Update hangs if Dynamic DNS updater active
If the Dynamic DNS updater is active/running, updates from 3.10.8 to 3.11 TurrisOS hang and never complete. pkgupdate log shows the following and nothing after this point in the log.
DEBUG:backend.lua:1021 (script_run):
DEBUG:backend.lua:1009 (script_run):Running postinst of ddns-scripts
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:320 (lua_run_generic):Command: /usr/lib/opkg/info//ddns-scripts.postinst configure
TRACE:src/lib/events.c:542 (run_command_a):Running command /usr/lib/opkg/info//ddns-scripts.postinst
This bug seems to have occurred before in the upgrade to 3.10.1 as pointed out in this forum post. As the Dynamic DNS updater is a pretty common service, testing of updates should be performed with it in place and active.
Edited by Karel Koci