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Add stages (test, build, release) for GitLab CI

Josef Schlehofer requested to merge ci-webapps into master
  • This ensures that WebApps are tested, which was done before, but tests were extended to test JavaScript files to ensure that they are not empty

  • Added build stage and release stage, which ensures that there are production files, which can be used within our operating system - Turris OS and during compilating WebApps for Turris OS, we don't need to call npm run build and thats can save us some build time.

  • The file in folder .gitlab-ci is almost the same as from Sentinel DynFW repository.

What is tested:

  • test stage
  • build stage
  • release stage (I am not able to push tags, I can not enable NPM registry here... :-( )
Edited by Josef Schlehofer

Merge request reports