zero when there is nothing to do * Cleanup valgrind tests command
60.4: Cleanup function and --model and --board * Added cleanup function (not currently widely used in code base but it is an important addition) * Added --model and --board arguments for respective variables override * Some small INFO prints extension
60.3.3: Try to fix exit code of updater-ng-opkg postupdate
60.3.2: Add support for Mox to base configuration script
60.3.1: Fix segfault on aarch64 (Mox) on md5 calculation
60.3: Code cleanup and fixup release * Added functions for file hash calculation not requiring data load to Lua just for file hash calculation. * Fix notification type for updater failure (was previously reported as update instead of error) * Fix some of the problems introduced in latest OpenWRT release * Drop sha256 and md5 implementation and use libcrypto instead * Other small code and documentation improvements
60.2.4: Add os module to Local security level
60.2.3: Fix opkg lock detection in supervisor * Fix detection of opkg lock in updater supervisor * When supervisor is daemonized it also tries to disconnect from ubus
60.2.2: In updater.sh filter out original arguments
60.2.1: Fix migration with approvals with dummy updater.sh
60.2: Handle contract and data collection in updater
60.1: Replace updater.sh with updater-supervisor * Implement updater-supervisor (Python library and executable in the same time intended for non-interactive usage of pkgupdate. It newly implements features like approvals or notifications generation. Also there are multiple new features such as postrun hooks or ensure run.) * Obsolete updater.sh (intended replacement for CLI is pkgupdate and for automatic task updater-supervisor) * Use system tools instead of shipped ones for some test cases * Clean and refactor continuous integration tests
60.0.8: Enable OCSP for Turris repositories * Enable OCSP for Turris repositories * Allow abi_change_deep usage from configuration (this is a bug fix) * Picosat updated to version 650 * Various CI improvements
60.0.7: stdin wasn't passed to pkgupdate using coreutils timeout