Drop vixie-cron
There are currently no pipelines.
To run a merge request pipeline, the jobs in the CI/CD configuration file must be configured to run in merge request pipelines and you must have sufficient permissions in the source project.
Self sign-up has been disabled due to increased spam activity. If you want to get access, please send an email to a project owner (preferred) or at gitlab(at)nic(dot)cz. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We have a replacement Cronie. Vixie-cron is no longer actively developed nor maintained. Fork project Cronie is the most prevalent one.
I am going to revert this as patch for Turris OS 4.0.
Companion MR: https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/turris/turris-build/merge_requests/25
Implements: https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/turris/turris-os-packages/issues/459
To run a merge request pipeline, the jobs in the CI/CD configuration file must be configured to run in merge request pipelines and you must have sufficient permissions in the source project.