Bump v1.2.0 * Add FontAwesome v6 library * Add & update Weblate translations * Update Foris JS library to version 6.5.0 * Refactor refresh button with FontAwesome icon * Refactor ResultsTable to use RichTable for improved performance and enhanced usability
Bump v1.1.0 * Update Foris JS library to v6.0.0 * NPM audit fix * Remove unused files and dependencies
Bump v1.0.0 * Add repository URL to package.json and update eslint version * Update Webpack to v5 & plugins to latest versions * Update dependencies * Update Node.js version to v21 in Makefile * Update eslint-config-reforis to v2.1.1 * Update CI to use shar scripts, build and publish python package * Update .gitignore to include license and text files * Change build system to hatch * Replace Pylint & Pycodestyle for Ruff
Release v0.2.1 - Added & updated Weblate translations - Added missing foris-controller module installation - Dropped pin of Flask-Babel - Dropped pylint-quotes - NPM audit fix
Release v0.2.0 - Added & updated Weblate translations - Added CHANGELOG.md - Used custom reforis-image - Updated classifiers in setup.py - Pined pylint < 3 to be compatible with pylint-quotes - Pined specific flask-babel & werkzeug versions - Fixed linting issues - NPM audit fix - Some other changes & improvements
Release v0.1.0 * Initial implementation