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tests: initial testing & linting setup using tox

Jakub Ružička requested to merge tests into master

Added tox.ini with following testenvs:

  • unit: unit tests ($> py.test tests/unit)
  • self: self tests ($> py.test tests/self)
  • flake8: flake8 lint ($> flake8)
  • pylint: pylint lint ($> pylint apkg)

Enabled GitLab CI

New ci/ folder contains Dockerfiles to build CI images:

  • python-current: debian buster with python 3.7
  • python-3.5: ubuntu xenial with python 3.5 (oldest supported version)

test stage

runs all tests and checks on python-current through tox which means latest python modules available from PyPI are used with buster python interpreter (3.7)

test-py35 stage

runs unit and self tests only on oldest supported python 3.5 directly through py.test so sytem packages are tested as opposed to PyPI versions (covered by test stage).

Edited by Jakub Ružička

Merge request reports