Sep 28, 2020–Nov 5, 2020
Turris OS 5.1.3
Milestone ID: 1273
Third fixup release for Turris OS 5.1
- It makes factory reset on Turris Shield easier as long-pressing RESET button does factory reset.
- Fixed issue when CA for OpenVPN was not created in some cases
- BIND: DNS Flag Day 2020
- Updated reForis (fixed WebSockets)
- Dropped Transmission variants (openssl, mbedtls)
Misc: Updated Python to 3.7.9
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Turris OS packages · OpenVPN server does not work as it can not find /etc/dhparam/dh-default.pem
- Turris Build · lists: pkglist drivers do not correctly install ct-htt wifi drivers
- reForis · lan: allow control of redirect
- Turris Build · Root password in medkit is not locked, it should be
- reForis · TypeError: is not a function and constantly refreshes itself a few times
- foris-controller · Allow to control redirect
- Foris JS · ReForris UI ignores the port that it's running on when opening websocket connections
- Turris OS packages · [resolver-conf - hotplug script] cat: /tmp/ No such file or directory