/* Copyright (C) CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include "lib/defines.h"
struct kr_query;
typedef uint64_t kr_rule_tags_t;
#define KR_RULE_TAGS_ALL ((kr_rule_tags_t)0)
int kr_rules_init(void);
void kr_rules_deinit(void);
/** Try answering the query from local data.
* FIXME: we probably want to ensure AA flags in answer as appropriate.
* Perhaps approach it like AD? Tweak flags in ranked_rr_array_entry
* and at the end decide whether to set AA=1?
int kr_rule_local_data_answer(struct kr_query *qry, struct knot_pkt *pkt);
/** Select the view action to perform.
* \param selected The action string from kr_view_insert_action()
* \return 0 or negative error code, in particular kr_error(ENOENT)
int kr_view_select_action(const struct kr_request *req, knot_db_val_t *selected);
* - what about transactions in this API?
* - a way to read/modify a rule?
* Into the default rule-set ATM.
* Special NODATA case: use a CNAME type with zero records (TTL matters). */
int kr_rule_local_data_ins(const knot_rrset_t *rrs, const knot_rdataset_t *sig_rds,
kr_rule_tags_t tags);
/** Remove a local data rule.
* \return the number of deleted rules or error < 0
* TODO: some other matching than name+type? Currently `tags` is unused; match all types?
* (would be useful in del_pair)
int kr_rule_local_data_del(const knot_rrset_t *rrs, kr_rule_tags_t tags);
* Into the default rule-set ATM. SOA for generated NODATA isn't overridable. */
int kr_rule_local_data_emptyzone(const knot_dname_t *apex, kr_rule_tags_t tags);
/** Insert a redirect zone.
* Into the default rule-set ATM. SOA for generated NODATA isn't overridable. */
int kr_rule_local_data_redirect(const knot_dname_t *apex, kr_rule_tags_t tags);
/** Insert a view action into the default ruleset.
* \param subnet String specifying a subnet, e.g. "".
* \param action Currently a string to execute, like in old policies, e.g. `policy.REFUSE`
* The concept of chain actions isn't respected; the most prioritized rule wins.
* If exactly the same subnet is specified repeatedly, that rule gets overwritten silently.
* TODO: improve? (return code, warning, ...)
* TODO: a well-usable action that assigns a tag-set
int kr_view_insert_action(const char *subnet, const char *action);