v3.2.0 protected
Bump v3.2.0 * Add & update Weblate translations * Migrate to FontAwesome v6 * Update Foris JS library to v6.2.1 * Separate visually Reports and Modules + refactor classes
v3.1.0 protected
Bump v3.1.0 * Update .gitignore file to exclude Ruff cache folder * Update dependencies in package.json * Update Foris JS library to v6.0.2 * NPM audit fix
v3.0.0 protected
Bump v3.0.0 * Add & update Weblate translations * Add missing foris-controller module installation * Add data-testid to generate report button * Update dependencies in package.json * Update Node.js to v21.x in Makefile * Update ESLint and Prettier configurations * Update .gitignore to exclude minified JS files and license files * Update webpack.config.js with process/browser alias * Update CI to use shared scripts, build and publish python package * Update SpinnerElement class in ReportsTable.js * Replace Pylint & Pycodestyle for Ruff * Restructure and update Makefile * Change build system to Hatch * NPM audit fix
v2.5.1 protected4585c08e · Bump v2.5.1 ·
Bump v2.5.1 * Update & create translation messages * Update copyright & GitLab links * Update Foris JS library to v5.1.9
v2.5.0 protected28f70873 · Bump v2.5.0 ·
Bump v2.5.0 * Change all modules checked by default * Integrate Prettier and format files * Restructure headings & add card layout * Improve Reports table
v2.4.0 protected866c3d2e · Bump v2.4.0. ·
Bump v2.4.0. * Update ForisJS v4.5.0. * NPM audit fix & update packages.
v2.3.0 protected8b178d9c · Bump v2.3.0. ·
Bump v2.3.0 * Use ForisJS 3.4.0. * Small UI/UX improvements. * Improve Makefile.
v2.2.0 protected
Bump version 2.2.0. * Use API polling from forisjs. * Use forisjs 1.3.2. * Update translations. * Use global AlertContext. * Add loading and error handlers. * Use shared lint config. * Add missing copyrights. * A lot of small improvements.
v2.1.0 protected
Bump version v2.1.0. Fix WS closing connection after downloading bug. Use major version of Foris-js. Use common python code with other plugins.