Petr Špaček authoredVerifiedf784831f
resolve.h 11.57 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. <knot-dns@labs.nic.cz>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <libknot/packet/pkt.h>
#include "lib/cookies/control.h"
#include "lib/cookies/lru_cache.h"
#include "lib/layer.h"
#include "lib/generic/map.h"
#include "lib/generic/array.h"
#include "lib/nsrep.h"
#include "lib/rplan.h"
#include "lib/module.h"
#include "lib/cache/api.h"
* @file resolve.h
* @brief The API provides an API providing a "consumer-producer"-like interface to enable
* user to plug it into existing event loop or I/O code.
* # Example usage of the iterative API:
* @code{.c}
* // Create request and its memory pool
* struct kr_request req = {
* .pool = {
* .ctx = mp_new (4096),
* .alloc = (mm_alloc_t) mp_alloc
* }
* };
* // Setup and provide input query
* int state = kr_resolve_begin(&req, ctx, final_answer);
* state = kr_resolve_consume(&req, query);
* // Generate answer
* while (state == KR_STATE_PRODUCE) {
* // Additional query generate, do the I/O and pass back answer
* state = kr_resolve_produce(&req, &addr, &type, query);
* while (state == KR_STATE_CONSUME) {
* int ret = sendrecv(addr, proto, query, resp);
* // If I/O fails, make "resp" empty
* state = kr_resolve_consume(&request, addr, resp);
* knot_pkt_clear(resp);
* }
* knot_pkt_clear(query);
* }
* // "state" is either DONE or FAIL
* kr_resolve_finish(&request, state);
* @endcode
* RRset rank - for cache and ranked_rr_*.
* The rank meaning consists of one independent flag - KR_RANK_AUTH,
* and the rest have meaning of values where only one can hold at any time.
* You can use one of the enums as a safe initial value, optionally | KR_RANK_AUTH;
* otherwise it's best to manipulate ranks via the kr_rank_* functions.
* @note The representation is complicated by restrictions on integer comparison:
* - AUTH must be > than !AUTH
* - AUTH INSECURE must be > than AUTH (because it attempted validation)
* - !AUTH SECURE must be > than AUTH (because it's valid)
* See also:
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2181#section-5.4.1
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4035#section-4.3
enum kr_rank {
/* Initial-like states. No validation has been attempted (yet). */
KR_RANK_INITIAL = 0, /**< Did not attempt to validate. It's assumed
compulsory to validate (or prove insecure). */
KR_RANK_OMIT, /**< Do not attempt to validate.
(And don't consider it a validation failure.) */
KR_RANK_TRY, /**< Attempt to validate, but failures are non-fatal. */
/* Failure states. These have higher value because they have more information. */
KR_RANK_INDET = 4, /**< Unable to determine whether it should be secure. */
KR_RANK_BOGUS, /**< Ought to be secure but isn't. */
KR_RANK_MISSING, /**< Unable to obtain a good signature. */
/** Proven to be insecure, i.e. we have a chain of trust from TAs
* that cryptographically denies the possibility of existence
* of a positive chain of trust from the TAs to the record. */
/** Authoritative data flag; the chain of authority was "verified".
* Even if not set, only in-bailiwick stuff is acceptable,
* i.e. almost authoritative (example: mandatory glue and its NS RR). */
KR_RANK_SECURE = 32, /**< Verified whole chain of trust from the closest TA. */
/* @note Rank must not exceed 6 bits */
/** Check that a rank value is valid. Meant for assertions. */
bool kr_rank_check(uint8_t rank) KR_PURE;
/** Test the presence of any flag/state in a rank, i.e. including KR_RANK_AUTH. */
static inline bool kr_rank_test(uint8_t rank, uint8_t kr_flag)
assert(kr_rank_check(rank) && kr_rank_check(kr_flag));
if (kr_flag == KR_RANK_AUTH) {
return rank & KR_RANK_AUTH;
assert(!(kr_flag & KR_RANK_AUTH));
/* The rest are exclusive values - exactly one has to be set. */
return (rank & ~KR_RANK_AUTH) == kr_flag;
/** Set the rank state. The _AUTH flag is kept as it was. */
static inline void kr_rank_set(uint8_t *rank, uint8_t kr_flag)
assert(rank && kr_rank_check(*rank));
assert(kr_rank_check(kr_flag) && !(kr_flag & KR_RANK_AUTH));
*rank = kr_flag | (*rank & KR_RANK_AUTH);
/** @cond internal Array of modules. */
typedef array_t(struct kr_module *) module_array_t;
/* @endcond */
* Name resolution context.
* Resolution context provides basic services like cache, configuration and options.
* @note This structure is persistent between name resolutions and may
* be shared between threads.
struct kr_context
struct kr_qflags options;
knot_rrset_t *opt_rr;
map_t trust_anchors;
map_t negative_anchors;
struct kr_zonecut root_hints;
struct kr_cache cache;
kr_nsrep_rtt_lru_t *cache_rtt;
unsigned cache_rtt_tout_retry_interval;
kr_nsrep_lru_t *cache_rep;
module_array_t *modules;
/* The cookie context structure should not be held within the cookies
* module because of better access. */
struct kr_cookie_ctx cookie_ctx;
kr_cookie_lru_t *cache_cookie;
int32_t tls_padding; /**< See net.tls_padding in ../daemon/README.rst -- -1 is "true" (default policy), 0 is "false" (no padding) */
knot_mm_t *pool;
/* Kept outside, because kres-gen.lua can't handle this depth
* (and lines here were too long anyway). */
struct kr_request_qsource_flags {
bool tcp:1; /**< true if the request is on TCP (or TLS); only meaningful if (dst_addr). */
bool tls:1; /**< true if the request is on TLS; only meaningful if (dst_addr). */
bool http:1; /**< true if the request is on HTTP; only meaningful if (dst_addr). */
* Name resolution request.
* Keeps information about current query processing between calls to
* processing APIs, i.e. current resolved query, resolution plan, ...
* Use this instead of the simple interface if you want to implement
* multiplexing or custom I/O.
* @note All data for this request must be allocated from the given pool.
struct kr_request {
struct kr_context *ctx;
knot_pkt_t *answer;
struct kr_query *current_query; /**< Current evaluated query. */
struct {
/** Address that originated the request. NULL for internal origin. */
const struct sockaddr *addr;
/** Address that accepted the request. NULL for internal origin. */
const struct sockaddr *dst_addr;
const knot_pkt_t *packet;
struct kr_request_qsource_flags flags; /**< See definition above. */
size_t size; /**< query packet size */
} qsource;
struct {
unsigned rtt; /**< Current upstream RTT */
const struct sockaddr *addr; /**< Current upstream address */
} upstream; /**< Upstream information, valid only in consume() phase */
struct kr_qflags options;
int state;
ranked_rr_array_t answ_selected;
ranked_rr_array_t auth_selected;
ranked_rr_array_t add_selected;
rr_array_t additional;
bool answ_validated; /**< internal to validator; beware of caching, etc. */
bool auth_validated; /**< see answ_validated ^^ ; TODO */
/** Overall rank for the request.
* Values from kr_rank, currently just KR_RANK_SECURE and _INITIAL.
* Only read this in finish phase and after validator, please.
* Meaning of _SECURE: all RRs in answer+authority are _SECURE,
* including any negative results implied (NXDOMAIN, NODATA).
uint8_t rank;
struct kr_rplan rplan;
trace_log_f trace_log; /**< Logging tracepoint */
trace_callback_f trace_finish; /**< Request finish tracepoint */
int vars_ref; /**< Reference to per-request variable table. LUA_NOREF if not set. */
knot_mm_t pool;
unsigned int uid; /** for logging purposes only */
void *daemon_context; /** pointer to worker from daemon. Can be used in modules. */
/** Initializer for an array of *_selected. */
#define kr_request_selected(req) { \
[KNOT_ANSWER] = &(req)->answ_selected, \
[KNOT_AUTHORITY] = &(req)->auth_selected, \
[KNOT_ADDITIONAL] = &(req)->add_selected, \
* Begin name resolution.
* @note Expects a request to have an initialized mempool, the "answer" packet will
* be kept during the resolution and will contain the final answer at the end.
* @param request request state with initialized mempool
* @param ctx resolution context
* @param answer allocated packet for final answer
* @return CONSUME (expecting query)
int kr_resolve_begin(struct kr_request *request, struct kr_context *ctx, knot_pkt_t *answer);
* Consume input packet (may be either first query or answer to query originated from kr_resolve_produce())
* @note If the I/O fails, provide an empty or NULL packet, this will make iterator recognize nameserver failure.
* @param request request state (awaiting input)
* @param src [in] packet source address
* @param packet [in] input packet
* @return any state
int kr_resolve_consume(struct kr_request *request, const struct sockaddr *src, knot_pkt_t *packet);
* Produce either next additional query or finish.
* If the CONSUME is returned then dst, type and packet will be filled with
* appropriate values and caller is responsible to send them and receive answer.
* If it returns any other state, then content of the variables is undefined.
* @param request request state (in PRODUCE state)
* @param dst [out] possible address of the next nameserver
* @param type [out] possible used socket type (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM)
* @param packet [out] packet to be filled with additional query
* @return any state
int kr_resolve_produce(struct kr_request *request, struct sockaddr **dst, int *type, knot_pkt_t *packet);
* Finalises the outbound query packet with the knowledge of the IP addresses.
* @note The function must be called before actual sending of the request packet.
* @param request request state (in PRODUCE state)
* @param src address from which the query is going to be sent
* @param dst address of the name server
* @param type used socket type (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM)
* @param packet [in,out] query packet to be finalised
* @return kr_ok() or error code
int kr_resolve_checkout(struct kr_request *request, const struct sockaddr *src,
struct sockaddr *dst, int type, knot_pkt_t *packet);
* Finish resolution and commit results if the state is DONE.
* @note The structures will be deinitialized, but the assigned memory pool is not going to
* be destroyed, as it's owned by caller.
* @param request request state
* @param state either DONE or FAIL state
* @return DONE
int kr_resolve_finish(struct kr_request *request, int state);
* Return resolution plan.
* @param request request state
* @return pointer to rplan
struct kr_rplan *kr_resolve_plan(struct kr_request *request);
* Return memory pool associated with request.
* @param request request state
* @return mempool
knot_mm_t *kr_resolve_pool(struct kr_request *request);