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Verified Commit 365cc161 authored by Štěpán Henek's avatar Štěpán Henek 🐻
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Starting commands asynchronously

Starts a program which takes some time to finish.
Wrapper in foris-controller is able to run it asynchronously.
It also reads its output to send notifications according to the matched
lines. The notifications are displayed on the page using javascript.

  * program which takes some time
  * it is continuosly sending some output data

  * copy sample program into the system

  * schema for sample_notification, sample_exit notification added
  * schema for sample_trigger, sample_status requests/replies aded

  * handle sample_trigger and sample_status actions added
  * note that sample_trigger prepares notification handlers and reset
    notification connection function

  * link sample_trigger and sample_status with backend functions

  * handles command using AsyncCommand class

  * ajax call handling added

  * javascript handlers to recieve notifications
  * ajax calls for sample_trigger and sample_status
parent c7345546
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