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Commit 4696db4c authored by Vladimír Čunát's avatar Vladimír Čunát
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Merge !1364: policy.STUB: minor improvements

parents 9e814847 fab10d1e
1 merge request!1364policy.STUB: minor improvements
Pipeline #107182 passed with stage
in 59 seconds
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Knot Resolver 5.x.y (202y-mm-dd)
- depend on jemalloc, preferably, to improve memory usage (!1353)
- policy.STUB: avoid applying aggressive DNSSEC denial proofs (!1364)
- policy.STUB: avoid copying +dnssec flag from client to upstream (!1364)
......@@ -134,6 +134,12 @@ int peek_nosync(kr_layer_t *ctx, knot_pkt_t *pkt)
return ctx->state;
/* Avoid aggressive answers in STUB mode.
* As STUB mode doesn't validate, it wouldn't save the necessary records.
* Moreover, this special case avoids unintentional NXDOMAIN on grafted subtrees. */
if (qry->flags.STUB)
return ctx->state;
/**** 1b. otherwise, find the longest prefix zone/xNAME (with OK time+rank). [...] */
k->zname = qry->sname;
ret = kr_dname_lf(k->buf, k->zname, false); /* LATER(optim.): probably remove */
......@@ -619,11 +619,8 @@ static int query_finalize(struct kr_request *request, struct kr_query *qry, knot
ret = edns_create(pkt, request);
if (ret) return ret;
if (qry->flags.STUB) {
/* Stub resolution (ask for +rd and +do) */
/* Stub resolution */
if (knot_pkt_has_dnssec(request->qsource.packet)) {
if (knot_wire_get_cd(request->qsource.packet->wire)) {
......@@ -620,19 +620,6 @@ and you trust your link to it, you need to use the :func:`policy.STUB` policy
instead of :func:`policy.FORWARD` to disable DNSSEC validation for those
*grafted* domains.
Secondly, after disabling DNSSEC validation you have to solve another issue
caused by grafting. For example, if you grafted your own top-level domain
``example.`` onto the public DNS namespace, at some point the root server might
send proof-of-nonexistence proving e.g. that there are no other top-level
domain in between names ``events.`` and ``exchange.``, effectively proving
non-existence of ``example.``.
These proofs-of-nonexistence protect public DNS from spoofing but break
*grafted* domains because proofs will be latter used by resolver
(when the positive records for the grafted domain timeout from cache),
effectively making grafted domain unavailable.
The easiest work-around is to disable reading from cache for grafted domains.
.. code-block:: lua
:caption: Example configuration grafting domains onto public DNS namespace
......@@ -647,7 +634,9 @@ The easiest work-around is to disable reading from cache for grafted domains.
-- validated anyway; in some of those cases adding 'NO_0X20' can also help,
-- though it also lowers defenses against off-path attacks on communication
-- between the two servers.
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.FLAGS({'NO_CACHE', 'NO_EDNS'}), extraTrees))
-- With kresd <= 5.5.3 you also needed 'NO_CACHE' flag to avoid unintentional
-- NXDOMAINs that could sometimes happen due to aggressive DNSSEC caching.
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.FLAGS({'NO_EDNS'}), extraTrees))
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.STUB({'2001:db8::1'}), extraTrees))
Response policy zones
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