Updater throws instead logs updating errors
Updater started to fail with Stack Traceback instead of reporting the error ( "perlbase-ipc not available" ):
Running on HBL branch.
Updater execution failed:
Stack Traceback
(1) Lua function '?' at line 57 of chunk '"logging"]'
Local variables:
err = Requested package perlbase-ipc that is not available. {msg:Requested package perlbase-ipc that is not available., tp:error, reason:inconsistent (more...)}
err2string = Lua function '?' (defined at line 38 of chunk "logging"])
msg = string: "\
inconsistent: Requested package perlbase-ipc that is not available."
(*temporary) = table: 0x51cb080 {msg:
inconsistent: Requested package perlbase-ipc that is not available. (more...)}
(2) C function 'function: 0x238e360'
(3) upvalue C function 'error'
(4) Lua local 'pkg_plan' at line 358 of chunk '"planner"]'
Local variables:
plan_pkg = table: 0x273a430 {tp:package, name:perlbase-ipc, final:table: 0x3878550}
ignore_missing = boolean: false
ignore_missing_pkg = boolean: false
only_version = nil
parent_str = string: "Requested package"
name = string: "perlbase-ipc"
missing_pkg = number: 608
(5) Lua function '?' at line 470 of chunk '"planner"]'
Local variables:
pkgs = table: 0x235f560 {luci-i18n-cshark-he:table: 0x2dc1540, kmod-video-gspca-vc032x:table: 0x3b1ce60 (more...)}
requests = table: 0x2369890 {1:table: 0x3953240, 2:table: 0x3954950, 3:table: 0x3954d80, 4:table: 0x3955280 (more...)}
sat = userdata: 0x45ceb38
satmap = table: 0x45c86b0 {pkgs:table: 0x235f560, pkg2sat:table: 0x45c78d0, sat:userdata: 0x45ceb38 (more...)}
plan = table: 0x5095df0 {1:table: 0x517d360, 2:table: 0x517d330, 3:table: 0x517d510, 4:table: 0x517d8c0 (more...)}
planned = table: 0x5095e20 {kmod-usb-storage-uas:8, libevent2:57, libc:2, liblua:46, kmod-lib-zlib-deflate:90 (more...)}
wstack = table: 0x5095e50 {}
inwstack = table: 0x5095e80 {}
inconsistent = table: 0x5095eb0 {}
missing_dep = table: 0x5095ee0 {}
pkg_plan = Lua function '?' (defined at line 345 of chunk "planner"])
(for generator) = C function: 0xb6f226a0
(for state) = table: 0x2369890 {1:table: 0x3953240, 2:table: 0x3954950, 3:table: 0x3954d80, 4:table: 0x3955280 (more...)}
(for control) = number: 37
_ = number: 37
req = table: 0x2430f10 {package:table: 0x273a430, priority:50, tp:install}
(6) tail call
Local variables:
(*temporary) = C function: 0x238e360
(7) tail call
Local variables:
(*temporary) = C function: 0x238e360
(8) Lua function '?' at line 71 of chunk '"updater"]'
Local variables:
entrypoint = string: "file:///etc/updater/conf.lua"