building for target: linux
I've sucessfully build&run mobile-datovka for Linux, but I got issue with having to manually remove android {}
blocks in .pro file to build.
Can I build directly for Linux without modification
If not, I'll look more into it and send patches (not using qmake often, so excuse my simple questions)
EDIT: android {} produces only warning, otherwise it's no issue
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- David Heidelberg mentioned in issue datovka#436
mentioned in issue datovka#436
- Author
it seems that QT ignores that it's in android condition, not sure yet why.
android { QT += androidextras ... }
- Owner
We've never endorsed that mobile Datovka supports desktop Linux. At the moment the build mechanisms are targeted for Andoroid and iOS.
But on my Gentoo the commands
qmake make ./mobile-datovka
are enough to build and run the application.
Edited by Karel Slaný - Owner
Just to clarify: I don't have to modify anything to make the compilation work on Linux.
- Karel Slaný changed milestone to %1.9.1
changed milestone to %1.9.1
- Karel Slaný assigned to @kslany
assigned to @kslany
- Karel Slaný changed milestone to %Next
changed milestone to %Next
- Author
Here is more complete support for Linux. 1.9.1 can be sucessfully build with these patches, including .desktop entry, icon, proper metainfo. These two patches should provide all required bits.
EDIT: Metainfo is adapted from Datovka (s/Datovka/Mobile Datovka/ + screenshot changed).
PATCHES are here:
Edited by David Heidelberg - David Heidelberg changed the description
changed the description
- Author
Debian packaging preparation available here:
Edited by David Heidelberg - Author
- Author
@kslany can you please apply patches? From mentioned URL?
Since CZ.NIC liked my tweet about Linux support for Mobile Datovka, I assume they're not against merging these few lines of code.
Edited by David Heidelberg - Owner
@okias I suppose you are referring to these two files.
I'll have a look at them.
- Author
yes, exactly. Thank you @kslany
- Author
Can you tell approximately when?
Out-topic: is any chance that CZ.NIC will allow forking projects in Gitlab by users? It would allow simply sending pull request, which IMHO would be easier to review
- Owner
@okias I had a quick look at it but didn't have the time to merge it as I had other stuff to do.
I'll try to process it as soon as possible. Maybe tomorrow.
Edited by Karel Slaný - Karel Slaný changed milestone to %1.10.0
changed milestone to %1.10.0
- Owner
@okias Please checkout and test the librem-basic-support branch.
I've renamed the metainfo and desktop files. But I'm not sure whether I did't break something.
- Author
translation seems to be off
+ Z Datovky je dovoluje číst a odesílat datové zprávy a + obsahuje některé užitečné funkce.
otherwise it looks ok, you could keep the Changelog, but ok :)
- Karel Slaný mentioned in merge request !208 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !208 (merged)
- Karel Slaný closed
- Author
Thank you, Debian package sources updated to 1.10.0 here
Edited by David Heidelberg