Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.1.0

💥 Breaking Changes
* Linux kernel on Turris 1.X updated from 5.10 to 5.15
* Nextcloud now uses PHP 8
* PHP 8 doc_root changed to /srv/www

🚀 New Features
* VLAN support for WAN interface in reForis
* Credentials (username, password) support in OpenVPN reForis client
* Improved support for PHP 8
  *  performance tweaks and added support for lighttpd

🐛 Bug Fixes
* Fixed automatic Nextcloud updates without user approval in the UI
* Fixed Turris Netboot to work with Turris OS 6
* Fixed Rainbow not saving brightness when set with the button

📌 Updates
* Nextcloud updated to 23.0.11
* Snowflake updated to 2.4.1
* Python3 updated to 3.9.16