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Verified Commit 4864787a authored by Lukas Jezek's avatar Lukas Jezek
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doh2: split POST and GET method processing

parent 18a057b3
1 merge request!1095doh2: send cache-control header
Pipeline #72692 failed with stages
in 46 minutes and 46 seconds
......@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ static int process_uri_path(struct http_ctx *ctx, const char* path, int32_t stre
ctx->buf_pos += ret;
ctx->incomplete_stream = stream_id;
queue_push(ctx->streams, stream_id);
return 0;
......@@ -177,14 +176,39 @@ static void refuse_stream(nghttp2_session *h2, int32_t stream_id)
* Save stream id from first header's frame.
* We don't support interweaving from different streams. To successfully parse
* multiple subsequent streams, each one must be fully received before processing
* a new stream.
static int begin_headers_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
void *user_data)
struct http_ctx *ctx = (struct http_ctx *)user_data;
int32_t stream_id = frame->hd.stream_id;
if (frame->hd.type != NGHTTP2_HEADERS ||
frame-> != NGHTTP2_HCAT_REQUEST) {
return 0;
if (ctx->incomplete_stream != -1) {
"[http] stream %d incomplete, refusing\n", ctx->incomplete_stream);
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
} else {
ctx->incomplete_stream = stream_id;
return 0;
* Process a received header name-value pair.
* In DoH, GET requests contain the base64url-encoded query in dns variable present in path.
* This variable is parsed from :path pseudoheader.
* Since we don't need any headers for POST request, avoid processing them entirely to
* avoid potential issues if dns variable would be present in path.
static int header_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value,
......@@ -193,22 +217,35 @@ static int header_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
struct http_ctx *ctx = (struct http_ctx *)user_data;
int32_t stream_id = frame->hd.stream_id;
/* If the HEADERS don't have END_STREAM set, there are some DATA frames,
* which implies POST method. Skip header processing for POST. */
if ((frame->hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) == 0)
if (frame->hd.type != NGHTTP2_HEADERS)
return 0;
if (ctx->incomplete_stream != stream_id) {
"[http] stream %d incomplete, refusing\n", ctx->incomplete_stream);
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
return 0;
if (!strcasecmp(":path", (const char *)name)) {
if (ctx->incomplete_stream != -1) {
"[http] stream %d incomplete, refusing\n", ctx->incomplete_stream);
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
return 0;
ctx->uri_path = malloc(sizeof(*ctx->uri_path) * (valuelen + 1));
if (!ctx->uri_path)
return kr_error(ENOMEM);
memcpy(ctx->uri_path, value, valuelen);
ctx->uri_path[valuelen] = '\0';
if (process_uri_path(ctx, (const char*)value, stream_id) < 0)
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
if (!strcasecmp(":method", (const char *)name)) {
if (!strcasecmp("get", (const char *)value)) {
ctx->current_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET;
} else if (!strcasecmp("post", (const char *)value)) {
ctx->current_method = HTTP_METHOD_POST;
} else {
ctx->current_method = HTTP_METHOD_NONE;
return 0;
......@@ -226,27 +263,30 @@ static int data_chunk_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, uint8_t flags, int32_t
struct http_ctx *ctx = (struct http_ctx *)user_data;
ssize_t remaining;
ssize_t required;
bool is_first = queue_len(ctx->streams) == 0 || queue_tail(ctx->streams) != ctx->incomplete_stream;
if (ctx->incomplete_stream != -1 && ctx->incomplete_stream != stream_id) {
if (ctx->incomplete_stream != stream_id) {
"[http] stream %d incomplete, refusing\n",
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
ctx->incomplete_stream = -1;
return 0;
remaining = ctx->buf_size - ctx->submitted - ctx->buf_pos;
required = len;
if (ctx->incomplete_stream == -1)
/* First data chunk of the new stream */
if (is_first)
required += sizeof(uint16_t);
if (required > remaining) {
kr_log_error("[http] insufficient space in buffer\n");
ctx->incomplete_stream = -1;
if (ctx->incomplete_stream == -1) {
ctx->incomplete_stream = stream_id;
if (is_first) {
ctx->buf_pos = sizeof(uint16_t); /* Reserve 2B for dnsmsg len. */
queue_push(ctx->streams, stream_id);
......@@ -272,7 +312,15 @@ static int on_frame_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, const nghttp2_frame *fram
assert(stream_id != -1);
if ((frame->hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) && ctx->incomplete_stream == stream_id) {
if (ctx->current_method == HTTP_METHOD_GET) {
if (process_uri_path(ctx, ctx->uri_path, stream_id) < 0) {
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
ctx->uri_path = NULL;
ctx->incomplete_stream = -1;
ctx->current_method = HTTP_METHOD_NONE;
len = ctx->buf_pos - sizeof(uint16_t);
if (len <= 0 || len > KNOT_WIRE_MAX_PKTSIZE) {
......@@ -336,6 +384,7 @@ struct http_ctx* http_new(struct session *session, http_send_callback send_cb)
nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback(callbacks, send_callback);
nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_data_callback(callbacks, send_data_callback);
nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(callbacks, header_callback);
nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_begin_headers_callback(callbacks, begin_headers_callback);
callbacks, data_chunk_recv_callback);
......@@ -352,6 +401,8 @@ struct http_ctx* http_new(struct session *session, http_send_callback send_cb)
ctx->incomplete_stream = -1;
ctx->submitted = 0;
ctx->current_method = HTTP_METHOD_NONE;
ctx->uri_path = NULL;
nghttp2_session_server_new(&ctx->h2, callbacks, ctx);
nghttp2_submit_settings(ctx->h2, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
......@@ -437,13 +488,13 @@ static int http_send_response(nghttp2_session *h2, int32_t stream_id,
int ret;
const char *directive_max_age = "max-age=";
char size[MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH(data->len)] = { 0 };
char max_age[MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH(data->ttl)+sizeof(directive_max_age)] = { 0 };
int max_age_len = MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH(data->ttl) + strlen(directive_max_age);
char max_age[max_age_len];
int size_len;
int max_age_len;
memset(max_age, 0, max_age_len * sizeof(*max_age));
size_len = snprintf(size, MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH(data->len), "%zu", data->len);
max_age_len = snprintf(max_age, MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH(data->ttl)+sizeof(directive_max_age),
"%s%u", directive_max_age, data->ttl);
max_age_len = snprintf(max_age, max_age_len, "%s%u", directive_max_age, data->ttl);
nghttp2_nv hdrs[] = {
MAKE_STATIC_NV(":status", "200"),
......@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ typedef ssize_t(*http_send_callback)(const uint8_t *buffer,
typedef queue_t(int32_t) queue_int32_t;
typedef enum {
} http_method_t;
struct http_ctx {
struct nghttp2_session *h2;
http_send_callback send_cb;
......@@ -33,6 +39,8 @@ struct http_ctx {
queue_int32_t streams; /* IDs of streams present in the buffer. */
int32_t incomplete_stream;
ssize_t submitted;
http_method_t current_method;
char *uri_path;
uint8_t *buf; /* Part of the wire_buf that belongs to current HTTP/2 stream. */
ssize_t buf_pos;
ssize_t buf_size;
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