# set of firewall rules handling functions intended to be sourced and reused
# in sentinel-related scripts
# source OpenWrt functions if not sourced yet
command -v config_load > /dev/null || . /lib/
# This function enables given option on firewall zone wan unless it is already set
# to some value.
# option: option name to enable
config_firewall_default_enable() (
local option="$1" # This is used inside __enable_on_wan_zone
config_load "firewall"
config_foreach __enable_on_wan_by_default "zone"
[ -z "$(uci changes firewall)" ] || \
uci commit firewall
__enable_on_wan_by_default() {
local section="$1"
local zone_name
config_get zone_name "$section" "name"
[ "$zone_name" = "wan" ] || return 0
local enabled
config_get_bool enabled "$section" "$option" ""
[ -n "$enabled" ] || \
uci -q set "firewall.$section.$option=1"