LogC extensions for various libraries
These are various logging extension libraries user can include to redirect logging for some libraries to LogC.
It would be most ideal to just have LogC support optionally included in all libraries but for that we are just too small project of course. Thankfully some libraries allow hookup of custom logging solution. This repository contains implementations for some of them. If you are maintainer of some library then please consider adding support for LogC instead of implementing additional library to this project.
To compile these libraries you have to run:
./configure make
Subsequent installation can be done with make install
When you do not use distribution archive then you have to run initially
The general layout for libraries in this project is that they define log_t
at minimum two additional functions. The one function is commonly initializing
function and second one is cleanup. A convention for naming log and functions is
, logc_${LIB}_init
and logc_${LIB}_cleanup
, where ${LIB}
is name
of library.
Common procedure to include library is to bind library’s log to application log and calling the initialization function. It is up to you when you plan to do it but the easiest solution is to use constructor function for that (with destructor counterpart for completeness). The example follows:
#include <foo_logc.h> APP_LOG(app); __attribute__((constructor)) static void log_constructor() { log_bind(log_app, log_foo); logc_foo_init(); } __attribute__((destructor)) static void log_destructor() { logc_foo_cleanup(); log_unbind(log_app, log_foo); }
The initialization function can in general print logs and thus you should configure library log before you call initialization function.
Note that exact usage depends on specific library and thus you should also read header for library you want to use.
Running tests
LogC contains basic tests in directory tests. To run all tests you can just simply run:
make check
You can also run tests with Valgrind:
make check-valgrind
To run checks with just one specific Valgrind test such as memtest you can run:
make check-valgrind-memcheck
Source code of project can be also linted with cppcheck by running:
make lint
There is also possibility to generate code coverage for test cases. To do so you can run:
make check-code-coverage