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Karel Slaný authored54c68774
kres.lua 15.34 KiB
-- LuaJIT ffi bindings for libkres, a DNS resolver library.
-- @note Since it's statically compiled, it expects to find the symbols in the C namespace.
local ffi_ok, ffi = pcall(require, 'ffi')
if not ffi_ok then
local M = { error = 'FFI not available, resolver bindings disabled.' }
setmetatable(M, {__index = function(t,k,v) error(rawget(M, 'error')) end })
return M
local bit = require('bit')
local bor = bit.bor
local band =
local C = ffi.C
-- Load any of supported libknot SO versions
local knot
for ver = 2, 3 do
local ok, lib = pcall(ffi.load, libpath('libknot', tostring(ver)))
if ok then
knot = lib
assert(knot, 'support libknot not found')
* Record types and classes.
struct rr_class {
static const int IN = 1;
static const int CH = 3;
static const int NONE = 254;
static const int ANY = 255;
struct rr_type {
static const int A = 1;
static const int NS = 2;
static const int CNAME = 5;
static const int SOA = 6;
static const int PTR = 12;
static const int HINFO = 13;
static const int MINFO = 14;
static const int MX = 15;
static const int TXT = 16;
static const int RP = 17;
static const int AFSDB = 18;
static const int RT = 21;
static const int SIG = 24;
static const int KEY = 25;
static const int AAAA = 28;
static const int LOC = 29;
static const int SRV = 33;
static const int NAPTR = 35;
static const int KX = 36;
static const int CERT = 37;
static const int DNAME = 39;
static const int OPT = 41;
static const int APL = 42;
static const int DS = 43;
static const int SSHFP = 44;
static const int IPSECKEY = 45;
static const int RRSIG = 46;
static const int NSEC = 47;
static const int DNSKEY = 48;
static const int DHCID = 49;
static const int NSEC3 = 50;
static const int NSEC3PARAM = 51;
static const int TLSA = 52;
static const int CDS = 59;
static const int CDNSKEY = 60;
static const int SPF = 99;
static const int NID = 104;
static const int L32 = 105;
static const int L64 = 106;
static const int LP = 107;
static const int EUI48 = 108;
static const int EUI64 = 109;
static const int TKEY = 249;
static const int TSIG = 250;
static const int IXFR = 251;
static const int AXFR = 252;
static const int ANY = 255;
struct pkt_section {
static const int ANSWER = 0;
static const int AUTHORITY = 1;
static const int ADDITIONAL = 2;
struct pkt_rcode {
static const int NOERROR = 0;
static const int FORMERR = 1;
static const int SERVFAIL = 2;
static const int NXDOMAIN = 3;
static const int NOTIMPL = 4;
static const int REFUSED = 5;
static const int YXDOMAIN = 6;
static const int YXRRSET = 7;
static const int NXRRSET = 8;
static const int NOTAUTH = 9;
static const int NOTZONE = 10;
static const int BADVERS = 16;
struct query_flag {
static const int NO_MINIMIZE = 1 << 0;
static const int NO_THROTTLE = 1 << 1;
static const int NO_IPV6 = 1 << 2;
static const int NO_IPV4 = 1 << 3;
static const int RESOLVED = 1 << 5;
static const int AWAIT_CUT = 1 << 8;
static const int CACHED = 1 << 10;
static const int NO_CACHE = 1 << 11;
static const int EXPIRING = 1 << 12;
static const int DNSSEC_WANT = 1 << 14;
static const int DNSSEC_BOGUS = 1 << 15;
static const int DNSSEC_INSECURE = 1 << 16;
static const int STUB = 1 << 17;
static const int ALWAYS_CUT = 1 << 18;
static const int PERMISSIVE = 1 << 20;
static const int STRICT = 1 << 21;
* Data structures
/* stdlib */
typedef long time_t;
struct timeval {
time_t tv_sec;
time_t tv_usec;
struct sockaddr {
uint16_t sa_family;
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
/* libknot */
typedef struct {
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
} knot_dump_style_t;
extern const knot_dump_style_t KNOT_DUMP_STYLE_DEFAULT;
typedef int knot_section_t; /* Do not touch */
typedef void knot_rrinfo_t; /* Do not touch */
typedef uint8_t knot_dname_t;
typedef uint8_t knot_rdata_t;
typedef struct knot_rdataset {
uint16_t count;
knot_rdata_t *data;
} knot_rdataset_t;
typedef struct knot_rrset {
knot_dname_t *_owner;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t class;
knot_rdataset_t rr;
} knot_rrset_t;
typedef struct {
struct knot_pkt *pkt;
uint16_t pos;
uint16_t count;
} knot_pktsection_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t *wire;
size_t size;
size_t max_size;
size_t parsed;
uint16_t reserved;
uint16_t qname_size;
uint16_t rrset_count;
uint16_t flags;
knot_rrset_t *opt;
knot_rrset_t *tsig;
knot_section_t _current;
knot_pktsection_t _sections[3];
size_t _rrset_allocd;
knot_rrinfo_t *_rr_info;
knot_rrset_t *_rr;
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
} knot_pkt_t;
/* generics */
typedef void *(*map_alloc_f)(void *, size_t);
typedef void (*map_free_f)(void *baton, void *ptr);
typedef struct {
void *root;
map_alloc_f malloc;
map_free_f free;
void *baton;
} map_t;
/* libkres */
typedef struct {
knot_rrset_t *at;
size_t len;
size_t cap;
} rr_array_t;
struct kr_zonecut {
knot_dname_t *name;
knot_rrset_t *key;
knot_rrset_t *trust_anchor;
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
struct kr_query {
struct kr_query *parent;
knot_dname_t *sname;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t class;
uint16_t id;
uint32_t flags;
unsigned secret;
struct timeval timestamp;
struct kr_zonecut zone_cut;
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
struct kr_rplan {
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
struct kr_request {
struct kr_context *ctx;
knot_pkt_t *answer;
struct kr_query *current_query;
struct {
const knot_rrset_t *key;
const struct sockaddr *addr;
const struct sockaddr *dst_addr;
const knot_pkt_t *packet;
const knot_rrset_t *opt;
} qsource;
struct {
unsigned rtt;
const struct sockaddr *addr;
} upstream;
uint32_t options;
int state;
rr_array_t authority;
rr_array_t additional;
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
struct kr_context
uint32_t options;
knot_rrset_t *opt_rr;
map_t trust_anchors;
map_t negative_anchors;
uint8_t _stub[]; /* Do not touch */
* libc APIs
void free(void *ptr);
int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst);
* libknot APIs
/* Domain names */
int knot_dname_size(const knot_dname_t *name);
knot_dname_t *knot_dname_from_str(uint8_t *dst, const char *name, size_t maxlen);
char *knot_dname_to_str(char *dst, const knot_dname_t *name, size_t maxlen);
/* Resource records */
uint16_t knot_rdata_rdlen(const knot_rdata_t *rr);
uint8_t *knot_rdata_data(const knot_rdata_t *rr);
knot_rdata_t *knot_rdataset_at(const knot_rdataset_t *rrs, size_t pos);
uint32_t knot_rrset_ttl(const knot_rrset_t *rrset);
int knot_rrset_txt_dump_data(const knot_rrset_t *rrset, size_t pos, char *dst, size_t maxlen, const knot_dump_style_t *style);
int knot_rrset_txt_dump(const knot_rrset_t *rrset, char *dst, size_t maxlen, const knot_dump_style_t *style);
/* Packet */
const knot_dname_t *knot_pkt_qname(const knot_pkt_t *pkt);
uint16_t knot_pkt_qtype(const knot_pkt_t *pkt);
uint16_t knot_pkt_qclass(const knot_pkt_t *pkt);
int knot_pkt_begin(knot_pkt_t *pkt, int section_id);
int knot_pkt_put_question(knot_pkt_t *pkt, const knot_dname_t *qname, uint16_t qclass, uint16_t qtype);
const knot_rrset_t *knot_pkt_rr(const knot_pktsection_t *section, uint16_t i);
const knot_pktsection_t *knot_pkt_section(const knot_pkt_t *pkt,
knot_section_t section_id);
* libkres API
/* Resolution request */
struct kr_rplan *kr_resolve_plan(struct kr_request *request);
void *kr_resolve_pool(struct kr_request *request);
/* Resolution plan */
struct kr_query *kr_rplan_push(struct kr_rplan *rplan, struct kr_query *parent,
const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t cls, uint16_t type);
struct kr_query *kr_rplan_resolved(struct kr_rplan *rplan);
struct kr_query *kr_rplan_next(struct kr_query *qry);
/* Nameservers */
int kr_nsrep_set(struct kr_query *qry, uint8_t *addr, size_t addr_len);
/* Query */
/* Utils */
unsigned kr_rand_uint(unsigned max);
int kr_pkt_put(knot_pkt_t *pkt, const knot_dname_t *name, uint32_t ttl,
uint16_t rclass, uint16_t rtype, const uint8_t *rdata, uint16_t rdlen);
int kr_pkt_recycle(knot_pkt_t *pkt);
const char *kr_inaddr(const struct sockaddr *addr);
int kr_inaddr_family(const struct sockaddr *addr);
int kr_inaddr_len(const struct sockaddr *addr);
int kr_straddr_family(const char *addr);
int kr_straddr_subnet(void *dst, const char *addr);
int kr_bitcmp(const char *a, const char *b, int bits);
int kr_family_len(int family);
int kr_rrarray_add(rr_array_t *array, const knot_rrset_t *rr, void *pool);
/* Trust anchors */
knot_rrset_t *kr_ta_get(map_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name);
int kr_ta_add(map_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name, uint16_t type,
uint32_t ttl, const uint8_t *rdata, uint16_t rdlen);
int kr_ta_del(map_t *trust_anchors, const knot_dname_t *name);
void kr_ta_clear(map_t *trust_anchors);
/* DNSSEC */
bool kr_dnssec_key_ksk(const uint8_t *dnskey_rdata);
bool kr_dnssec_key_revoked(const uint8_t *dnskey_rdata);
int kr_dnssec_key_tag(uint16_t rrtype, const uint8_t *rdata, size_t rdlen);
int kr_dnssec_key_match(const uint8_t *key_a_rdata, size_t key_a_rdlen,
const uint8_t *key_b_rdata, size_t key_b_rdlen);
-- Metatype for sockaddr
local addr_buf ='char[16]')
local sockaddr_t = ffi.typeof('struct sockaddr')
ffi.metatype( sockaddr_t, {
__index = {
len = function(sa) return C.kr_inaddr_len(sa) end,
ip = function (sa) return C.kr_inaddr(sa) end,
family = function (sa) return C.kr_inaddr_family(sa) end,
-- Metatype for RR set
local rrset_buflen = (64 + 1) * 1024
local rrset_buf ='char[?]', rrset_buflen)
local knot_rrset_t = ffi.typeof('knot_rrset_t')
ffi.metatype( knot_rrset_t, {
__index = {
owner = function(rr) return ffi.string(rr._owner, knot.knot_dname_size(rr._owner)) end,
ttl = function(rr) return tonumber(knot.knot_rrset_ttl(rr)) end,
rdata = function(rr, i)
local rdata = knot.knot_rdataset_at(rr.rr, i)
return ffi.string(knot.knot_rdata_data(rdata), knot.knot_rdata_rdlen(rdata))
get = function(rr, i)
return {owner = rr:owner(),
ttl = rr:ttl(),
class = tonumber(rr.class),
type = tonumber(rr.type),
rdata = rr:rdata(i)}
tostring = function(rr, i)
assert(ffi.istype(knot_rrset_t, rr))
if rr.rr.count > 0 then
local ret = -1
if i ~= nil then
ret = knot.knot_rrset_txt_dump_data(rr, i, rrset_buf, rrset_buflen, knot.KNOT_DUMP_STYLE_DEFAULT)
ret = knot.knot_rrset_txt_dump(rr, rrset_buf, rrset_buflen, knot.KNOT_DUMP_STYLE_DEFAULT)
return ret >= 0 and ffi.string(rrset_buf)
-- Metatype for packet
local knot_pkt_t = ffi.typeof('knot_pkt_t')
ffi.metatype( knot_pkt_t, {
__index = {
qname = function(pkt)
local qname = knot.knot_pkt_qname(pkt)
return ffi.string(qname, knot.knot_dname_size(qname))
qclass = function(pkt) return knot.knot_pkt_qclass(pkt) end,
qtype = function(pkt) return knot.knot_pkt_qtype(pkt) end,
rcode = function (pkt, val)
pkt.wire[3] = (val) and bor(band(pkt.wire[3], 0xf0), val) or pkt.wire[3]
return band(pkt.wire[3], 0x0f)
tc = function (pkt, val)
pkt.wire[2] = bor(pkt.wire[2], (val) and 0x02 or 0x00)
return band(pkt.wire[2], 0x02)
rrsets = function (pkt, section_id)
local records = {}
local section = knot.knot_pkt_section(pkt, section_id)
for i = 1, section.count do
local rrset = knot.knot_pkt_rr(section, i - 1)
table.insert(records, rrset)
return records
section = function (pkt, section_id)
local records = {}
local section = knot.knot_pkt_section(pkt, section_id)
for i = 1, section.count do
local rrset = knot.knot_pkt_rr(section, i - 1)
for k = 1, rrset.rr.count do
table.insert(records, rrset:get(k - 1))
return records
begin = function (pkt, section) return knot.knot_pkt_begin(pkt, section) end,
put = function (pkt, owner, ttl, rclass, rtype, rdata)
return C.kr_pkt_put(pkt, owner, ttl, rclass, rtype, rdata, #rdata)
clear = function (pkt) return C.kr_pkt_recycle(pkt) end,
question = function(pkt, qname, qclass, qtype)
return C.knot_pkt_put_question(pkt, qname, qclass, qtype)
-- Metatype for query
local ub_t = ffi.typeof('unsigned char *')
local kr_query_t = ffi.typeof('struct kr_query')
ffi.metatype( kr_query_t, {
__index = {
name = function(qry, new_name) return ffi.string(qry.sname, knot.knot_dname_size(qry.sname)) end,
hasflag = function(qry, flag)
return band(qry.flags, flag) ~= 0
resolved = function(qry)
return qry:hasflag(kres.query.RESOLVED)
final = function(qry)
return qry:resolved() and (qry.parent == nil)
nslist = function(qry, ns)
if ns ~= nil then C.kr_nsrep_set(qry, ffi.cast(ub_t, ns), #ns) end
-- @todo: Return list of NS entries, not possible ATM because the NSLIST is union and missing typedef
-- Metatype for request
local kr_request_t = ffi.typeof('struct kr_request')
ffi.metatype( kr_request_t, {
__index = {
current = function(req)
if req.current_query == nil then return nil end
return req.current_query
resolved = function(req)
qry = C.kr_rplan_resolved(C.kr_resolve_plan(req))
if qry == nil then return nil end
return qry
push = function(req, qname, qtype, qclass, flags, parent)
local rplan = C.kr_resolve_plan(req)
local qry = C.kr_rplan_push(rplan, parent, qname, qclass, qtype)
if qry ~= nil and flags ~= nil then
qry.flags = bor(qry.flags, flags)
return qry
pop = function(req, qry)
return C.kr_rplan_pop(C.kr_resolve_plan(req), qry)
-- Pretty print for domain name
local function dname2str(dname)
return ffi.string(ffi.gc(C.knot_dname_to_str(nil, dname, 0),
-- Pretty print for RR
local function rr2str(rr)
local function hex_encode(str)
return (str:gsub('.', function (c)
return string.format('%02X', string.byte(c))
local rdata = hex_encode(rr.rdata)
return string.format('%s %d IN TYPE%d \\# %d %s',
dname2str(rr.owner), rr.ttl, rr.type, #rr.rdata, rdata)
-- Module API
local kres = {
-- Constants
class ='struct rr_class'),
type ='struct rr_type'),
section ='struct pkt_section'),
rcode ='struct pkt_rcode'),
query ='struct query_flag'),
NOOP = 0, YIELD = 0, CONSUME = 1, PRODUCE = 2, DONE = 4, FAIL = 8,
-- Metatypes
pkt_t = function (udata) return ffi.cast('knot_pkt_t *', udata) end,
request_t = function (udata) return ffi.cast('struct kr_request *', udata) end,
-- Global API functions
str2dname = function(name)
local dname = ffi.gc(C.knot_dname_from_str(nil, name, 0),
return ffi.string(dname, knot.knot_dname_size(dname))
dname2str = dname2str,
rr2str = rr2str,
str2ip = function (ip)
local family = C.kr_straddr_family(ip)
local ret = C.inet_pton(family, ip, addr_buf)
if ret ~= 1 then return nil end
return ffi.string(addr_buf, C.kr_family_len(family))
context = function () return ffi.cast('struct kr_context *', __engine) end,
return kres